Saturday, 11 April 2020

Wot I did today

So I put a chair outside the back door in the sunshine, sit down for ten minutes while I drink my coffee, then get up and immediately Mayze decided that she would rather like to lie there. 
I suppose that's one way of making yourself comfortable.

It's been a lovely day again. I started a new textile picture sat at the outdoor work table, nice working with the sun on my back. Doing something with coloured cord on a denim background. The big black frame is too big and bulky to work on outdoors. I need to have all the bits and bobs handy for that so it's best that I work on that indoors.

I wasn't going to go shopping till next week, but then thought it might be a good idea to go to the small Tesco convenience store in the next village, so I got in my car and went there at 3pm. Park outside the door and straight in. It wasn't busy, a one way system marked out on the floor, and everyone keeping their distance. I used my own bag to carry the shopping round, and emptied it at the checkout.

It went quite well, I might go there again. The only downside is that as it's a small shop there is less choice, and some things are more expensive. But I can put up with that for the time being if it means I don't have to queue, and I don't come into contact with lots of people. It's a small supermarket in a village so only locals go.

I did a walk around the village this afternoon, shouted hello across the road to a few people. Two little girls on bikes had found the stuffed hearts I planted last night, they had one each. I'm not sure if there are any left.

Amar Latif has posted another short video on Twitter. He is home now, and has shaved his big bushy beard off. I thought it suited him. He describes his stay in hospital, and how dedicated the nursing staff are. At the end of the video his final message is please stay at home. I am so relieved to see him looking a lot better. His voice is still croaky but you can tell he still has the fighting spirit in him. I won't put a link to the second video because I don't think the last one worked for people who aren't on Twitter.

I wonder what tomorrow will bring, it's Easter Sunday, As long as it's sunny and we can go outside that's ok. I never go out anywhere on a bank Holiday anyway.
Keep your pecker up.  ilona


  1. You had the right idea going to a smaller store I think Ilona.I really don't want to risk another episode like my Thursdays visit- people were getting far to close to me.I would rather pay a bit extra too under the circumstances.I really think I'm going odder than usual-for my breakfast I ate a topping from a cheesecake sandwich.I wondered earlier if a little girl would find one of your Hearts-I bet they were thrilled.Mayze looks carefree and chilled x

  2. Allison in Victoria, Canada12 April 2020 at 01:27

    We've had a nice couple of days in lovely weather as well Ilona, here on the far west coast of Canada. Wish I could post a picture, as my husband and boys and I managed to put together the frame of an old greenhouse I got for free from a friend. The greenhouse is likely as old as I am, but is a good quality make so it should have many years left in it. Due to its age, we didn't have any instructions - it was quite the puzzle!! But once we figured out we had a couple of pieces put in backwards and corrected that, we did well. We have the glass but have some broken panes that will need replacing (so it won't be entirely "free"!) but I'm so looking forward to having it. :-). We will have a small Easter dinner here, just us, tomorrow. Take care all.

  3. I've been using our smaller local shops more. However, there's just one who has been profiteering! That doesn't bode well for the future when life returns to some normality.

  4. I think the small local store is the best place to go in these times. I nearly had a panic attack when we were in Tesco last (over a month ago now) and people were just heaving in there. I cannot understand how a chunk of the populace just don't "get" Coronavirus and how dangerous it is.

    I envy you your walks now as I am on an asthma lockdown - this lovely weather has brought all the trees out and the pollen has made me poorly, so I am confined to barracks and can only look out at it. Still, plenty of birds to watch, my pretty garden flowers to admire, and I can work in the "potting shed" which is the lean-to off the kitchen where the paint and tools live. The chest freezer is where I mix compost and sow vegetable seeds for the Head Gardener (eldest daughter - thank heavens she moved back home!)

    Enjoy your crafting - I am finally catching up with the big pile of patchwork "work in progress".

  5. I did the same yesterday afternoon,by going to a local shop,just for some eggs as we had ran out...I seem to be getting through loads of eggs.Its a wonder I havent started laying them myself,lol.Only thing that unnerved me was when I went in it was empty in there,then as I went to pay about 6 people walked in.It is only a very small shop and they just walked a bit too close for comfort.I just wanted to get out the shop and get home...I must say that Mayze looks very comfortable,lol.That just what my cats do,always want the chair that I was going to sit on.They are really enjoying their time in the garden and all 5 of them love it when me and hubby are out there!.It is my Daughters 42 birthday today and we have spoke on the phone.She is coming down with my grandaughters to have a chat through the window this afternoon,so Im looking forward to that.The weather here in Leicester has been lovely this morning but theres a chance of rain later this afternoon,so I going to get some washing on and make the most on the sun while it here.Stay safe and I thought it was a lovely idea to hang those hearts around your village.I would have been well chuffed to find one!xx

  6. We have only used our local shop this past few weeks. It won the best neighbourhood shop nationally last year I have found out and the staff are really friendly and helpful. Arilx


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.