Monday, 24 August 2020

Coffee chat. Tooooo risky.

It's been a lovely day today. We had some jolly banter at Crafty Club. I went to the Post Office, I made this video. I made a pan of soup. I've been looking for a camp site but no luck, they are full. I did a load of washing. I did a bit of dysoning upstairs, and I trimmed up a tall conifer in the garden. 

I will do a late village walk tonight. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Ilona I love your coffee chats, and no it's never been waffle, you always speak words of wisdom , and I thank you for that especially in these strange mad times we live in x

  2. I'm always intrigued to see what you're going to get up to next. Life is never dull with you! Arilx

  3. Hi Ilona - I have always enjoyed your blog, but of late I have not been able to open your home page - safari can't find home page - or some such thing .... I was only able to open this post as I came from another page.Were you aware this was happening? Or is it just me? I went to your home page from here and 'lost' you again! Anyway, keep safe, keep walking and keep up the good work. Angela, Australia

    1. Hello. No one else has mentioned that problem. Blogger have been making some changes.

    2. If you put the Home page into your favourites it should always open with the latest blog post.

    3. It seems to have worked! Thanks

  4. Oh Ilona you got me giggling again with your "waffle" ...YOUR word, not mine!! Studying your notes so seriously and then making fun of yourself, as usual. Really enjoyed your company at the end of my busy day and slurped a hot drink along with you 😄. Thanks for keeping us're a ray of sunshine xxx Long may your coffee chats continue!

    1. Many years ago, I used to work on Blackpool Pleasure Beach, on a stall selling Waffles. Maybe that's where I got it from.

  5. I really enjoy your little chat and chuckle sessions Illona - they really cheer me up. I was amused when you mentioned the apparent risk in taking on a new relationship as I am of the same mind. When I was young and living in the UK we used to bike miles into the lonely country roads and never gave it a second thought. I hope it would still be that way. Anyway please keep the chat sessions coming - along with your great sense of humor.

  6. You made a GREAT DEAL of sense, Ilona... and I thank you for it. I loved this video! xoxo ~Andrea

  7. Loved the coffee chat video and like many others I never feel like you waffle on:) You are a breathe of fresh air whenever I watch you♥

    1. I once attended a court case in support of a friend who was suing her previous employer for constructive dismissal. I was her character witness. A person on the bench said I was a breath of fresh air. That was not my reason for being there. I was a bit miffed that he might not have been taking me seriously. My friend lost the case.

  8. I do love these chats!You always give us something to think about.Yes,we have taken lots of risk over the years.Some have worked out and some havent!xx

  9. Kids go back to school in 2 weeks so the campsites might be a bit quite then.

  10. I always enjoy listening/read to your chats you always seem to see the best in people like me, life is to short to keep moaning about things.
    I think the ducks are happy today.
    I had a lot of work
    apples from my Son on Sunday so they need to be cooked today and but in the freezer.
    Enjoy your day IIona and everyone.
    Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈

  11. Always enjoy being cheered up listening and watching your chats. You are a lovely and interesting lady. Best wishes Annette

  12. Waffle to you maybe but interesting to us.
    I’m a ‘what if ‘ person which drives my husband mad. When you said a new relationship could turn out to be Jack the Ripper...I’d also be ‘what if ‘ J the R is around when I’m walking alone in the countryside you’re much braver than me!

  13. I’m not sure why but I’m surprised to hear you’re a Cher fan. Surprised you’d pay the extortionate cost to go to one of her concerts. I had you down as a country & western fan and I know you like a bit of boogie as I do myself.
    I laughed when you laughed at yourself when you’re reading your notes :)

    1. Barb, what makes you think that I paid for my ticket? Actually, I didn't. I had a very kind boyfriend, he earnt good money with his own business, he had more money than me, so he treated me. He drove us to Sheffield, and paid for the parking. I just paid for my souvenir teeshirt. I like Country and Western as well, love Dolly Parton.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.