Friday, 1 May 2020

Check in for the Walking Group

Good Morning, and here we are again folks, it's the first of the month, and it's MAYDAY. We all know what that means, it's check in day for the International Walking Group.

So how are we all doing. Our walking challenge has been severely disrupted by the current virus situation. How have you got round that, or haven't you? Has it put a stop to your walking, have you had to make changes in where you walk and for how long? Maybe you have found a way to carry on, or maybe not. We can only do our best.

One thing I have noticed is that because gym's are closed there are more people out and about, running, walking, and cycling. This makes it difficult to keep the safe recommended distance between each other. Personally I don't want to be near random people that I don't know, ever again, so it's been a case of giving them a wide berth. Crossing the road when I can see someone ahead of me. Stopping dead for a few minutes to let them move on out of my way. Being careful when approaching a junction, when you can't see what's coming around it. Looking for an escape route if it is clear there might be a distance problem. Making a diversion and taking a different route.

You have to assess the area in which you live. What open spaces are available for walking. Are they popular in which case should be avoided, or do you know any quiet places where hardly anyone else goes. We have a lovely walk here, high up, good views, but I have stopped using it because the path is narrow and you meet too many people. We have quiet tarmac roads out in the countryside which seem a better bet because there are fewer cars moving about.

The target for the first four months of the year is 333 miles. I have managed to pass that by 20 miles, so I'm pleased with that. Such a relief to get a bit ahead.

Now your turn, how are you all doing? Please report in with a comment whatever your situation is. If you are having difficulty adding to your walking mileage, are you doing anything else to keep fit? Don't just slump in a chair and give up, fight back by exercising in another way. Jump up and down on the spot a hundred times a day if you like, just keep MOVING.

Let's find a picture in the archives to remind us what is out there to look forward to when we eventually get the go ahead to go further afield. St Ives in Cornwall is a long way from North Lincolnshire. I was there a year ago, fabulous holiday. I hope I can go back sometime in the future.

Now it's breakfast time. My artwork is nearing completion, I'll post pictures soon. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. I have no excuses for not walking, i am not aloud out except in the garden but am still quite active in the house and garden. It I am sitting in doors I try and get up every half hour I get giddy so can not jump about I look after myself and that takes a long time sometimes. So if I have moan a bit I am sorry.
    Hazel c uk🌈🌈🌈

    1. Moaning allowed here, nit picking and sarcasm are not.

  2. Look after yourself Ilona and keep safe and well.

  3. We have a lot of grassland here, or paddocks with horses, and even in the forests you can see far ahead because so many trees died and have been cut. So it is easy to avoid getting near people. And I don´t have the impression that there are more people out and about, mostly they are the same ones I used to meet befor Corona. The weather was fine for the whole of April, and we don´t have any limitations on how long we are outsidee. So this was my best month up to now, 103 miles, which brings me to a total of 385.
    Hilde in Germany

    1. Thanks Hilde, a good result. We are not to be beaten.

  4. I think I've done around 50 miles this month Ilona. Not the best month but I think less is better than nothing!

    1. Just keep moving, Linda, that's all we can do.

  5. It was a great walking month for me. I did 186 miles in April--a stress reliever, for sure. My total is 473.

    Sheila in Idaho

    1. Well I feel less stressed reading that. A tonic for me is being out in the open. Well done.

  6. My housemate's dog (a young lab-mix) is the big winner in this situation:
    after a winter of almost no walks in cold & icy Minnesota, this spring he's been getting long walks with me almost every day!
    Win/win for us both.

    Because I'm not getting exercise at work (sorting and shelving books at a thrift store), I am trying to remember to pick up the speed and not just stroll.

    I've also been biking--I don't have a car and won't take public transportation (the germ bus!), so I carry groceries in my panniers. It also gets me out beyond my neighborhood--very helpful for keeping spirits up.
    I see it as Being an Explorer.

    THANKS for your cheer and understanding, Ilona (I like how you are open to all people's experiences and welcome all efforts!).

    1. Sounds like you have got the exercise thing sorted. I went to Tesco once on my bike. It certainly curbs the spending if you are limited to what you can carry in your panniers.

  7. Bonjour Ilona, je suis heureuse de vous savoir en forme ! Les choses ont beaucoup changés ici: je fais l'école toute la matinée à ma petite fille puis je vais au jardin toute l'aprÚs midi. Je fais de la marche aussi mais je ne compte pas... Le coeur n'y est pas, je suis trÚs en peine de voir tous ses malades et ses morts chaque jour... Prenez tous soin de vous ! Je vous embrasse Michelle

    1. Translation
      Hello Ilona, I'm glad to know you're in shape! Things have changed a lot here: I go to school all morning to my little girl and then I go to the garden all afternoon. I also walk but I don't count... The heart is not there, I am very hard to see all its sick and dead every day ... Take care of yourself! I'm kissing you Michelle.

    2. Michelle, merci d’avoir fait un reportage. Triste d’apprendre que votre marche a dĂ» ĂȘtre rĂ©duite pendant un certain temps. Regardez le bon cĂŽtĂ©, il pourrait ne pas ĂȘtre pour toujours, cette fois va passer. Ta fille a besoin de toi, elle est ton avenir, donne-lui un cĂąlin de ma part. Travailler dans le jardin est bon, une nouvelle croissance viendra Ă  travers et vous serez rĂ©compensĂ© par la couleur et la nourriture. Occupez-vous de vous-mĂȘme, et continuez Ă  vĂ©rifier le premier de chaque mois et laissez-nous savoir comment vous allez. Des baisers pour toi et ta petite fi

  8. I take Bertie out every day and it's a much needed escape from the home.

    1. I'm with you there on the need to escape.

  9. Hi Ilona and fellow walkers, because the weather has been so good for most of the month I have been able to get out every day for an hour and plan my walk so that evasive action can be taken when necessary (ie no paths with hedges on both sides). Have completed 97.75 making a total to date of 406.75 miles. I think as we live in a tourist area avoiding people will be more difficult when the current restrictions begin to be eased. Vicki in the East Riding

    1. Hello Vicks. It's a bit of a faff isn't it, to keep out of the way of everybody, but it has to be done. I saw a woman coming towards me on my quiet walk yesterday and stepped into a field to avoid her. We were within shouting distance of each other so we stopped for a few minutes. It transpired that we were both out there for similar reasons, a love of nature, the outdoors, and a need to re charge our batteries. I think if we had met outside these strange circumstances I could have found a new friend.
      Great mileage by the way, I wouldn't expect anything less from you.

  10. April was a great walking month for husband and I. We logged 125.78 miles which brings our yearly total to 340.63. Like you, we are finding it challenging to maintain the social distancing as more people are using the trails. We are on the trail by 7:30 so going early does help us avoid people.
    Congratulations on a great finish to your month. Thanks for helping keep me accountable.
    Kay H

    1. Hi Kay. Timing is important as you have discovered. We may have to keep this mindset of avoiding people long after it is deemed safe. The nasty virus could return.

  11. Allison in Victoria, Canada1 May 2020 at 18:41

    Hello! I have managed 143 miles for April which brings my total to 567 for the year so far. We've been fairly lucky with the weather for much of the month. Also, even though we have been in lockdown since Mar 16, we have been encouraged to get outside for exercise as long as maintaining our social distancing. It's been possible without too much trouble and people have been mostly very kind and happy to follow the rules. I'm very thankful to be living in a place (British Columbia) where we have a fabulous Public Health Officer in charge. She has become a bit of a cult hero here, and is steering us very well through this pandemic. Here is a link to an article about her if you're interested: It's been a strange time for everyone around the world, and a tragic time for far too many. Stay well.

    1. Hi Alison. Thanks for your report. Fantastic total, keep it up.

  12. Hi Ilona and fellow walkers, only 66 kilometers in April, making a total of 364 so far. I am happy with that. Just returned home after one more month with my daughter and her family, after she had knee surgery again. Little walking, bit every little helps! Tomorrow I hope to pick up my old routine of walking those lovely, healthy 6 kilometers (at least) a day.


  13. I haven't achieved many miles at all as have had to curtail walking. Although I live by the sea it's a very urban area and v difficult to find places where there are few others. The weather has caused problems as so many want to come to the beaches it's not safe - constant stream of cyclists and joggers huffing and puffing. I'm only doing a couple of walks per week and the constant pavement ballet avoiding others isn't very enjoyable. Am doing some indoor fitness sessions instead. I should probably drop out of the group for a while, I do miss my long walks and being able to get out on buses etc to other areas. Glad others are able to carry on I guess it all depends on local environment etc.

    1. No don't drop out, we like hearing from you. It is difficult walking in a popular area, you are doing the right thing by looking for alternative ways of exercising. You need to keep up your fitness levels for when you are able to go outside again.

    2. I wondered how you were kate.I'm not able to walk at all at the moment as the streets around here aren't suitable to walk with my 4 dogs as before the lockdown they were used to freedom each day in the countryside.We are affected by the shutdown badly and will hopefully restart walking in the near future too.Won't it be lovely though ?!x

  14. I am quite chuffed that despite not having had many opportunities for extended walks, just by doing a regular daily walk, no matter what, I have managed just over 82 miles in April, bringing my total to 329 so far. I miss long walks but am grateful that I can still get out and do something!! Our weather in southeastern Australia is challenging at the moment, but I am scooting outside whenever I can. Congrats everyone on social distancing, and keep up the good work. Joy Central Vic Australia

    1. Yes, it's the little bits that add up, a bit like saving the pennies and the £'s will look after themselves. Very good miles, Joy.

  15. Este mes, por el confinamiento, he caminado poco, 42 millas. Pero tenĂ­amos una bicicleta estĂĄtica viejo, hemos probado y aun funciona. He hecho 112 millas. No estĂĄ mal. Total 154 millas. No es lo mismo, pero por lo menos me he movido. Un beso

    1. Translation
      This month, by confinement, I've walked little, 42 miles. But we had an old stationary bike, we tried and it still works. I've done 112 miles. Not bad. Total 154 miles. It's not the same, but at least I've moved. A kiss

    2. Hola. Es difícil en este momento cuando hay tantas reglas para decir que no puedes salir a dar un paseo. Pero has encontrado otra forma de hacer tu ejercicio, y te felicito por eso. Manténgase en forma y saludable porque un día podrå continuar con su caminar. Mucha suerte.

  16. Hi Ilona, only 74 miles in april, but have been doing other exercises chin-ups etc. Stay safe everyone.

  17. I seem to have come to a plateau with another 41 miles. My pedometer broke and although i'm walking around the house & garden or dancing about, i don't know how to convert them to miles.

  18. Well.....I have not been counting miles but trying to keep moving. Half hours walks about three times a week, and a bicycle ride. Also short walks on the beach. I miss my weekly swim at the local is hard to really exercise at the beach even though the water is warming up now. I look forward to the pool opening up again soon. Always enjoy the photos of views on your walk.

  19. Greetings to all the walkers,thank goodness for walking and being able to get out in the fresh air! The weather here has turned cold windy and quite wet,although it's all comparative isn't it? I do know we live in a fairly mild climate compared to our friends in Canada and other northern climes.Only 78 miles this month as have been taking my reluctant walking husband out each afternoon that he feels up to it,to get him out of the house! Best wishes to all!

  20. Hello everyone: I have done 52 miles for the month of April. I have started up a new blog, come and visit me in Canada. My Piece of Earth. Trying to get it to work correctly. Would appreciate you advising if you are able to access seven of my posts. Thank you very much.
    Patricia in Canada

    Stay Safe Stay Well Stay Home

  21. Hello Ilona,
    Here is my update for your walking group. Greetings from the sunny Sonoran desert in Arizona! Temperatures are heating up, and the Virus stay at home order has us staying in our neighborhood. My knee has something going on so my walking this month is much lower, but I still walked all but one day!
    April miles: 34. April year to date: 232.
    Thanks again for the inspiration!
    Hilogene in Az.

  22. Hello. I've been getting out everyday. Shorter walks when working from home and longer walks on days off. Walked 100 miles in April (391 miles to date). Stay safe xx

  23. Sorry Im late here but life seems quite busy at home these last few days.Hands up and being honest,I havent really been counting the mileage I have been doing,because it is in fits and starts.I walk to take my Mam some food and go the long way round coming back.I didnt realise,but that is almost 3 miles in total so Ive maybe done more than I first thought.Me and my sister do alternate days,so I imagine Ive done maybe 25 to 30 miles in April.Dancing though is going on alot here though so I am keeping moving!,xx


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.