Friday 18 December 2020

Walk 1000 miles in one Year 2021

 Hello. Just a quickie. Sharon asked a question about the walking challenge. Yes, it is 1000 miles in one year. Which breaks down to 2.74 miles a day, or 84 miles a month. Check your own distances. Choose where you walk, choose the times that you walk. Add it all up, and you're good to go. Use whatever means you have to calculate how far you walk. I use There are other web sites, and phone apps. 

If you are not physically able to do those distances you can make up your own challenge, but anyone with no physical difficulties should be able to do it. It's all about getting into a routine, and making your fitness and health a priority. 

We start again on January the 1st, Check in day is on the first of every month so we can cheer each other on. It is more than a new years resolution, it is a commitment for the whole year. It is a commitment to look after your health, which is very important right now. You are welcome to join in with us, Sharon. 

This web site may be useful. The challenge was started a few years ago by Country Walking Magazine. You can sign up with them if you like, it also has lots of information.  Here's the link. 

Now I'm going for a walk. Catch ya later. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Thank you so much for explaining the details ๐Ÿ˜ Due to my arthritis I'll start out slow and see how the year progresses. I always feel better when I exercise that's for sure. Hugs from the USA

  2. The streets around my suburb are not conducive to walking, narrow uneven footpaths filled with walkers and joggers, the best way for me to do this is walk along our beaches, but getting there means buses and/or trains, my other option is to walk from home to the city and back. I'll give it a try, but can't make any promises.

  3. Hi Sharon, welcome to Ilona's walking group I joined in January 2017 and oh how happy I am I did! I also had some physical limitations at the time, but after starting slowly being able to walk only 1,5 kilometer a day I made fantastic progress, lost weight, enjoyed my walking track and surroundings and gained self confidence, which altogether changed/enriched my life for the good-better-best, mentally and physically.
    I hope to finish this year's walking at 1500 kilometers. Would I ever have dreamt that?!
    I will keep up walking with Ilona in 2021, aiming for hopefully 1500 kilometers of walking love and pleasure again.
    Come and go with us!
    Greetings from The Netherlands,


    1. So I am the 2nd Dutch walker in the group I see. Done my 5 km today. It was lovely weather.

  4. Hello from Amsterdam (originally from London). Have signed up. Thanks & Merry Christmas x

  5. I've been reading about Ilona's walking group for a few years now, and haven't yet committed to it. It seems really hard to do. But here's the thing, I walk my dog EVERY morning for about 1.5 miles. That's a pretty good dent in the 2.74 mile daily challenge. No more excuses, I'm committing to this healthy challenge for 2021. Thanks, Ilona! You're an amazing inspiration. (And thanks Jeanneke for the additional pep talk!) Warm wishes from Florida, USA

  6. Hi Ilona. I will be joining you in the 1000 mile challenge in 2021. A happy and healthy new year to you.


    Guusje from the Netherlands.


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