Friday, 4 September 2020

Rafi And Klee opening their prezzies

Hello. I had a nice surprise the other day, I was featured in one of Rafi and Klee's videos, they are two of my favourite yooootoooobers.  I have been following them for a while because they are entertaining, are fantastic artists, and full of good common sense ideas about life in general. 
People send them gifts from all over the world, and every so often they make a video while they are opening them. Klee has started to do some needle felting so I sent her a picture I made. I think they like it. My little piece is shown at 18 minutes if you just want to watch that, but sit down with a cup of tea and watch the whole thing if you are curious to see what everyone else has sent them. 
Rafi and Klee have a web site. 
I have a list of favourites I like to watch. If you go to yoootooob and put the appropriated words in the search box related to the subjects you are interested in, there will be hundreds of suggested videos. Give it a try, no need to put the tele on when you are bored.
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. I love Rafi and Klee and have met Rafi in person! I own three of Rafi's paintings, have purchased his book and calendars too. Your gift to them is so lovely! I have thought of painting a rock for them, but I have no idea what I would do that could possibly compare with their talent.

    1. Thank you, I am so pleased that you have sent this comment. xxx

  2. Your gift to them is fabulous, such a beautiful piece. Do you think of selling any pieces even if for charity? Perhaps have a page on your blog? Appreciate it if you can't be bothered lol - felt picture I loved.

    1. Hello. I had an exhibition once and sold 12 pictures, I made £300 for Air Ambulance. I might do another exhibition sometime in the future. I have sold some smaller and cheaper items at local events, and donated to the local cat rescue. I will only sell to people locally that I know. They see the item and like it, I give them a price, they can accept or decline.

      I won't do distance selling, on this blog, or Facebook, or an online shop. I don't want to be parcelling stuff up, I would need to receive the money before I send it, don't accept electronic payments, then there is the chance that they might not be happy with it and I would have to deal with a refund. There are too many regulations with distance selling.

  3. Ohhhh... I've watched them before. They're great about being honest when talking about business-owning and making money with your art. Sweet folks. I'm glad you sent them something and I'm glad they acknowledged it on this video. ~Andrea xoxo

  4. I love the personalised masks they received.

  5. That is beautiful Ilona! You could tell they liked it a lot! :)

  6. No wonder they loved it, it is possibly the most beautiful of all your artwork ! Truly lovely, and how sweet of you to send it to them . I had never heard of them until reading this post.

  7. How nice of you to send them that piece of your art work.It is beautiful and you can see that it will be well loved!,xx

  8. I forwarded to your unpacking, and I think that they genuinely liked it. I think that she, especially, was really surprised by the quality of the work and how nice the picture looked. I, myself, liked it verrrrrrrrrrrrry much. Lovely little dots for flowers! So cool.

  9. Thank you so much!!!! YOU ARE AMAZING!!! We love it and we adore you!


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