Monday, 31 August 2020

It was time.

 The new hair colour. The blond ends and mousy brown roots have gone. Now I am a carrot top. I like it. Cost £5.75 for a box of colour it at home hair dye from Boots. I don't normally go in Boots because it's more expensive than the discount stores, but it was quiet when I went. Time to ponder the colours without dodging other people.  

Coffee time, there is a coffee chat in the pipeline for later.

Going to Crafty Club now, catch ya later.   Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. I like your new hair it suits you.
    Enjoy your morning at craft session hope the weather is good it was lovely yesterday and worked in the garden for a few hours.
    Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈

  2. Suits you! It gives you a chance to play with colour matching and contrasts with clothes as well..enjoy, have fun 🙂

  3. You have done a great job there Ilona and the colour really suits you.Sometimes we have to pay a bit more but its worth it with avoiding the crowds as well.I keep meaning to ask,because I noticed it at the side of you in your videos..what is the story behind the head with the earfones on?.It is just the sort of thing I would have in my living room and I am dying to know how you came across it,lol.I love random unusual stuff like that!.Hope you have a nice time at crafty club,xx

  4. It looks lovely, it's nice to have a change now and then isn't it. I've been brown, blonde and then brownish once again during lockdown.

  5. Looks absolutely fab! You have been a busy bee, I’ve enjoyed catching up with your blog. Can believe summer is over, back to work for me tomorrow. Hoping to catch up with you soon,xxx

    1. It seems like everything has been put on hold this year, very strange. I hope your back to school goes well for you.

  6. Looking good 😀😀

  7. I like your new colour, it suits you.


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