Sunday, 3 May 2020

Going with the flow. New art.

Hello. This is almost finished but not quite. I have still to decide whether it is to be framed, or make a wall hanging. There is a wide border to it at the moment, this will be slightly less when I finish it. 
This picture is cropped to the edge of the design.

Some close ups, a lot of tiny stitches in matching threads so they are hidden in the cords.

I started the spirals in the centre and worked out towards the edge, adjusting the size depending on the area I wanted to fill. I thought about trimming the excess cord to just leave the spiral, but then thought why not take the tail end elsewhere. And so it grew. I wanted to leave some of the denim background visible so did not fill every available space.

When I got to the outer edges I put in a few small single colour spirals just to square it up a bit. I like the way it doesn't have dead straight sides. 
In a few days I will decide how to finish it, trying out a few frames, to see what it might look like. I don't think it needs glass in front of it because that would blur some of the sharp contrasting edges and flatten the texture. A box frame would probably suit it, but I'm not sure I want to go to the trouble of making one. I have the wood, I will think about it. 
I'm making some bunting at the moment, and have other projects started which need finishing, so I have plenty to do. 
Enjoy your Sunday, and thank you to the walkers who have checked in with their progress reports. It's nice to see that those who are not able to do as much walking as they would like, are looking at other forms of exercise. The lucky ones who have access to the great outdoors are carrying on. Well done everyone. 
Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. I love it when a project just flows, and you finished with a beautiful item, totally different than your starting plans. This is just beautiful, so colourful.

    1. Yes, it's like the start of a journey when you don't know the way. See where it takes you.

  2. It's gorgeous llona, you are very talented because you don't use patterns just what is in your mind, so clever and extremely neat. Hazel c uk

    1. I can't use a pattern, that is too restrictive. I like to make things up.

  3. Absolutely superb. love to see different colours next to each other. Reminded me of the Book of Kells.

    1. I haven't heard of that, I will goooooglie it.

  4. Lovely. I am enjoying a bit of hand sewing at the moment too. Arilx

  5. I love that, Ilona! What a talent you have! The colors are terrific! Every time I look at my eye is drawn to a different bit of color, or a tiny swirl, or a colorful outline. Well done!

    1. Thank you. I would have liked more different colours, but managed with what I had.

  6. That's so simple but so effective - Love it. Just read your post about the mask, I had the same problem with my mask misting up. I wrapped some draught insulation foam in felt and stitched that to the bridge part. Works well, no misting. xx

  7. Hilde in Germany
    So bright and lovely! And what a great idea to make the cords into spirals.

    1. I bought most of the cords from the Scrapstore, not knowing what I was going to do with them. Then an idea comes and eventually something happens.

  8. Another super project almost complete, you are so talented. Thank you for sharing

    1. Narrowing the options down now for the final stage of finishing it. Will have a root in the garage for suitable pieces of wood.

  9. The black background is really effective with the bright colors.
    Someone mentioned the Book of Kells---I thought of Hmong handiwork--we see a lot of it here in Minnesota where a lot of Hmong resettled (after the Vietnam War)--they were hill people from Laos with a distinctive textile art.
    You do good work! Thanks for sharing!


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