Wednesday, 18 March 2020

Blissfully unaware

On my chair, ready to do a bit on the computer, not the best chair, Mayze has that one. But, not content with being in close proximity to me, she wants to be right on top of me. It must be the fleecy dressing gown I have on, it's very snuggly. Oh alright, just ten minutes while I have a look around the net.
Oh to be a cat. Run of the house and garden. Food delivered to you wherever you are, at the time when you are hungry. Fresh clean water. Window sills to lounge in, and follow the sun around. Beds all over the house to crash out anywhere. Indoor toilets, which are cleaned regularly. Outdoor toilets when you fancy a bit of privacy among the plants. Company with the other cats if you want it, or hidey holes when you want a be alone. What a fantastic life my cats have.
Keep safe. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Lol,just like my Lily and Tiara.They love it when I have my dressing gown or even a jumper on.Then I will have a couple of the lads on the cushions,on the settee,at the side on me..with Filbert choosing my fleece blankets to snooze on.Its the same when I go to bed..they all follow me up and get their place while I go to the toilet...then I have to position my body and legs around them,lol.I love them to bits!!,xx

  2. I can almost hear her purring. Sharon x

  3. I look at my puppy who is growing up fast. He has pride of place on the bed, everything he wishes provided and as you say blissfully unaware of the chaos going on in the world.

  4. What a lovely post of you and Mayze she adores you. My two Amy and Benny love smooths and cuddles too. Love Liz Amy and Bennyxxxx

  5. To be a cat.....what a wonderful life!

  6. Mmmmmm! I definitely want to come back in my next life as your cat. Keep safe everyone from Australia

  7. My dogs too do as they please around the house.When they are comfy on both of the armchairs and if lily is sprawled across the small sofa I have to sometimes sit on the floor in their beds.Their food costs more than mine and their shampoo etc.My lovely lily and new one sleep in my bed and so I usually sleep on sofa-it's easier as soon as I go to bed one wakes me to go to the loo.I do venture upstairs to sleep eventually but it can be 3-5am (ps I have luckily got 9 rolls of loo roll from lidl at 8am today) x

  8. My wish is that all pets were looked after the way yours are! SueM


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