Tuesday, 12 January 2021

A lunchtime chat

Hello. So what have I done today. I'm painting a picture frame. Had a bath. Did a three mile walk, and made a video. That's all. 
Thanks for popping in. Tatty byes.  Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. When we were kids,I can remember we use to have a bath in the kitchen sink.Then when we got to big for that we had a tin bath filled up with water that my Mam boiled in a kettle on the stove.We didnt have a bathroom in our house until I was about 12.But we got by ok!.As far as the phones these days,I do think that most people are controlled by them.And to need something to tell you when your dog wants to come in or go out...these sort of people shouldnt own a dog in the first place!.Then the virus rules....I dont get what part of it some people dont understand?.Or is it that they just dont want to and wish to carry on doing just as they like putting others lives at risk.One of our friends died of it yesterday.He was in good health and only 69.xx

  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaaC57tcci0 this is a link to a clip from the film "The Social Dilemma' I watched it last night. It says netflix but it can be watched on 123 movies for free. I think you'll enjoy it. It talks about how the big tech companies get people addicted to their phones and social media/online info.

    1. Thanks for that. Worthy of it's own post I think.

  3. Cant help but agree. Recently been watching the BaldExplorer.com. Most of his videos are about walking.history of his area and narrow boats.One of his latest youtube talks is about why he stopped watching tv and why he doesn't have a tv licence. While listening he reminded me of some of your past talks.

    1. You might like the video in the follow on post after this one.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Briony. My nephew confiscated the two phones from his two eldest children, 10 and 8. They were spending far too much time on them. They didn't like it, but he got them a computer so they could do their school work on it.

  5. Wonderful!! So true, and done with your classic humor. People are turning into robotic sheep with their phones looking like an appendage on their hand. It seems they cannot spend a moment in thought or contemplation or have what was once a social exchange when they are connected to their mobiles. One pet peeve of mine is when someone answers their phone while in a waiting room or in a queue, and proceeds to have a loud conversation. I don't want to hear their conversation, and I think it's rude that they deem their life more important than those around them.


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