Thursday 21 May 2020

The Tree

See if you can spot the difference. 
Much better, more balanced. This will be fine. 
Lots of French knots.

And the messy back is covered with green felt.

There you go, another one finished. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. You filled it in: nice & fruitful!

  2. Sometimes you just have to go back and undo for it to feel right. Have had to do something similar recently. Arilx

  3. I like them both! The first one, nature has taken its toll on that old tree. The second one has had some TLC.

  4. A perfect example of "less is more"! I didn't know what kind of change you would come up with, but this feels right.

  5. That looks much better. You were right!!

  6. I can see what you mean now!.Although I thought the first one looked fine..I can now see the difference.It is much more balanced.And I can see the fields,the sea and the sky at the back of the tree!.I loved the video and hearing about your days during this lockdown.It has got to me a bit this last week...I thought that I had shed enough tears 50 odd days ago..but I had a bit of a cry one day this week.Hugging my grandaughters,when I see them at a distance is what hurts me most...But today is another day,all still here crafting,planting,decluttering,cleaning...err,not so much of the last one,lol.Just trying to make every second count as doing something enjoyable.We have got a few dog walks planned for next week so that is something to look forward to.Plus we will be removing my Mams cast...something to look forward to for us as much as her!.Take care,xxx

  7. Hi. I have come across your blog. It is nice to see that you are enjoying your retirement. x

  8. Yes, much better! Well done!


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