Friday, 20 March 2020

Driven to despair.

I still follow what's going on in transport even now, it's eleven years since I last sat in a lorry cab. I like seeing pictures of all the new modern trucks that are coming out, and reading up what the jobs are like. My last job was driving a Volvo, a beautiful cab I thought at the time. It was like sitting in an armchair, so comfortable and could be driven with very little effort.

I am picking up lots of comments from disgruntled, and angry, lorry drivers, who are not allowed to use the toilet and hand washing facilities when they get to their delivery point. Large and small companies are putting up notices to say it is now forbidden to enter the building to access the facilities, where as before they were allowed to.

Someone can be driving for up to four hours to get to their delivery point, to make the deadline. They need to have a pee. They have been sworn at, and told emphatically, no you can't use the toilet. One place put in a couple of portaloos outside, with nowhere to wash hands. One driver was told to pee on the ground next to his cab.

It is actually illegal not to provide facilities for visiting drivers. Some deliveries can take up to four hours for the trailer to be emptied, and the driver can't go into the building. No wonder you see plastic pop bottles dumped at the side of the road containing a yellowy liquid.

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Yorkshire Envelopes Bingley told a driver who was bursting for the toilet to pee at the side of his truck and they would then bring hand sanitiser out to him. What sort of genius thinks using yards as open toilets is in any way going to help?

There are lots of comments like this. It was pretty bad years ago when I was driving, seems with this Coronavirus things have taken a backwards step. Now drivers are treated like lepers.

Please treat lorry drivers with respect, without them the stores would be permanently empty.
Sunny outside, a bit of gardening I think would be nice.
Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. That's absolutely dreadful.If the Lorry Drivers go on strike because of this we will be in a right mess.The Government hopefully are aware of it and must make provisions x

  2. That's ridiculous and should be reported and stopped immediately. If those drivers don't through then there won't be anything in the shops! They should be going out of their way to make life easier for them - not harder!
    Good for you for getting the word out.

  3. How awful! There has got to be a better solution to assuage fears and protect people while treating drivers with respect and humanity.

  4. This is outrageous. In addition to the actions being heartless and insulting, they should remember that their business will stop if the truck/lorry drivers stop delivering. My goodness they deliver food, medicine, everything. Can you tell I have truckers in my family?
    I think they should put out treats as thank yous for the drivers!

  5. Well it's unfortunate but maybe in some cases there's been incidences of drivers leaving toilets in a mess and the store has had to make the decision. Yes it's unfair on others, but it's like council toilets closing because of the actions of a few.

    1. Not many stores have deliveries from different hauliers these days. The goods get shipped to a central warehouse which then collates the goods into a trailer to go to the store. It is the warehouses which are denying access to the toilets. It doesn't matter how messed up they get, they should be cleaned. It is illegal not to allow visiting drivers use of the facilities.

    2. But I am assuming this isn't a new issue? If it's a significant issue then why haven't any companies been taken to court, or publically named and shamed? I'm not saying it isn't an issue by the way, I'm saying until one of those things happen I don't see why anything will change.

  6. My husband was a truckie, travelling up and down the length of New Zealand. He said there were few places where it was possible to access a toilet and they really relied on the facilities at delivery spots. What a shame that some people are so panicked by this virus that they will deny other people basic human needs.

  7. That is not right or fair. Surely if big stores can provide toilets for customers from all over the place, warehouses can do it too. I hope this gets rectified.

  8. they have shut all the public toilets so how do the delivery drivers cope

    1. I think there will be a lot of peeing up the wheel. Stopping in a layby before they get to their delivery point, and emptying themselves before they arrive at the gate.

  9. Thats awful and not all lorry drivers are male we had a fair few ladies working for us. Its a basic right surely to have access to a toilet. Xx

  10. Dear sue and friends, this cono-HOAX!!! is sure bringing out unkindness in people. And i thought toilet-paper hoarders were low-lifes.

  11. This is so crazy. I have no words. Except to say that how is asking a driver to pee next to his Lorry sanitary?!!

  12. My husband is a truck driver here in the US and is noticing a lot of the same thing. It's really sad that most can't find a hot meal, a shower, and in some cases, a place to park for the night. Yet, the general public expects their supplies to somehow magically arrive on time to the stores.

  13. I've received a delivery person through my window, which is something that I *always* do due to safety reasons.
    He seemed to be in a very bad mood, which may have several reasons but I thought that *maybe* he felt that I was afraid of being close to him.


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