Sunday, 5 April 2020

The Meanqueen Sewing Bee.

The sewing machine has been busy these last couple of days. One bed quilt finished. It was partially made up, I had to trim the edges and sew the binding on, and a bit of quilting to hold it all together. It's not perfect but it's now usable. I made a quilt for myself once, and said that was the first and last time I would do that. It's not something I enjoy doing. There is another topper like this, all pink and flowers, waiting to be made into a quilt. I will make a start on it when I am in the mood. 
Another job I've had hanging around for a while is cutting up a duvet and making pet beds. This is now done, all recycled materials. I have twelve to sell on our cat rescue stall. These can also be used as seat cushions. Hoping that our Village Fair goes ahead at the end of June. Who knows, we shall see.
I've been out in the summer house today, fell asleep in the chair. Also done a bit of gardening, hedge trimming and weeding. Keep busy everyone. Toodle pip.  ilona 


  1. I think making quilts is something you either love or hate. I have made a couple in my time but they weren't my favourite craft and I don't think I shall be making any more. I don't mind a bit of patchwork to embellish but that's as far as I go these days.

    1. Making quilts seemed to be all the rage at one time. I thought I would join in and make one. What a flippin job it was, 620 squares all hand sewn together. When I have finished this second one there will be no more. Small patchwork bags are all I am going to be making in the future.

  2. I love quilting but it took me a long time to discover that. You made a great job of that one and just think how snuggly that extra layer will be in the winter.

    1. Yes, I think my nephew and his wife will be pleased that they got it back finished. Their three girls will fight for it.

  3. Bless you I love x you're like me, always on the go! I've been busy this weekend sowing seeds and doing crosswords. I joined in with a virtual service at a local church for Palm Sunday. I'm taking life one day at a time, it's a learning curve for us all. Take care and enjoy the spring xx

  4. Ive have made sure that I have kept busy today...Ive even cleaned the bathroom floor for the 3rd time in 24 hours!,lol.I have never done a quilt like that.It looks lovely!Your pet beds look great and hopefully people will buy them even if the fete does not go ahead.I have covered another garden table in lino,left over from my daughters house.The tables were starting to rot in the middle so I have made them good for another year at least.Nothing is being wasted because that is the way I live anyway,infact we are eating very healthy....but I have one guilty secret to share..shhhh,dont tell any one,lol.The last time I went to the Edible Food place in Leicester,they had some Marks n Spencer baked loaves,from the day before.For some reason one got left in the car and I only found it 2 days ago.It was rock hard but no mould on it.So I have sprayed it with gray paint which has left it looking like a face with a wide mouth.I am going to put teeth there..with paper not real ones,lol,eyes and a nose.Then I will write a message on paper in a plastic bag and make a small slit pushing the message inside it and saying what is happening in these hard times for us all!..It might drop to bits in a few weeks..or it might be found in years to come!.In between time it will hang in my kitchen.I just couldnt bare to throw it away!,Stay safe n happy every one,Debi,xx

  5. The pet beds/seat cushions look fabulous. I wish my cat would sleep on one, but she prefers my bed.

  6. I made a quilt for my daughter about 30 years ago and have now taken it apart to make it usable again. (It had been well used.) I have it apart and will now attempt to get it put back together but I have been putting it off and putting it off. Seeing your quilt makes me think that I should get going and be done with it!... Thanks for the inspiration!

  7. There will be some content cats out there! Arilx

  8. I'm nearly done cleaning kitchen counter top on one big side of kitchen. Needing to rest off feet a bit. I helped my husband when he went up and down the ladder...held it for him so he wouldn't fall. He cut back some limbs from tree over garage. And swept moss off it. Down...then helped him put most of it in yard debris bin, which will be picked up Friday. It was nice outdoors today. He was off today, as usual, once a month on Tues....personal time off. He earns it, he has to use or lose it. And he hooked up new to us dryer I bought today as other one was not behaving itself anymore. Refurbished dryer. $250 and power efficient which is good. Have a good week!


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.