Saturday, 5 September 2020

Not shopping Fully stocked with fruit and veg.

Hello. I've been away to the seaside, now I'm back. Billy was pleased to see me, he was so excited when I went to get him out for a walk. Trying to get him to sit still for a photo is pretty near impossible. I kept hold of the lead so he couldn't jump off the bench. 
Billy's mum gave me some excess fruit and veg which she couldn't use. Donations are gratefully received. 
Another donation turned up today. A while ago I gave three pallets away to someone who was setting up a new allotment. This box of produce was delivered to my door. He said the allotment is going really well, and would I like this. Well yes, I would. Thank you very much David. 

That's me sorted for a couple of weeks then. No need to go shopping for a while. 
I've got some photo's from the seaside trip, I'll post them when I have edited them. 
Have a nice weekend. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. How nice that when you do a good deed,someone repays you in some way!.It is so nice that people appreciate things in life do something like this.For some reason, I thought that Billy was a Labrador..Maybe I got that wrong!Hope that you enjoyed your day at the seaside..was it Bridlington,Flambourgh Head?.Please let us know!xx

  2. Your harvest treats looked lovely and so welcomed, I had tomatoes, runner beans and marrow from a neighbour and my daughter gave me some from her garden always welcome. I have given lots of damsons away. Pleased you went to the seaside and look forward to seeing your photos.
    Hazel c uk 🌈🌈🌈

  3. You are well stocked. Hubby mows the road side grass for a neighbour and she brought over a large jar of honey from her brothers hives. We use it with lemon juice and hot water when we have a cold. A nice soothing drink for a sore throat.

  4. Hoe lovely, its great when a good dead pays dividends.

  5. Can't wait to see your seaside photos, Ilona. And oh that yummy produce! ~Andrea xoxo

  6. Just think how much Billy loves you and how excited he feels when you appear, Ilona.
    But what about Cedric? Any romance there? He certainly looks 'armless enough....sorry, couldn't resist that little pun🙄.

  7. Your ideas inspire me so much Ilona. Lovely time of year for vegetables and fruit. And people with fruit trees who don't eat them and leave thm to waste on the ground!, just shocking!


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