Sunday, 23 August 2020

Sunday with Godfrey

In the absence of anything meaningful to say, I hereby hand this space over to Godfrey.  
Brain is taking a day off. Not many visitors come here at the weekend anyway, people won't notice if I am not here. Bye for now, Toodle pip. ilona xxx


  1. I absolutely agree with everything this gentleman has said. Guess what -i work in the front line nhs. The figures that are coming out now just do not support the complete denigration of our economy, the jobs market and the unforgivable destruction of the education, hopes and dreams of our young people- our future. Stinking madness.

  2. Absolutely right on. By the way, I am one of those who does look fwd. each day to hearing from you. :}
    Brummie in Canada.

  3. I agree with Godfrey and I am also very worried. Winter is coming and mental health problems will be off the scale.

  4. Ilona, I noticed! LOL

  5. I enjoy your posts and have for several years. You give great advice and I really like your crafting projects. You have the right to days off but I miss hearing about your life.

  6. Not those who enjoy your blog enjoy or agree with this.

  7. Monday morning, Crafty Club. I have a coffee chat video planned for later.

  8. My mind is all over the place with it all.One part of me agrees with Godfrey and the other part of my mind is scared tp death.Maybe because neighbours caught Covid and although 3 of them visually look ok now, the man who is about 50ish has aged so much he looks very frail.Could it be just the worry of it that made him look like that? I really dont know.All I do know is that I dont go near them..or any body else for that matter!.I notice most people in the smaller shops dont wear mask and all stand close talking together.I have adapted my life to keeping away from others,still washing my hands all the time and wearing my mask as soon as I step outside the front door.Some days,my mind feels ok..but then other days my head is all over the place.Oh when will we ever get back to being normal?.Or is this the future for us now?.I hope that you enjoy your Crafty Club and will look forward to your coffee chat later! that has cheered me up already!xxx

    1. Worry can age people. Underlying medical issues also play a part in how someone might not fully recover. Look after yourself Debi.

  9. Those who have lost loved ones find this hard to deal with.

    1. I agree. Any kind of bereavement is hard to deal with.

  10. It's all very well criticising now but if the government hadn't taken the steps it did things could have been so much worse. You can't compare the potential impact of covid with something like the spanish flu because the demographics of our society have changed so much since then and infections spread more quickly. I am retired nhs by the way.

  11. Too much media hype. Incorrect figures. Incorrect diagnoses. Plandemic and now people are ruled mentally by fear. What if? Just in case? Face masks? Never worn throughout previous flu epidemics. People are sheep and will and indeed continue, to believe anything they are or read. I could say a lot more.

  12. Please read about this awful man on Google.Ilona,I cannot believe you are taken in by this diatribe.Very disappointing.

    1. He's been a bit of a bugger, hasn't he. If you knew what I had been up to in my murky past, you would be running for the hills.

    2. Not flippin likely. Just so you can say how disappointed you are by this awful woman.

  13. Me too Ilona! I could write a book about my past. But life experiences make you a stronger person. It's all about trying different things. Too many people opt for the safe and boring life, but there's a whole world out there to discover.

  14. Definitely a Plandemic. The real numbers do NOT support the draconian measures used. Lockdowns, shutdowns, masks, social distancing...the figures simply do not support these measures. I'm in the USA and it has destroyed our economy. And the suicide rates have sky-rocketed, along with child abuse and domestic violence.

  15. What a lot of nonsense this man is talking. How anyone can be so blind to what has happened is beyond me. Dreadful propagander, he should be ashamed.


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