Thursday, 28 May 2020

Horsing around

I intended to set off early for my walk this morning, as it was predicted that it would be sunny and hot later. But I was faffing as usual so it wasn't a particularly early start. It was about 11am I think, when I left the house. Just a local walk again. I didn't follow the bottom of the woods this time, as the trees cast big shadows and it was a bit chilly just there, so I struck out down the track and walked through the windfarm. They are not public footpaths but no one seems to mind. If the farmers are about they ignore you and carry on with their work. It was a gorgeous blue sky. 
Can't get it all in with landscape, it cuts off the top of the blade.

Portrait better. There are six turbines. Five all together, and one stands alone.

There is a farmhouse down the bottom of this lane. A favourite place for the boy racers to come and burn off a bit of rubber. Silly beggars, don't they know rubber costs money.

The woman who comes to see to these horses is usually here in the afternoon.

I think the trees frame this picture perfectly.

Further along I went through a gate and alongside a wood, to the bank at the top. Horsey came to greet me. Isn't he gorgeous.

I joined the road and came into a village. Time for a sit down, there is a bench behind the church. I made a short video which I will upload tomorrow. 
The walk took longer than it should have done, because it was so peaceful and relaxing I didn't rush, it was a bimble. Six miles today, and boy was I hot, the sun got me. 
Now I've got to go and water the flower beds and pots. Most of the junk I put out front for people to take, has gone. So I don't need to go to the tip tomorrow. Some of what's left can be broken up and put in the grey general waste bin. 
Cheerio, tatty bye, toodle pip. ilona


  1. There have been beautiful horses.put in a field not far from me,..For some reason.I have always been really
    frightened,not of the horses,lol...but of those windfarms.Although,i am very eco living with solar panels on my house,there is something i find weird about these! I hate seeing them out at sea as well.No reason why...they just seem frightening to me!,Best Wishes,xxx

    1. Maybe I should have done this as a PS..but I always love your goodbyes...toodle uncle always said this.....and Tatty bye...our lovely Ken Dodd.Hope that you have a lovely day tomorrow...and best wishes to all reading here,xxx

  2. I love the photos and the horses are in such condition. It's going to be another hot day here again I love the heat but my hayfever certainly doesn't but it's better than the winter days. Pleased you got rid of your rubbish. The washing machine is finished so now time to put the sheets,
    Have a nice day everyone. Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈

  3. Very concerned to see that horse wasn't social-distancing ... and no mask either!


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.