Tuesday, 10 March 2020


Cracking moon tonight, all big and glowing.

Go outside and have a look. I'm going to bed now, Goodnight.


  1. I wondered for a minute what this post was about LOL

  2. I didnt see your post until this morning so I missed it!.I will try and remember to have a look tonight,xx

  3. It does seem a bit weird that I am on the other side of the world and that moon looks big and bright and very close to me also!

    1. Yes, it does seem weird that millions and billions of people can see the same thing at the same time.

  4. No I never saw it but will look tonight. It's a lovely day here I have but the washing on so hope to get outside lasted on.
    Hazel c uk

  5. As Jenny mentioned it's big and bright and quite a sight to see down here in Melbourne.

  6. I missed the 'supermoon' last night as it was much too cloudy here. Clearer sky this afternoon so I'll take a look tonight. Your title certainly pulled me in!! Lol ;)

  7. I saw it too Ilona-it surprised me when I saw the low bright light shining into my garden x

  8. I’m a bit sentimental right now. As we’re being told to isolate ourselves from one another, it’s kind of nice we’re all looking at the same big, beautiful moon. Kind of brings us together.

  9. Thank you Ilona, for sharing with us the most beautiful moon from last night. Given the present situation of the virus going around and all of us being isolated from each other, this is one thing that we all share together. Highly appreciate you giving us readers such a soothing share to look at before having a good night’s sleep.


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