Friday 22 May 2020

Battered by the wind

I had a sort out today in the garage. I have too much stuff, some of it absolute junk. I picked up four large door size glass panels a few years ago, thought they might come in useful in the garden. They didn't, so I put them on our facebuck page, free to collect. Two of them have gone, the other two will be collected in the morning. 
I filled the car up with a pallet, cut in half because it was too heavy to lift, old wood, old plastic gate, bags and buckets of garden waste, and random odd things that I picked up from skips because I might be able to use them. There was a queue to get in the tip, about a dozen in front of me. It was all pretty organised. The attendant asked what you were chucking, and directed you to the right bin when someone had finished and moved away.  You have to take it yourself from the car, carry it up the steps and dump it over the side into the bin, Only one person at a time. It worked out fine, the garden waste was the most popular bin so you take it in turns if there is someone using the same one. 
This afternoon I thought I would brave the wind and do my usual five mile walk. It went a bit chilly when the clouds came over blotting out the sun, but most of the time it was warm. I had to put my woolly hat on top of my sun visor, just to hold it down. The wind was whipping across the fields taking the dust with it. 
This can of cider is making me tired. Have a nice weekend. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. I'm curious how the folks will use the glass. I'm not a gardener-trying a bit this year-but would think the glass could be used for a green house look.

    1. Someone posted a picture on our village page, they made a wooden base and put a glass lid on it. Good for protecting young delicate plants till they are big enough to be planted into the garden.

      The person who is collecting mine has also enquired about some double glazing units going free, maybe they are going to build a greenhouse.

  2. We will have a skip shortly for all the garden renovations and rubbish that has built up. I love my local dump but we have far too much heavy stuff now. I had a free micro dermabrasion when I took the dog to the beach the sand was whipped up. He was behind the sea wall and protected!

    1. I've noticed several skips have appeared around the village in recent weeks. I think everyone must be having a clear out while they have got time on their hands.

    2. Frugal in Essex,for one second,I wondered how you managed to get a free micro dermabrasion..then I carried on reading!.That did make me laugh!!.If I lived near a beach I might have tried that myself,lol,xx

  3. My shed needs sorting and clearing too. I hate to even think how long that might take me and it's so far from my flat which faces the street and the shed is way down the back end of the driveways.

  4. Nice lots of bits and pieces that was useful for someone. It was hard to realize that you were dressed up for late May the wind was terrible here but I am glad you had a good walk. I must get my sweet peas in. Have a good weekend IIona and everyone.Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈

  5. Well it is a sunny but very windy day here again in Leicester...much the same as yesterday.Ive planted some more sunflower seeds in empty toilet rolls and was thrilled to see that one from last week is already sprouting through.Its also great feeling when you can get rid of stuff no longer needed from your garage,even better when some one else can put it to good use!.I have got 5 more books to go,so I am going to leave them on the seat at the bus stop and see if they are of any use to others.As it is Saturday...well I think it is,lol...we have got our treat for the week with some cans of Guinness for this evening.Dancing will commence around 9.30pm,so think of me as one of Pans People around that time,,when the moves all come flooding back,lol.Well,its nearly 10am,still sat here in my dressing gown so Im off to get a shower.Oh before I forget,I mentioned that just out of date yogurt is good for hair conditioner...well I also found out that it is great for cleaning shower glass surrounds and windows as well!.Nothing going to waste here!.Hope that you all have a lovely weekend,xxx


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