Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Stitching as therapy.

In times of darkness we have summer. Yesterday was glorious sunshine so I did my usual five mile walk. The ground is now covered in green, hiding the ugliness of litter. Carpets of wild garlic and pools of bluebells. Two hours of birdsong, wrapped in a warm glow. Food for the soul.  

I made this video yesterday and uploaded it while I went a walk. 18 minutes long. I hope you like it.

I was up early this morning, a beautiful sunrise emerged behind the trees. A new day of hope. Now I'm going to get my breakfast, and plan what I am going to do. Must go to the bank, been putting it off, but now it is time.
Thanks for popping in. We'll meet again. Toodle pip.  ilona

PS. If anyone is interested. I have 29 videos on another channel. When I first started uploading to yooootooob the name Meanqueen was already taken, so I changed the spelling to Meenkween. If you type that into the search box on yoootooob at the top of the page, you may find videos that you haven't seen before. Or, try this link. 


  1. Ilona, I do love the countryside. The photos you post are stunning. I live in suburbia, a very busy street sometimes you can’t hear yourself think. Although in this world crisis we have noticed a subtle change which is pleasant. Mother Nature is thriving ~ less pollution in the air, less garbage in the oceans. I hope you are able to run your errands. Stay safe and thank you for your videos and blog.

  2. Brilliant video Ilona and these are my thoughts as well.All we have is hope and that it will come to an end...and it will...,although like you I too will be very wary.I do love the way that you can talk and stitch at the same time!Thank you for the lovely photos of your walks.I am so sorry that you felt tearful...thats just how I have been some days so you are not alone!.Your craft work looks like its coming along lovely.I think that denim craft always looks very 60s..which is a compliment!I have dropped some meals off for my Mam today and she left me some carrots because since my Dad died she doesnt do herself dinners.I was pleased because Im down to my last couple of carrots!.Who would believe that some carrots could bring so much pleasure!..It shows how thrilled I am I have mentioned the word carrots 3 times there,lol.I so wanted to hug my Mam...n we are not a huggy family,lol.But she is 87 in September and I feel that the loneliness is taking its toll on her a bit.We do speak on the phone about 6 times a day,but its not the same!I am still making the I always do...of every scrap of food we have.I have been weeding although I only do it for 15 mins because I hate doing it,lol.The jobs that I dont like doing around the house I time my self 15 mins on each one!.Well its still sunny outside although the heat has gone out of the sun,so I am going to sit outside for a bit.The magazine Im reading is Homes and gardens..dated 1999,lol.Ive picked things like this up in the past from charity shops!Stay safe as always,xxx

  3. I enjoyed hearing your views Ilona.I am thinking similar to you.As my dogs aren't good on leads and there's nowhere suitable here we have to manage with the garden.To tell the truth I am concerned about the air outside and whether we should even be outside for long either.I just keep throwing toys over and over and even have been chucking dried dog food in rooms and running off-they seem too be happy with that though.Two of the boys are amusing themselves dragging toys around the house and teddy bear is happy but lovely lily who is a runner and not a girl for toys is suffering-bless her.She won't run in the garden and today I looked at her and I noticed her usual well toned body looks aged and sadly I can't take her running.I will be so happy to take her to the countryside again but I will have to wait a while longer.I haven't been shopping for 8 days and I think I can hang on until next week and then it won't be a big store this time.Hope it all goes well tomorrow Ilona x

    1. I know that Flis is finding it really hard,because she runs her dogs outside in the countryside every day,I used to have one dog and used to let him run in the same safe place.I understand how hard it must be for her to have 4 dogs,who are wanting them walks that they are used all of a sudden be restricted.Flis is the best Mam in the world to her dogs and I just hope that she sees my reply because she is

    2. Thanks Debi and so are you and You Ilona and all your friends here-We are such a nice bunch aren't we ?!! xxxxxxx

  4. Thinking of you Ilona, your photos are always lovely. We will all appreciate things so much more when all this is over. Stay strong and healthy and enjoy your walking xx

  5. Lovely to read this Ilona. I am liking your sewing. When not out cycling I too have been sewing/quilting. I am going to watch some of your videos later. I clicked on that one and as you started talking Jozef said is that Ilona. Glad you are keeping well as are we. May see you later in the year when we can cycle camp again.

  6. I clicked on your link to your other videos and I have just had a lovely time at Uncle Stans party!.Although Im sure I have seen some of them before, there was quite a few I it was lovely to go back in time with you.Loved the kittens playing!Ive spent a lovely afternoon reading Jo Woods book...remember her?,She used to be married to Ronnie Wood of the Rolling Stones before he ran off with a waitress!.Anyway her book was quiet interesting,all about organic veg and leading a healthy life,which we are all trying to do at the minute!.Hope that you and all the rest of gang on here have had a lovely day.Stay safe everyone,xxx


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