Tuesday, 25 August 2020

Fabulous florals

 Good afternoon. The weather is going from bad to worse today. Pouring rain this morning, now it's very windy, with showers. I did think I might go for a walk, but I will stay in, and maybe do a later walk around the village. 

The flowers are done, I won't make any more, need to move on. There are 15 in total. The stalks are different lengths so they can be arranged in a vase. They are wire wrapped with green wool. The leaves are made of snooker table green baize. 

This one has three layers of petals.

The messy back is covered with a circle of felt.

Two Suffolk Puffs in the centre, and a button.

Here comes the rain again. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona

PS. Just had an email from my dentist. My appointment for a check up in November has been cancelled. That's nice, now what. Wait till my teeth drop out. 


  1. Cancelling a checkup for November already? Sheesh! Yes, what are you supposed to do but let your teeth fall out??!! I'd find another dentist, Ilona. Sounds like your current one wants to retire. Love, Andrea xoxo

    1. I asked when I could re book the appointment. They said we are only doing emergencies at the moment. I said, I will contact you when I have an emergency. My dentist was taken over by Bupa about a year ago. They do private and NHS, I am NHS. Their dentists are young, mine is a nice young man called Jim, so not ready for retirement. Guess I just have to hope I am lucky and nothing awful is going to happen to my teeth.

  2. Your flowers are beautiful, you are so talented. in fact if your teeth do fall out I am sure you can make yourself a new set, Chrissie.

    1. Now that's a thought. What would I need, white plastic maybe.

    2. Lol!!,Ilona,nothing would surprize me!xx

  3. The flowers are fab you did a great job as always. We have had heavy showers and wind all day and the wind picked up strong from this afternoon. Still the same now. I think we still have some of storm Francis. I am lucky we don;t to get many power cuts compared to other parts of Ireland I am in Dublin. I need a checkup and teeth cleaning done but i am nit sure if i will get an appointment here as thats not emergancy. I must ring soon as things change from day to the next with this covid19. Anyway have a nice evening or afternoon in your part of the world. I am going more of a series i am following on netflix,

  4. Beautiful♥ Lovely cheerful colours, you are such a talented lady Ilona:) Don't mention teeth, here in Oz we have to pay to visit the dentist and they charge like a wounded bull:(

  5. My Hubbys dentist stopped appointments,in June.And he hasnt heard anything since then,xx

  6. I had my dentist appointment today. Prep work for two crowns! All I can say is "ouch"! Who new that fillings don't last forever? Seems like everything starts to wear out in your 70s. Love your flowers. They should last a long time!

  7. The flowers are lovely.
    Guess you teeth will be okay for a little while.
    Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.