Wednesday, 12 August 2020

Now that's a good idea.

 It's hot again today, it was hot yesterday. I decided to go for a walk, my usual route, a little over five miles. The plan was to go early before it got too hot. I faffed and it was 11am when I set off. Not such an early start, but I felt like going so I did. It got hotter, good job I took a drink and snack with me. The bench was in the shade so I sat there to cool off. I made a video, but after playing it back I deleted it, far too long and waffley. I need to make notes and get to the point a bit quicker. I also need some new equipment. Maybe splash out on a new camera. 

I had a little brainwave as I was walking along. I always wear my sun visor, even when it's not sunny. There it sits perched on my head. 

Why not give it another job, make it dual purpose. It could double up as a covering for my mush. That would be easy wouldn't it. Unhook the velcro at the back, re position it, and reattach it. My nose is a bit squashed, but with the peak sticking out around the bottom of my face I could take in big breaths of air. That might work, I'll give it a try. 

Seen yesterday, a field full of red poppies, with a sprinkling of white ones. How glorious is the British countryside at the moment. 

I am keeping my eye on the peas, they are close to being ready for harvesting. A snack I think when I next go that way. 

Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. That's a fantastic photo of the poppies, worthy of being enlarged and framed. Good idea of the dual purpose visor/mask!

  2. The poppies are beautiful, good idea with your sun visor especially if you wanted to pop into a shop. I made a mask from the pattern you put on your blog so easy.

    Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈

    1. I don't pop into shops these days. It's a great way to save money.

  3. Those poppies must have been a spectacular sight. Now I want to make a sun visor and matching mask. I will have to see if there is a video for a visor on you tube

    1. If you have a baseball cap cut the centre out, and cover it with your own fabric.

    2. That's a brilliant idea. I will have to get up in the loft and see what goodies are lurking in my stash

  4. Ingenious idea!! I knew you'd find something that was right for you in this "mask era". Looks like it's got little vents on the sides tooπŸ˜‰ xx Gorgeous poppies!!

    1. Don't know about vents on the sides, it's open all around the bottom as well. It would be pretty useless as a mask.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.