Friday, 26 June 2020

Adding to the family

And another one. This time using the cord I have left over from the spiral picture, originally got it from the Scrapstore. 
Found a video showing a different way of stitching, this time, blanket stitch. I made it a bit smaller.
There is always going to be a lump at the end. This can be minimised by cutting the cord or rope at an angle, and binding it tightly to give it a gradual slope. 

I think this may benefit with some contrasting thread crocheted around the top edge. Might try that. 
I'm a bit sunburnt from sitting outside yesterday, it was only for a short time. My skin is looking very dried up and prune like, not liking this getting old thing. Looks like no sun today, still muggy warm though. I think a thunderstorm is imminent. Might get a walk in before it starts. 
I'll get off, plenty to do. Toodle pip.. ilona


  1. Ooooh I love your latest little bowl, Ilona! Very pretty.I wish you would have an exhibition/ sale then we could all buy your pieces of work.
    Hope you enjoyed your visitor's company yesterday. Lucky them seeing your artwork! Have a great weekend whatever you choose to do. Susan xx

  2. Pleased you had a nice time with your family. The bowls are great and very useful. I had a visit from the chiropractor this morning and she was new but really made a difference to my feet. It's a lot cooler today and the hayfever is a bit better.
    Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈

  3. Those are sweet colorful bowls and you have learned a new craft!
    My skin is like paper and the more lotion or cream I try, the more it seems to dry. I often wonder if the lotion does that on purpose, so you have to keep buying more! I drink plenty of fluids but I think you are right - getting old is not for sissies!

  4. Love your rope bowls. I've seen tutorials where people make the last bit of rope into a handle,sometimes winding it into a ring, like a coiled snake. The more you practice the more ideas you'll get I'm sure. I've wanted to try this, using all my fabric scraps - I have some rope, I just need the time :)

    1. Yes, I've seen the ones with handles, that would be quite easy to do, maybe next time. You can twist lengths of fabric into something like twine and use that as a base, no rope needed.

  5. Hi Ilona Mayze Heidi and Oscar love your rope bowls. Yes it has been pretty hot lately my two fur babies rushed in last night to get away from the thunder and lightening. Glad you had a nice day with your family. Love Liz Amy and Benny.xx

  6. I came rushing over when I saw todays post link on my sidebar, I thought you had a new cat. But the bowl is lovely ... but a cat would be better :-)

    1. You made me laugh. Click bait you see. I think three cats are enough, don't want to burden my cat sitter with any more, though she wouldn't mind. And the cost has to be taken into consideration as well.


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