Saturday, 21 March 2020

Take a walk on the quiet side.

The weather looks nice when you are inside looking out, but when you get outside its not very warm at all. I was cold when I set off for a walk today. Didn't put a heavy jacket on because I didn't think I needed it. I had to keep up a fast pace to try and warm myself up. Off I go along the edge of the field, turn left at that wood down there. 
Past the horsey field.

I came to a turf field, there is a lot of it round here. The soil looks very sandy, must be ideal conditions for growing turf. They have started harvesting it.

That's a mighty big mowing machine.

And a trailer with six pallets of grass seeds ready to sow. Enough for several football pitches I would imagine.

Into a village. This is the garden of one of the pensioners bungalows. In the summer they are often out working in it when I go by. 
A row of rickety old barns, with a splash of yellow daffs. These would make great cottages.

The church has an unusual spire, and a pond in the grounds.

The road goes over a disused railway line. You often see these converted into tracks for walkers, cyclers, and horse riders. Would be good if they did that here. 
Here is a little puzzle, what do you think this is? Seen dumped on a grass verge. Lots of small cardboard tubes. Have a guess.

On my way back now. Still a bit cold.

Arriving back into the village.

I enjoyed that walk. Five miles, two hours. I saw a few people, all with the same idea, and gave them a wide berth. Seems odd not stopping to talk to anybody. I think people understand though, just raise a hand and say Hi is enough. Not being snooty or anything, just want to keep a safe distance. I took a diversion and walked in the middle of a field to avoid a group of five strolling along. I wanted to get past them and I was walking faster than they were. There will be some more walks over the coming weeks. Anyone else getting out walking?
Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Are the tubes from banks for storing coins?

  2. Are they for rawl plugs? If they were wood I'd say makings of a 'house' for insects.

    1. At the moment they are a house for insects, being as they are lying on a grass verge. Not raw plugs.

  3. My usual walk was really busy today,it's never like that usually when I'm there.I think they are rolls of cling film Ilona x

    1. I think the novelty of going out for a walk will wear off over the coming weeks when they start looking for something else to do because they are bored. Sorry, not cling film, much smaller. They do look like rolls of something, here's a clue, there was something inside them.

  4. I think that they are tubes made for packages to be then recycled for anything you want to!.If they are cardboard,they are maybe from an eco packaging type place,not sure though because I never have any thing delivered.I am sure if you have found them,you have maybe took them home with you for recycling..if they are clean.They would be great for insects,even for a year.xx

    1. They did look interesting enough to take home and play with them, but they have been rained on several times and are starting to disintegrate. Would make a good bug hotel. Not packaging but a good guess.

  5. I got out for my first walk since last Tuesday - we are allowed out for a walk, or for groceries or the pharmacy so I combined my walk with a stop at the grocery store. It was all very civilized, everyone waited in line six feet apart and only so many at a time allowed in.
    It was lovely and sunny but windy and minus 9C so I was glad that I had put my parka on. I did enjoy getting some fresh air.

    1. Walking out in the open in the fresh air can be achieved if you are sensible about it. I am physically backing away from people to make a point. Don't care if I get odd looks, I am thinking about my own health as well as theirs. I would be a rotten patient and don't want to get sick.

  6. Mason bee tubes?

  7. I will be back in work on Monday, so I'm hoping to get out for a walk today, somewhere quiet of course.
    Stay well. X

    1. Yes, walk where there are hardly any or no other people. I saw some pictures of masses of cars parked near to popular walking territory yesterday. Ridiculous that they all head for the same places. Walking in groups is a daft thing to do.

    2. It was the same here yesterday too.I kept stepping back as you do Ilona.I said"they want us to keep our distance" in a friendly way as sometimes I couldn't avoid as it was so busy.Today the car park were closed but lots of people were parking outside and it looked worrying to me x

  8. That's a smashing post. Makes a change from all the doom and gloom on TV at the moment. Could those little cardboard tubes be some sort of insulation?

  9. Are they something to do with fireworks do you think? Keep well all xx

  10. I thought it was something to do with a bee hive.
    It's so good that at least we can have a walk, I had one yesterday and like you just waved to people. I want to be in the garden but it's will very cold wind here.
    Hazel c uk

  11. Fireworks cylinders?
    P.S you do have some lovely scenery


  12. Are they the packaging from the ubiquitous nox cartridges?

  13. Unfortunately, we no longer have lovely walks nearby. G goes for a walk every day but it's next to a main road with all the associated fumes :/ I did enjoy looking at your photos though, Ilona, so thank you for letting me walk with you ;)
    No idea what the little tubes are....


  14. Hi Ilona, the cardboard tubes you found on your walk are from a display firework. Don’t know how to comment on your blog so I hope you don’t mind me putting my answer on here.

  15. I love you blog and particularly enjoyed taking this virtual walk with you. Thank you for,sharing the beauty around you and reminding us we can fin many blessing even in these frightening times. Be safe! Evelina

  16. Corrugated cardboard? home schooling starts here tomorrow. Staying away from everyone at moment. Until further notice.

  17. I love so much that you are keeping calm and carrying on xoxoxox

    1. Thank you. I am feeling a bit down, as most people are. I am not used to having restrictions forced upon me, but we have to go along with it, and make the most of the situation we find ourselves in. I plan day by day what I am going to do, how I am going to fill the time. This morning I was up early and have done a three mile walk before breakfast.

  18. Ilona, I love your walks! So scenic and varied. I get a bit winsome looking at the lovely walking pics. I live in flatland, (Illinois, in the States) land of corn and soy fields, and must travel by car a good distance to find walking paths. However, a dear friend and I soldier on, and just walk the neighborhoods closest to our homes, she on one side of the street, and me on the other! We do look for beauty, and are appreciative that this joy hasn't been staunched by the virus. I think the cardboard things look like fire crackers, or, the rolled up things in the middle of cat scratchers!! :) Thanks, always, for your lovely words and pictures. You are so inspiring to me!

  19. Rolled tubes may be Mason Bee homes? Love your walking tours.


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