Thursday, 19 March 2020

What shall we have for dinner?

I had a bit of business to see to in town today, called in Aldi for a few things. Not much fresh fruit and veg left, no bananas, boohoo. 

Deli chiller cabinet not looking too good.

Only large semi skimmed milk left. Too much for one person and I don't like semi skimmed anyway. I can manage without.

No bog rolls, or kitchen towels. Don't need any anyway. A new stock delivery is due tomorrow. The staff looked a bit weary, they are doing a marvellous job of keeping things going. They are rationing now, but they should have brought it in from the start. I guess they didn't know how greedy folks would be. It must be massive task when the shop is ram packed full of grabbing customers. I feel sorry for them. Like working in the middle of a rugby scrum. I haven't been to Tesco so I don't know what it's like there.

I would say that there was enough left for families if they are prepared to change what they eat. It's nice to buy food that you like, but when there is none of your favourites left, try something else. This is a time when you have to be creative. There are people in this world who have no food at all, we are lucky that we have some. 
I've got a massive hole in my bank balance now, but never mind, it will creep slowly upwards again. My daily living expenses are very simple, there will be money left over at the end of each month which will go towards the next car. I hadn't realised, but I had my last car for five years, time flies. As soon as I got it I started saving, and now the cycle begins again. I save up and pay cash for my cars. This one is a beaut. 
Time to do my three miles around our quiet village. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Shops very similar in Australia- sadly. We have enough at this stage,dog food for several weeks etc .It won't worry us if our meals don't look as usual as long as they're nourishing. New car should serve you well enjoy!

  2. Dear Ilona, Your grocery shelves look like ours on Vancouver Island, Canada. Hoarding is happening here also. These times are a wake up call and will force many out of their comfort zones. We must learn to adapt to different ways of living and eating. Stay safe.

    1. So true Margaret. Some of us are already semi self sufficient and know what it is to lead a simple life. Others who are used to the freedoms that having money brings will have a massive wakeup call. I can only see the tensions between the have's and have not's reaching boiling point, and the nastiness getting worse.

    2. Agreed. This is just the tip of the ice berg.

  3. It's the same around our way Ilona - a bit of a worry as I'm also doing my elderly parent's shopping too. I find it funny that whoever you talk to definitely isn't stockpiling and hoarding!!! Someone obviously is!! It's making me quite anxious to be honest.

  4. The only place I feel safe at the moment is in my garden xx

  5. I'm glad you've got your car all sorted Ilona.Tesco here was strange as I'd never seen a supermarket with so many empty spaces.This was around lunchtime.I think you have to get there as they open.I'll eat anything really as long as it's not meat or fish.I have a stock of dog food for a while but am a bit worried about when I need to buy more.I hope to be able to get meat if no tins available x

    1. I was in Pets at Home today and they had lots of pet food. I don't know if you have one near you. Perhaps you can order online. I use Zooplus and Bitiba. Most supermarkets near us are sold out of dog food.

  6. Great you got a new car. I pick mine up on Tuesday. The old one is a trade in and had served me well for 16 years so this one may well see me out now I'm retired. Supermarket in NEw Zealand are the same. My elderly mother and I will keep each other happy and occupied as our needs and wants are few. Just as well in these strange times. Keep well Ilona.

    1. That's a good long stretch with a car, not sure I would want to be nursing it that long. I might just get one more after this, and it might be a smaller runaround.

  7. I've just read online that in London,the corner shop owners are sending members of their families out to buy up groceries from other stores to then stock and sell in their shops at extortionate prices. I think that must be made up rubbish but then knowing how things work in times of crisis, I think its probably true...panic buyers will buy just in case.Crazy and stupid.

  8. Enjoy your new car. No bread today but plenty of milk.

  9. In WW2 the diet was very restricted and I read somewhere that people came out of that much healthier than today. Sharon x

  10. Similar story here, staff going manic trying to keep shelves stocked.

    At least it might encourage me to get to the bottom of the chest freezer.

  11. I think a lot of people are going to have to learn very quickly how to cook 'proper meals'. It will shock them to discover just how easy it is. This might just change eating habits for the better

  12. I have a tesco delivery booked each week, the other week you could order items as usual but now just limited to one of two items per order, so our usual foods are not available, not a problem, just glad to get food for me and hubby and the cats, already cat litter is in short supply and felix cat food, again, we just buy what is left...looked yesterday and the next slot in our area was 10th April and that was at a cost of £6 for the slot! Jo

  13. thought id bring this one up ...some hand sanitizers and sanitising wipes are poisonous to cats as they do contain ethyl glycol , sadly cats find the stuff irresistible . Same stuff thats used in anti freeze .

  14. Yes, same here re the supermarket shelves. Good job I follow a simple vegan diet and dont use paper towels etc. Thrilled for you with your new car and looking forward to more details! Ruth x

  15. Same here too. Selfish people all over the world, I think.
    Well done on the new car, Ilona, may it serve you well. Stay safe x

  16. So glad I ordered 2 big bags of dog food a couple of weeks ago as it was on special offer. Not much in the shops now of our dog's brand. Crazy all this panic buying as we managed to get most things we wanted but looking at the TV some can't get food. So sad.

  17. I have a large family and we are making do. Kids may complain we haven't got this or that but there are always substitutes. However I do feel for some friends who have autistic children who will only eat a particular brand of some products. (This is not the same as being fussy.) We also use cloth nappies and wipes, and hankies and cleaning cloths instead of tissues and paper towel. Trying to get creative with some new recipes with what I can get. Unfortunately lots of people my age don't seem to have this skill - I thank my parents for it!


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