Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Walking group check in. 6 months into the challenge.

Here we go again, the first of the month, and check in day for the International Walking Group. How are you all doing? It's been a mixed bag of weather here in the UK. Too hot to walk, too wet and windy to walk, and too many people about. We have to place restrictions on where we walk, looking for the safety of quiet areas, choosing times and places. I am lucky that I can walk at night under street lights, best time for me when others are tucked up in their beds or watching TV. I can walk out of the village on tracks along field edges, along quiet country lanes, and hardly see anyone. It all takes a bit of organization, and flexibility, to get the miles in. Half way through the year and I am on 521 miles. I'm pleased with that.
So how are you all doing? I know you all have your own targets, some of you are doing the 1000 miles challenge, but whatever you are aiming for it's best to have a target of some kind. That way it gives you something to work towards. I know I keep going on about this, but some walking is better than none. Don't forget, you are doing this for your own health, you are not doing it for me, no matter how much I keep plugging it. Your walking is not for the benefit of my health, I can look after that, it's for your own health. The responsibility for your health is down to yourself, and how much effort you put into it. 
So let's hear it from you, give me the numbers. Tell us how your challenge has been going, the highs and lows. Are you winning, or are you struggling. We are a group, time to support each other. 
A photo from the archives, the wonderful Malham Cove in Yorkshire. It's a magnet for tourists so I won't be going there anytime soon. There is a steep path on one side up to the top, the view is fabulous. 

Now to get breakfast. More blog posts in the pipeline. Over to you. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Hi Ilona and fellow walkers! It was a great month for walking here in the northern, Frisian, province of The Netherlands. All types of weather, from hot-hotter-frying to lovely cool and windy with some rain now and then.
    I walked a lot, 122 kilometres in June, which brings my half-year total to 657 kilometres. Very very pleased with that.
    Remember I could not walk for longer than 15 minutes when I started in 2017 walking with you, Ilona. Every aspect of my life has benefitted by that wonderful discipline and structure it put in my days. My health, my sanity, my home -leaving and returning after the daily walk. And also how much joy I experienced in always changing and never the same nature in my town's surroundings.
    It makes me (feel) healthy, content, joyful and happy.
    I'll be off in a minute for my 6 k walk.
    All the best to you, Ilona and fellow walkers. Keep going!


    1. Lovely to hear from you, I'm so pleased that you are still walking and are reaping the benefits of regular exercise. Your numbers are stacking up nicely, well done.

    2. What an encouraging upbeat post! Keep going and enjoying!! Gillian

  2. Hi Ilona and fellow international walkers. Challenging times with corona virus and trying to keep out of everyones way, but still get in some walking. I managed 74 miles in June so am not too far off target at 484 miles. Hope everyone is well and getting in some safe walking. Joy Central Vic Australia

    1. Good mileage Joy. It certainly is challenging, but that is not a reason to stop, it encourages us to find a way round the problem. You are doing great with that mileage.

  3. Hello from NW Arkansas where we have been having hotter than usual weather. I didn't let the hot weather deter me though. I got it 120 miles for a yearly total of 580 miles.

    Looking forward to seeing how everyone is doing.

  4. I slipped a bit this month - 142 miles compared to 143 for April and May. ;-). It's funny as I don't keep track through the month, I just total it up at the end when it's time to post. My consistent totals tell me I'm certainly a creature of habit! Total for the year now 709. I would like to still aim for 1500 but I would have to pick it up a bit. I have to see how close I can get. Love your blog as always Ilona. Your little "camper" looks great. You'll have a lovely time when you get out for a few days.

    1. Your mileage is fantastic, you should be very happy with that. I did 1200 on my second year, a hundred a month was enough for me. !000 a year gives me time to do other things.

  5. Hola, Ilona: Este mes de junio he logrado 96 millas. En este medio año han sido 497. No está mal, ya que hemos estado muchos días confinados. Estoy animada, ahora que ya es todo casi normal, para ver que consigo este segundo semestre. Animos a todas !! Un beso

    1. Hola. Sus millas son muy buenas, me alegra que pueda mantenerse al día. Será más fácil ahora que puedes salir más a menudo. Lo estás haciendo muy bien hasta ahora.

  6. We had one day of solid rain, which was the only time I didn't get out at all in June. Then we had a few days of 95F and above (around 35C, I believe) so definitely a mixed bag of weather. I managed 157 miles this month for a total of 848 for six months. July is usually really hot where I live with many days in the 100F to 110F (36C to 43C) so early morning walking is better, and I'm not an early morning person. Having a goal should help me get out of bed, though.

    Sheila in Idaho

    1. Well done Sheila, you are steaming ahead. I occasionally walk in the morning but mostly I like a lazy start to the day.

  7. Hi Ilona and the walking group,91 miles for me in june,lost track how many miles i have done but its wrote down somewhere,lol.

    1. Are you like me, bits of paper all over the desk. Your total for June is wonderful.

  8. Hi Ilona and group. This is my first year doing the challenge and I'm pleased to say I'm on 592 miles. I'm finding the walking help with my stress in these strange times. Viv

    1. You're doing extremely well, I can see you are committed. Well done.

  9. Hello Ilona,
    Happy July 1st!
    I have a torn meniscus so my walking is only about 0.3 miles per day, but I still go out! Total for the month 13 miles. I will do a year to date next month. Thanks again for your walking group, and the monthly updates to help me stay focused.
    All my best,
    Hilogene in Az

  10. Hello Ilona and fellow walkers, I have walked every day in June but not huge distances, reaching almost 103 miles for the month nonetheless and over 615.5 at the half way point in the year. Had a migraine today so no walking and I think I will be dodging the rain over the next few days if I manage to get out! I still record my walks in an exercise book and find that doing this and having to report on here, help keep me motivated. Hope everyone has a good July. Vicki in the East Riding

    1. Hello Vicks, Little and often I think is a good idea. I like to see the numbers on a piece of paper, my desk top calendar is where I record mine.

  11. Hi Ilona and walkers, I did 55 in May and 45 in June. Low totals but it's very difficult to find quiet places to walk here, my area was declared a national emergency zone last week due to the number of visitors, most of my usual routes are just too busy and as I don't have a car I can't drive to quieter places. I am thinking of getting an exercise bike to supplement, lots of nice walks around here but just too many people to maintain distancing.

    1. You're spot on, too many people making it difficult to move about safely. We have to be more inventive to avoid the busy spots.

    2. Yup same here trying to find a quiet spot. Still it's great to be able to get out and about and the birdsong is amazing! Gillian

  12. This was my worst month so far with 82 miles (575 in total).More people are out and about and not socially distancing. I'm walking when it's dusk but as it's midsummer that makes it quite late so don't go too far. Things will get easier when everyone is back in the pubs!!

    1. It is quite difficult to avoid people, especially when they haven't a clue about how close is too close. I am forever crossing the road, or waiting for someone to move when they are dithering and dawdling.

    2. It's very frustrating isn't it? Takes all the pleasure out of the walk when you come back stressed out. Think I'll have to go out at 10pm to get a clear walk.

  13. Still getting out a bit altho we are very restricted here in Scotland. I was walking along a local cycle path but it is v busy while public gardens remain shut. Happy to report a steady June total of 23.4miles. Keep on going folks! Gillian

    1. Very good miles, TT. Let me know when Scotland opens, I am wanting to go to the Outer Hebrides sometime this year.

    2. Outer Hebrides is supposed to be lovely although I've never been there. Have been to Arisaig (west Scotland) for several hols and that is beautiful, except for the midges. Will keep you posted but at moment, the hotels etc are all shut and no news on opening anytime soon. Gillian

  14. I've done about 40 miles this past month. My leg is getting so much stronger but not quite strong enough for a very long walk

  15. 59 miles for me for the month of June. Liking the hiking poles, I find they make me walk iin a more upright position, not that I slouched.
    Going early in the mornings to avoid the blistering heat we are currently having.



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