Friday, 21 August 2020

Crazy windy walk

 Did I mention that it was windy this morning? It has been extremely windy all day. Next door but one's gazebo has blown down. They aren't meant to be permanent structures, it's been up several weeks, not sure why. Anyway it's collapsed. 

I thought it would be fun to go a walk, so after a nice salady lunch I set off. It was hard going leaning forward into the wind trying to stay upright. It whipped across the fields on my right, and roared through the trees and into the woods on my left. The blades on the windmills were whizzing round. It was crazy, but fun. 

The horses were waiting patiently for their owner to come and serve up their dinner.

I took shelter for ten minutes on the bench behind the church. I made a short video, uploaded it onto the computer and now I can't find it, so you will just have to imagine me in a wooly hat. 
I thought I was seeing things as I walked through the village, this looks just like John Bain hanging around outside a posh house. Must be a scarecrow event going on around here. 
Here's another one. Not sure who this looks like, but it's cute.

Well that five miles certainly blew the cobwebs off me. It was quite exhilarating actually.  Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Hahaha!It ain't me. Far too well dressed. :)

  2. There used to be a scarecrow event in a place called Whitwick,about 10 miles from where I live.I dont know if they still have it,but Im sure a few years ago it made the local papers cause some of them got nicked!.Why would anyone do that!..Well it did look very windy where you walked.You can tell by the tree behind the second scarecrow..although I couldnt walk near to those tall wind turbine thingys..for some strange reason they terrify me!.When I see them out at sea it just seems scary to me.I must have a wind turbine thingy phobia,lol.Im potting up a few spider plants today because my Mam gave me some babies off hers.Can life get any more exciting,lol...but I have got mine n Hubbys Saturday night party to look forward to!.The Guiness is in the fridge,60s music ready to play and Im ready to dance!!.Did you know that I put my record player on and dance while Im peeling veg in the kitchen.Cracking up or what,lol.Have a great weekend!xx

  3. Glad you are well, we get your weather in Sweden, a few days later, I hope we don’t get the rest of Storm Ellen. To Debi, I was brought up near Whitwick, in Thringstone.

    1. Hello Heather,I used to see the signs for Thringstone when we used to go to my Grans house.Its Coalville way isnt it.I used to work in Coalville and my Hubby ..many,many moons ago,lol..used to manage a nightclub there.How lovely to live in Sweden now!xx

  4. Gazebos are an absolute godsend currently as a way of meeting safely outside in a lot of weathers - hot sun and pouring rain, that may well be why your neighbours was still up. But yes, if it is windy they take a lot of tethering and can be very dangerous if they take flight.

  5. Thanks, yes, it is near Coalville. I left it when I was six, so I imagine it’s very different now. Sweden has been my home for two and a half years now, it’s not dissimilar in many ways to where I lived before, in the same place as Ilona

    1. Although I havent been there for a few years,Coalville its self has never really altered.So you lived up North as well...Im in Leicester..anywhere past Watford is up North,lol...You are very brave to have made the move to a different country.I would loved to have been that brave when I was young,but I always had to many commitments here!The most I ever did was move to Ramsgate when I was a teenager!,i hope that you are having a lovely life there in Sweden.And if I ever go into Thringstone,I will tell you what its like now,x


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.