Monday, 4 May 2020

Stuff for sale and stuff to give away.

Our Village Summer Fair has been cancelled so we won't be able to have our cat rescue stall. An idea, put some pet beds and shopping bags out on the front of my house and put a note on our facebook page and try and sell them. Honesty jar for correct money. Ten pet beds sold, and one shopping bag. Good idea. 
Yesterday I made three lots of bunting using the fabric given to me by my nephew. Luckily I already had some long lengths of ribbon. Eleven flags on a strip. Three little girls will be pleased, they can decorate their bedrooms. A packet is in the post to arrive tomorrow.

More arts and crafts planned for tomorrow, spirally picture might be ready. A new weaving started. must keep busy.
Toodle pip.  ilona.


  1. Well done Ilona on your sales. The bunting is beautiful and will look smashing in any little girls bedroom.

    1. The little girls definitely like pink. They will be chuffed.

  2. Thats a great idea for raising some cash for your cat rescue!.Im pleased that you sold some things and hope that you can do this over a few days.Im sure that once word gets round you would have some of your customers that usually buy from you at the fete.I got lucky at the weekend with a freebi.As I was taking my Mam her food,I walked by a house that had got a beautiful,like new,60s style chair in bright pink/purple.A note on it said Free Chair,Please take!..I knocked on the door standing well back,with my scarf wrapped around my face and plastic gloves on...I looked like a bank robber,lol.I asked them if they could hold it for me for an hour so I could collect it on the way home.They were pleased that some one loved it so much!.I got it on the way back and carried it the half a mile back home,lol..thats how much I loved it!!xxx

    1. Grab the free stuff when you see it. Well done.

  3. You've given me an idea. Christmas themed fabric bunting to hang in December.

    1. Good idea. Bunting is cheerful, it can be made for any event in any colours. Do it now when you have time so it's ready for Christmas.

  4. Hi Ilona it's short notice but if you've got red white & blue material, you can make buntings for friday's VE Day.

  5. I great idea idea of yours Iiona put the things outside they will sell quickly.

    My daughter was telling me about the care home she works at they only have 6 patients for it has only just been built and they have a do on Friday and she collects old memorabilia so she is taking some to the residents and I remember I have some red, white and blue little flags material so I am going to make some bunting today and hang it outside the window, thank you Iiona for the idea of bunting.

    Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈

    1. I might try that stall at the front gate, again.

  6. They will love the bunting, so festive and cheerful.

  7. You should sell bunting at the chairs too, I am sure those would go, really good idea in these times. Kitties still need to be rescued :)


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.