Monday, 23 March 2020

History repeats itself.

I'm up early on this bright and sunny morning, no rain, so we can go outside. I've got a video simmering which will be uploaded to yooootoooob later. In the meantime I've come across this really good article about the Plague at Eyam in Derbyshire. For those who are struggling to curb their activities by staying closer to home, read it because it is about an important event in history which we can all learn from. The people of Eyam self isolated the whole village so they could contain the disease and stop it spreading any further. They saved many lives by doing this. The story is so relevant today as we find ourselves in a similar situation.
The plague at Eyam, link.

I went to Eyam in 2011, and stayed in the Youth Hostel. Here is the link to the blog post. There is also a short video on there about the story of the Plague. You may be sick of reading anything about the Coronavirus now, but I think this look back into history is something we need to learn about.

Catch ya later. ilona


  1. I will pop over and take a look, in my opinion people in this country aren't taking it seriously yet, but they will if sadly they lose family members.

    1. No, they are not taking it seriously. If everyone followed the rules it could be over in a matter of months, we can beat it.

  2. I keep seeing Eyam on our local news (Look North). It is very relevant today. I also saw Scarborough on the local news yesterday - packed with people, queuing at the chippy, everywhere open - no 2m apart either. Crazy irresponsible idiots!

    1. Crazy irresponsible, and stupid, idiots.

  3. I am like you I don't like to be told what to do, I love to do things spontaneous sometimes. I plan like you to do a idea what to do each day,
    It's a lovely bright day so I am going to tidy up, have a walk and then get in the garden. Yesterday I phoned 2 people I have not spoken to for a few years it was nice to catch up. Hazel c uk🌈🌈

    1. I rang my Aunty Lyn yesterday, which is not something I do on a regular basis. We had a lovely chat.

  4. there is a certain Home Guard element in our village suggesting putting up barricades ..ho hum , men of a certain age are stuck at home bored

    1. I think the men will suffer the most if they can't go to the pub.

  5. I will have a look at your video in a while because I just going in the garden to do a bit more.Although at the moment Im not very happy with one of my neighbours.I had put out side in the close about 30 good condition childrens reading books that my grandaughters had left for me to give to the Charity shop.They have way out grown them,as they are grown up now.As the situation is,I thought that they might be use for any mams or dads passing by to take a couple for their children to read for something to do while they are off school.Instead when I went out to the dustbin,I saw him carrying all off them to put in his garage...I asked him why as he has no young children..he said...I will take them to the library.I told him they were closed and dont take second hand books anyway!!.I was leaving them for parents to use now,without them having to spend a load of money!.He still insisted that he wanted them!!It took me all my time not to say to him,you greedy,selfish man...I am fuming!!.That is just typical of a certain amount of people these days.xx

    1. Annoying yes. He should have asked you first. Have you asked the library if they take second hand books, because ours does. They take any books in any condition. The better ones get catalogued and put on the shelves, the tatty ones get sold for recycling and the money used to buy new books.

    2. I didnt mind him taking a few...although I still couldnt see why because his kids are grown up and he has no grandkids.I was just trying to make it easier for some mams and dads with 10 year oldish kids to give them something to read in this time of trying to stay away from others and not going out.He just put them in his garage for doing car boots when they start up again.If the schools hadnt been all closed,I wouldnt have minded so much.But he will just save them in his garage until its carboot time....He does it for himself not charity.And never done a days work in his life,which they have openly bragged about before!....Never mind,I took my anger out on the soil in the garden,digging it,pulling weeds up and giving it a good sweep, looks lovely now!Ive come in to watch your video and have a nice cup of tea!xx

  6. I was talking to a neighbour today who lives across the road from me who is 87 and has an 78 year old husband and touch wood are fine.She was saying that she remembers hearing of Spanish Flu early last century which she thought was similar.Another neighbour and friend in her late 70s I have just seen walk her dog and when I phoned she said she was sitting on her balcony in the sunshine x

    1. Sitting on a balcony in the sun sounds nice. They have the right idea.

  7. I went to Eyam on a school trip and even us cocky 14 year old school girls were sobered by the village, it's story and the atmosphere that lingers in the church to this day. They mentioned it on a news item on television the other night and linked it to how we should all be behaving … not sitting on the pavement on a crowded Llandudno street eating fish and chips!!

  8. I totally agree that people aren't taking this seriously. We are seeing a big influx of out-of-towners and since we are in the flyfishing industry, they all consider us essential services. The State doesn't. And the State has the power to impose fines. Plus we just want to self-quarantine even though those around us don't. Sigh. Take good care and healthy thoughts are being sent all around.


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