Wednesday, 24 June 2020

Bowled over

We are having some great weather, in fact, the afternoons are a bit too hot for me, so I take it easy and stop what I am doing every so often to take ten minutes and have a drink. Yesterday was a busy cleaning day. I hate housework. I sometimes think I would be better living in a caravan, but I tried that and it becomes a bit claustrophobic for me. I lived in a small two berth touring caravan when I was in between houses. It was ok in the summer months because I could spend time outdoors, and I was working, but getting into autumn and winter it became very cold. In December I gave up and bought a house, this house I am in now. I suppose I can't have it all ways, small cramped space and no housework, or lots of space which needs to be cleaned. 
My outside toilet and covered back place outside the back door, is nice and clean and tidy now, ready for my visitors tomorrow. Actually seeing the improvements I have made has made me feel better too. All I have to do now is to blitz the rest of the house. Yeah, and pigs might fly. Nah, I'll plod along keeping on top of the de cluttering and tidying, bit by bit. Too exhausting to do one whole day cleaning. 
More interesting things to do, like creating arts and crafts and walking. I made another bowl. The rope I used I picked up from the beach at Orkney eighteen months ago. It was all knotted and kinky, hence the bowl is more knobbly than the first one. This time I covered it in strips of fabric, given to me from a failed quilt project, then assembled it with different coloured wool.   
Looks ok I think. I haven't quite mastered the perfect joins in the wool, so there's room for improvement. More practice I think. I saw a video where they used a blanket stitch to keep the coils in place, I'm trying that now. 

Thank you so much for the encouraging comments on Hidden Treasure. I see it has had almost 200 likes on a Face Book group. I keep looking at it just to make sure it is finished, if I need to do anything else to it, and nope, nothing more to do, it's fine. 
Anyway, that's me done for today. We'll catch up soon. Toodle pip.. ilona 


  1. I love the bowls, I might just have a go at something like that :-)

  2. Love those bowls! My wife makes similar ones.

    1. There are so many different combinations of colour and sizes, I think it might become addictive.

  3. The last 4 days it has been nearly 40C with the humidity so I have spent a lot of time indoors tidying up and reorganizing - not that you'd know it by the mess in my living & dining room! That is the next job. But - today it was only 16C with a good breeze so I got out for a long walk and just enjoyed getting some fresh air. All the windows are open and my apt. is finally aired out. What a relief!
    Enjoy your company this weekend.

    1. It is baking hot here at the moment, too hot for me to be outdoors for very long. Have to keep coming in to cool off.

  4. Loving the bowls. Caravans can be a bit like a tin can with extremes of temperatures. My dad bought a static for holidaying. The walls were paper thin and when it rained you could hear yourself.

    1. It used to be the thing years ago that people took holidays in static caravans. I have never stayed on one of those sites because we could never afford it, and now it doesn't appeal to me at all. If I lived in a caravan I would want to be able to move it.

  5. The bowls are lovely, I could never make one I'm so klutzy, I'd need a bucket of glue to hold the coils together.
    When I was very young I used to think how lovely it would be to live in a gypsy wagon. Now that I'm older I think where would I keep my TV, my dvd collection and all my books? and then there's the airconditioner which I can't do without, especially in the Australian summer.

    1. A lot of the videos showing how to do arts and crafts use glue, hot glue guns are very popular. I get in a sticky mess with it so I try and find other ways of holding things together. It's very hot here in the UK at the moment.

  6. I showed these to my sister and she is going to have a go at doing one herself.It has been really hot here in Leicester these last couple of days..too hot for me in the afternoons.I just cant sit in it and prefer to sit where it is shaded.It is lovely to be able to spend so much time in the garden though.Im going to do a bit more decluttering today.It seems that the more I declutter...the more stuff I seem to have!.My house looked tidier before I stared it a few months ago,lol,xxx

  7. I do like your bowls, they are so colourful and pretty. I might try and look up how to do them. Here in Aus. it is really cold now and all I can think of is summer as I love the hot weather and always feel better with the sun and heat. I guess it's what you're used to. We have a caravan and go away in the summer months but it does have air con. and a shower and toilet so it's very comfortable, but we go north in winter where the weather is warm but not this year with the Covid19 as all our borders are closed. Can't wait for next year.


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