Thursday, 13 August 2020

Live Outdoor Concerts - This Has To Be A Joke

I saw this yesterday and couldn't quite believe it. Alex Belfield has reported on it today on his channel. 

Yep, it did happen. People herded into the pens, like sheep at a livestock market. What the heck are they doing, how much did they cough up for that awful experience. Absolutely ludicrous, totally bonkers. 

Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. No way would i pay money for this or even attend free. This is beyond control and complete madness. Very sad we have come to this and people will not stand up and object.

    1. Yes, it's complete madness. I can't believe people fell for it.

  2. The whole Covid 19 scenario is now ridiculous. Inaccurate statistics, wear a mask, don't wear a mask. I take no notice anymore and have joined a group called Stand X as they are exposing all the rubbish being fed to the public. Too much scaremongering and making people live in fear.

    1. Yes Linda i totally agree its gone too far.

    2. This is unbelievably ridiculous. Have these people no respect for themselves, do they want to be treated like animals. Put them in a cage, charge a lot of money, they are daft enough to go along with it.

  3. If it keeps people safe then I would have no objection to enjoying a concert from one of those cages. I just don't think it would keep people safe

  4. Hello there what you said on your coffee chat was very true.we are being controlled.i too used to love my freedom to choose .I agree with you totally.

    1. Thank you. I wasn't sure whether to put it on here or not. I have now.

  5. I respectfully disagree. I think if we can wear seat belts, if we put our little children in car seats,if we force our construction people to wear hard hats, we only cross the street when the light is green and a hundred other safety measures, then we can wear a mask to save lives. SAVE LIVES! People are dying, folks! We'd all like to bury our heads and say it ain't so, but tell that to the millions of people who have had someone they love die of Covid. It's not a conspiracy, it's not fake news, but if it makes you feel better about yourself then you think what you want. But if you come close to me, you'd better have a mask on - for your sake as well as mine.

    1. I totally agree with you LEfting. As you say we all obey certain rules to keep us and other people safe, what is so different about a mask. And if people want to go and sit in a pen and listen to music/see a performance then let them. We have no right to dictate to other people and it is not a lack of respect for themselves, if they are helping that artist/s earn an income who are we to criticise. Fortunately I have not had anyone close to me die but I do know of a neighbour and a middle aged care worker who have died.

  6. You all go ahead and choose for yourself, but stay away from others that might be in a different camp of opinion. Here’s the difference. If I’m wrong and all my social distancing, mask wearing, and staying home as much as possible, I only impacted my life. If all the “it’s a hoax, nothing virus, I’ll do me” people are wrong, they’ve potentially added to the sickness and death count. That’s to me ridiculous.

    1. Thanks SAM!
      I agree. Unfortunately I don't think some people will understand the seriousness of this virus until they or someone they know gets sick or dies. And at the rate we are going, it won't be long.

  7. We all have our own choices to make in life. If these people wish to go to a concert then this is a way they can do so.

    We have to find inventive ways of doing things until this awful disease is under control.

    This concert is just another way of doing something a different way.

  8. I have to say I fell for all this at the beginning, but as time has gone on I am now seriously questioning all of this. The amount of sheer control over individuals by this govt is increasing exponentially. That concert set up is a perfect example of control, no way would I attend that farce of an event. I've been watching Dr Vernon Coleman on you tube and he has made some very sensible comments about this including the treatment of old people. I looked at a queue of shoppers outside Sainsbugs the other day and all I could see was a line of sad, beaten people. I've had enough of this scaremongering and threatening behaviour by our govt.

    1. I watch Dr Coleman. He is not a conspiracist.

    2. I also watch Dr Coleman he talks a lot of sense and having worked as a gp in the past he knows what he talking about.

  9. If people want to spend £50 on a concert organised in this way, it is up to them. To ban such events would be to limit choice - not something I would want to see. Vicki


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.