Monday, 31 August 2020

Coffee chat. The new look and hello Cedric

Hello. I recorded this video yesterday, it's now live on yooootoooob. I seem to have quite a following on there, Here I am introducing my new friend Cedric.  
We had a good laugh this morning at Crafty Club, several of us were reminiscing about our childhood, and how it had an impact on our later lives. I used to spend the summer at Grandma's house, she lived in the sticks, and I spent all day roaming the fields and lanes. Funny how I am still doing that now. My mum used to bath all three of us in the kitchen sink because the bathroom was too cold, and we couldn't afford to heat the water for a bath. I still wash in the kitchen sink now. Old habits and all that. 
Don't forget, it's the first of the month tomorrow and it's check in day for the International Walking Group members. Let us know how you are doing. Are you hitting the targets? 
Thanks for popping in.  Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Very enjoyable coffee chat again Ilona.I have just got back from walking nearly 5 miles,made a cuppa and sat down to watch this!.Well Im glad that you brought your Cedric into the conversation...because I think that he should be called Terry after that lovely hunky piano player that we all love!.He has the wild hair and all he needs is a pair of dark rimmed glasses...and you could have Terry in your living room with you,lol.I thought your first piece of art work was very 60s looking and it is great!,Display it with pride!,xx

  2. Same nonsense going on here with dentists.

  3. Seems most doctors and dentists are only doing emergencies now

  4. Enjoyed your coffee chat. The red hair suits your personality and complexion. It really looks good on you and so does the cut. Sorry, I don't care for Cedric. He scares me. Just don't care for another persons face in my house except hubby. Patty McDonald

  5. I am managing about ten miles each week. Not great but better than sitting on my behind feeling sorry for myself and moaning about the pain in my leg. I've learned to live with that but it's limiting how far I can walk.

  6. Love your vibrant hair colour, Ilona. It suits your personality. Cedric is a very handsome chap! Isn't he nice and quiet and polite too😊. The best kind of company ha ha.
    Love your art work with colours bleeding into each other. I would frame it and hang it.
    Thanks for the giggles....We all appreciate those xx

  7. I love Cedric... and I adore your new hair color, Ilona. And WHAT is UP with that whole dentist deal?!! As you said, what are you supposed to do... wait until you have an "emergency" and THEN call him up? I think you'd better find a new dentist, Ilona. Your current one sounds like he's using the virus as an excuse to retire early. Love, Andrea xoxo

  8. Love your new hair colour and top Ilona♥ You are a little ray of sunshine and I so enjoy your coffee chats, that is one huge coffee cup, John from Going Gently would call it a coffee bucket:)


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