Thursday, 30 April 2020

Time to cover up

I've been to the vet's today, Heidi pussycat has started being sick again. The new system now is that you ring up, speak to the receptionist, tell her what the problem is, and she speaks to the vet. Later on she rings you back and tells you to come and pick the medication up. Pay over the phone with a card. Vet David doesn't need to see Heidi this time, and the medication is the same as she had before. 
The next step is drive to the vet, and ring when you get there. The medication is put into a basket on a chair outside the side door. Shout thank you to the receptionist. 
Vet closes at 5pm so I went at 4.15pm, to time it so I could get some cat food from Home Bargains, then get my shopping from Aldi. It worked really well. 
The town centre was dead, no one about except a security guy standing guard in the shopping mall. Two people in Home bargains so it was a quick in and out. 
At Aldi there were five people waiting to go in, only took a few minutes before it was my turn. The shop was not busy, plenty of room to move about. Not at all stressful. 
I made myself a mask so I thought I would give it a try. I put it on in my car before I went into Aldi. I was the only person with a mask on. 
I followed the instructions but found the elastic around the ears doesn't work very well when you wear glasses and a hearing aid, so I got two pieces of Velcro and attached them to the elastics so it fastens at the back of my head. I turned a hem over at the top and inserted a piece of wire which can be bent to fit the bridge of your nose. 

It's difficult to stop the glasses misting up. I wore it the whole time I was there. It's two layers of cotton, didn't put a filter inside because it would have made it difficult to breath. Not medical grade of course, but it made me feel better knowing I had some kind of barrier over my mouth and nose. Better than nothing at all I thought. I shall wear it again. 
We've had notice that our Village Summer Fair has been cancelled. Understandable but a shame because it's a big charitable fund raising event. 
Don't forget, it's check in day for the International Walking Group members tomorrow. Let us know how you are doing. I'm going out now to get one last walk in, two miles around the village. 
Thanks everyone for sharing your ideas on the previous post on how you entertain yourselves at home. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip. ilona


  1. If you pinch the bridge of your nose each time you breath out it stops your glasses misting up. I have made a disposable liner and it isn't affecting my breathing too much.

  2. Lol,I know what you mean with the glasses misting up..I have worn a mask or scarf around my face since the week before lockdown,and I always have one piece of toilet tissue in my pocket to clear them.It really is hard work these days,but the more people like you ,me,Flis and all the other lovely people.who are following the guide lines,the sooner it will be over...Tiggy,one of my cats has started being sick..I had to move their food about 15 inches to one side so that we could open the kitchen door...long story!.He has been spayed from under a year old,but at 9 years old is starting spraying..well,where ever he feels like it!.Never mind though,we have all lived to see another day..however dismal it might seem...I hope that Heidi is feeling well tomorrow.I really think that our pets are picking up our feelings.My positive is I have a new celery end going in the kitchen scrap bowl tomorrow,.Aint life exciting,lol.Best Wishes to you all.Have a lovely Friday

  3. I hope that Heidi is feeling a bit better soon Ilona.It's a good idea to wear a mask I think and I will wear one for shopping also.Yours looks good and better than mine.I shall try the Velcro too and wire but don't know what wire to use-I do have a pipe cleaner that I bought at Christmas from poundland for decorating wreaths and posies.I saw some stuff in my spare room when I was attempting to sort the chaos out the other day.Luckily I emerged out safely as it's a bit untidy to say the least x

  4. Great mask and I think we will all be wearing them sooner rather than later. Wearing glasses is good despite the misting up as you are protecting your eyes too.

  5. If you put shaving foam on your glasses, rinse it off and let them dry; your glasses won’t mist up

  6. Best to you and Heidi cat from Florida where our governor is opening things too soon.

  7. I made a mask for my husband with elastic that goes round his head. He we are glasses and a hearing aid so no room for elastic behind his ears. Masks are compulsory here in South Africa. Went for our first walk today in five weeks, from today we can exercise between 6 and 9 in the morning, but not in groups.

  8. i do worry about cats at the moment , we have gained a little young fluffy tom cat who is rather gorgeous hes come to visit the girls who are all neutered and they like to give him a slap if he gets to friendly , he sprays everywhere and desperately needs neutering but nowhere is neutering in our area . So doubtless there will be an explosion in kittens. No idea whos he is , cant get him checked for a chip even. Theres the problem that they will travel for miles looking for a mate so if hes not cleared off by the time he can be done , he may well be going home missing

  9. I hope Heidi feels better soon.

  10. Glad to see you wearing a mask. I do too and am usually the only one doing so when I go to the Co-op. I wear rubber gloves too and also use Dettol wipes on the trolley etc. I don't care if anyone thinks I'm over the top cos I'm blowed if I want the rotten virus! Keep safe Ilona. Ann x

  11. I wear a mask in shops but not outside of there's no-one about. I feel safer. I really think they should be made compulsory until this virus is on the wane. At the moment you have to look after your own health and wellbeing. I hope Heidi is on the mend soon xxx

  12. If you wear your glasses over the mask (you've got them under the mask) it stops them fogging up.

    1. I have got my glasses over the mask, you can't see that because they are half rimmed.

  13. In Germany wearing face masks is compulsory inside the shops now. I bought a special anti fog spray for glasses and it helps me not running into the supermarket shelves or innocent fellow shoppers.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.