Monday, 4 May 2020

Cats are not daft

Just what you need on a Monday morning. Aunty Pat sent me this. Sooooooocute

Have a fun day. Toodle pip. ilona


  1. Lol,that is brilliant and really made me laugh!.xx

  2. Oh that is so luverly Ilona-I could watch it again and again.I wonder if they ring the bell whenever they want anything at all x

  3. You are so right. Just adorable:)

  4. Wow, that is really funny! and so cute too!

  5. Brilliant. For goodness sake don't buy our Ginger a bell; ;-)

  6. Aah that made me chuckle! Clever cats! Amazing what cats will do for a treat.

  7. For about a second I imagined teaching my cat to ring a bell. Then I remembered the constant ringing would have me tossing the bell and maybe even the cat, outside.

  8. LOL That made me laugh and laugh. I liked their little hats, but also how the one little fellow kept getting confused and ringing the other bell! Hahaha

    I need to figure out how to ado a YouTube video to my cat blog. :)

  9. Thanks for that one Ilona, made me giggle..........a lot!


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