Monday, 22 June 2020

The unveiling of Hidden Treasure.

Well here it is folks, finished at last, I think so, ha ha. I've been back and forth titivating it up, a bit more red, no too much get rid of it. Filling in the empty spaces, it needs to look full. As usual, the photo's don't do it justice, it is a lot darker than it looks here. Measurements are 28.5 inches by 20.5 inches, so it's pretty big. I have put two separate wires across the back two inches apart and joined in the middle, to make it safe to hang. inspiration for this came from Ina Solsbery Check out her yoootooob channel, she makes some amazing artworks. This is her latest project. 
The components are mainly plastic and metal, with a bit of wood. I like the tree bark dotted with tiny red gems. 
I was aiming for a stark contrast between black, red, and gold. but somewhere along the journey I changed direction as it often happens. 
I decided to make the black, not so black, and wafted different colours over it to give it a dusty and mucky finish. I now see this as an old piece of junk which has gathered dust for the last 50 years in an attic somewhere. 
The last pieces I stuck on were the coins I had collected from some foreign travel many years ago. This gave me it's title. The discovery of something old combined with actual money makes it Hidden Treasure. 

Pieces of kids plastic construction set.
Christmas tree lights stuck on a plastic lid.

I like the zips, taken apart and re modeled. 

I normally say I am chuffed with how my art turns out, but this is something different. Am I allowed to say this is stunning. If I saw it in a gallery it would immediately jump out at me, I would be drawn towards having a closer look. It won't be everyone's cup of tea, but that doesn't matter, I made it for me, made it because I wanted to, and now I am well chuffed. 
I am sometimes a bit critical of other people's art, but that's usually because a few daubs of paint on a canvas says nothing to me. Very little effort has been put into that, and to put a high price on it seems ludicrous, but that's art I suppose. I will always be drawn to art where the artist has put a great deal of thought and effort into it. 
Making this has been a long journey, and now I am happy to come to the end of it. My head needs a rest, I need a break from large things and will make something smaller. Also there is work to do in the garden, cleaning the house, and tarting up the outside toilet because I may have a visitor on Thursday. Weather permitting, for a social distancing party in the garden.  
That's all for now. There are more blog posts in the pipeline, I'll catch you later. Toodle pip. ilona


  1. Wow you have every right to say your artwork is stunning, Ilona, because it IS!
    I only wish I was your visitor on Thursday so I could see the real thing. Enjoy your afternoon and enjoy feeling proud and showing off your work xx

  2. Ilona you are a true artist. I would much rather see a showing of your art pieces than what I normally see in an art show.

  3. I like this piece very much, Ilona. You have achieved a lovely patina on it with the muted gold.

  4. You have permission to say it's stunning, because it really it :-)

    SO much to look at. I prefer looking at that sort of thing in a gallery, but with social distancing rules I guess I would be holding up a long line of people waiting to move forward as I spent a good 15 minutes staring and wondering at the pieces in your artwork ;-)

  5. It is stunning IIona and I wish you were my visitor that I could see it for real.
    Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈

  6. Ilona, you have every reason to be proud of your work. It is amazing. I have done a bit of work like this myself, with photos of my grandchildren included in the work. I love the zipper work. Just stunning. Take a deserved rest and keep those brain cells working. You are very talented indeed.

  7. , very nice thank you for sharing with us

  8. Well done! It it such an interesting, lovely piece to look at. So much to see and so many ways to enjoy it! Great job!

  9. It's amazing! You have such an eye for detail! I really, really hope you get a chance to display your work again in the very near future.

  10. Beautiful! You have a real talent Ilona.

  11. Watching the progress of this piece amused me- I had no idea how it might turn out, gobsmacked utterly!! Absolutely fabulous, well done, you! Stunning indeed! WOW!

  12. It's absolutely amazing - I love it!

  13. That is absolutely beautiful Ilona. Well done, you are deservedly chuffed. An absolute work of art. Ann xx

  14. It is stunning! This is my favorite piece you've created.

  15. As an aged Goth i really like this one , i dont do happy bright decoration in the home

  16. Love, love, love it, so intricate and fascinating. Margaret x

  17. You should be well chuffed!

  18. The zips were inspirational.

  19. Love the final finish of your new artwork - it's the sort of thing I would put on my wall any day :) I was intrigued by the coins and if I click on your photo's on my email, I can zoom in and get a much better close-up. I see you used some George VI coins - don't remember seeing his coins with a wavy edge before - interesting :)

    1. I've had a look to see if I have another coin the same, but I haven't. It won't be a British coin, so if you haven't been to the country it originated from you won't have seen it. Unless you are an expert on coins.

  20. Just incredible!! What more can I say . . . I love it and also would be drawn to it in a gallery.

  21. Not just stunning Ilona, it's absolutely amazing. It's a masterpiece.

  22. I love this piece, it's perfect. Not having it stark black was the right idea. The softer look is far better.

  23. That is beautiful and amazing. When you were doing it and it was all balck I wasn't sure. With the added colours pop. It looks good even close up. A real work of Art Ilona.

  24. I have been looking at Hidden Treasure again and love the Butterfly the gold really pops. It's magical. Have a nice day. Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈

  25. Thank you very much for your comments. I am a bit miffed that the photo's are not a true reflection of the real colour. It is a lot blacker than what you see here.

  26. Wow!!! I love it, it certainly is a Hidden Treasure. Good job.

    Patricia in Canada

  27. It really is a stunning piece. One of those art works where you spot something different every time you look at it. And the fact that it's produced from things that would otherwise end up in landfill makes it all the more stunning. Wish I could see it in the flesh. I remember seeing one of those wavy edged coins when I was a child (I think my great uncle must have picked it up when he worked in the Merchant Navy during the war) but can't remember which country it was from. xx

  28. Wow! Just, . . . wow!
    At first glance, "Hidden Treasure" reminded me of a panel in a medieval bronze church door, or––also medieval--one of those ornate book covers of metalwork and jewels.

    I just looked up those lavish, carefully worked book covers and discovered they are called "treasure bindings"---how fitting.

    You are a fabulous designer--great eye for color and pattern--and the fun of a mysterious scene... It's a story in itself.
    I love it!
    Thank you for making and sharing.

    1. Thank you for your comment. interesting.

  29. Well done. Highly original. Arilx

  30. Looks very intricate and interesting. good work.

  31. This is beautiful.Isnt it great when something comes together and I love the name you have given it!!,xxx

  32. This piece is absolutely stunning, I love it. Each time I look I see something new. What a lovely piece of artwork.

    1. Thank you. I like to think I am a person of intrigue, nothing is as it first seems, there is always something hidden to discover.

  33. Wonderful piece of art that you have created!! You just keep getting better and better!!!

  34. I think this is the best piece you have created!


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