Wednesday, 18 March 2020

I make no apologies............. blog and I can put what I like on it Another new Terry video. Boogie Woogie in the Cathedral. We need more happy music. Clap your hands, tap your feet, get up and dance if you like. Thanks Terry and Eileen.

Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Darn right girl, you do exactly as you please. xxx

    1. Too right. That's what I have always done, that's what I intend to do. xxx

  2. Another great start to my day!.I wish you could have seen me dancing away in my chair,..I cant get up to dance because Im wedged in by 2 cats...although maybe its best that you cant see me,cause you would have thought that I had lost the plot,lol!.I love watching him!!..and is your blog and you put on whatever you want!!xx

  3. Fabulous! And a great antidote to the worries of today. Thanks for posting.


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