Thursday, 25 June 2020

Highway to Hell - The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain

Hello. A lovely visit from my sis and her hubby today. we sat in the garden but it was as hot as hell. 
Has anyone seen the UOGB before, just discovered them the other day, love their energy. Try this for a taster, there are plenty more to choose from. Happy music to make you tap your feet.

Tell me what you think, is it your kind of music. I like a bit of lively head banging stuff. 
Catch ya tomorrow. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Love it. Bit worried about the chap on the left giving himself a brain haemorrhage as happened with one of the Munfords.

    1. This is part of a concert they did in New York, the whole hour long video is on yoootooob. This is the only track where he shakes his head like that. I think he did it for fun, it was all the rage at one time.

  2. Showed this to my hubby - a lifelong AC/DC fan! Loved it!

  3. It's rather nice, easy to listen to, but I think the long-haired headbanger is going a bit overboard.

    1. I think he is a bit of a joker, adding a bit of fun to it.

  4. What a great start to my day!.You really do come up with some great stuff on here Ilona..and I loved the lead guys voice.I could watch that over n over again!.And what a rocker the guy shaking his head!!How nice as well to see your Family yesterday.Is your sister like you?,Is she creative and arty like you?.Me and my sister look alike but we are very different in other ways.She is more of a spendy type person and she tells me that I live on fresh air,old wood and regrown cabbages,lol.Its great that you had a lovely day.although here in Leicester it is still warm but dull and cloudy.I dont like it being too hot so this suits me just fine!.xxx

    1. Hi Debi. Me and my sister are not alike, she takes after mothers side, I take after father side. We have a different outlook on life. She is creative, has just written her second novel, and has started drawing pets in pencil.

  5. Hello Ilona. Thanks for cheering us all up again with that fab little video. I love all the vids you show us, especially the clever cat one ha ha.xx

  6. Hi Ilona, Thank you so much for telling us about these amazing people,I have never heard of them, but they are so good!👍 have been bingeing on them when I get a minute and their happiness and positivity rubs off, just what's needed! Thanks again. Leigh.

  7. Ilona hello from New Zealand and congartulations on all you are doing; very inspirational best wishes Susan


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