Monday, 11 January 2021


 Hello. The Space X Dragon was about to undock from the International Space Station and return to earth, I was waiting for it to happen. Now they have had to delay the trip due to weather conditions in the ocean in the Florida area, where it was due to splash down. I will watch again tomorrow. 

I don't know where I found this, but I can relate to it, having been in two abusive relationships. Going around the circle and reading all fifteen signs, it is not necessarily  about someone in a one to one relationship. They could also apply to any situation where someone feels they are being controlled. 
Now I have to take a dog for a walk before it gets dark. Billy will be waiting for me. 

Toodle pip. Catch ya later.   ilona


  1. Abuse takes many forms, I'm sorry to hear you have been in abusive relationships. I can certainly relate to a couple of things on that circle.

  2. Hmm... Those signs look rather familiar! Hope you've enjoyed your walk - the weather in our corner of Wales has taken a turn for the better, it's been quite warm today 🙂
    I've just got back from doing the weekly shop, it's fairly quiet in town so it didn't take long to get what I needed. Driving home I noticed that the evenings are starting to get a bit lighter now,hooray!! 😁 Xx

    1. The dog walk is normally very pleasant, but today not so. A lot of dodging other people who also decided to take their dog/s out at the same time. I will go earlier next time. Yes, we have a bit more daylight now.

  3. I think the government (as it says at the bottom) has ticked every box there!

  4. You have my sympathies - once is bad enough, but more than that is dreadful. I was Gaslighted in a former relationship to the point I thought I was going mad. Fortunately my friend (now my husband for many years) was there to pick up the pieces.

    I hope that anyone reading this who is experiencing any of these signs, pricks up their ears and decides enough is enough.

    1. There were 25 years between the two occasions. Should have learnt the first time.

    2. I think we usually try to think the best of people until we find out otherwise!

    3. Agree Bovey. Best to tread with caution in the first instance.

  5. I will add, I thought at first this was about Covid and Control in the light of your recent post. . .

    1. You can read into it whatever you like. The signs are the same whatever the situation.

  6. I recognise a few things around that circle, thank goodness I got out.

    1. If you think about some of the rules we are urged to follow now, you might see there are more than a few things on the circle which apply.

  7. Which part of England are you in? My daughter's DNA shows she has ancestors from Devon and Cornwall, from her father's side.

  8. I hope Space X comes back safely soon. I like seeing it blast off. We enjoyed watching the 1st one. I remember watching space shuttle take off years ago. Thankfully I was never in an abusive relationship. My husband and I did figure out how to get along better while attending classes at church years ago. Still working on keeping our life together strong 43 years. Have a good day!


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.