Tuesday, 30 March 2021

A walk from Burringham

Good morning. A good nights sleep and I'm refreshed. Looking like another sunny day, I will do a Billy dog walk this afternoon. Must remember to take some water with me as he will be needing a drink if we have another warm day like we did yesterday. 
Talking of yesterday, it was good to get out and walk in a different area. I parked my car next to the church in Burringham. It's a pretty village next to the River Trent. They had some bad flooding here a few years ago. 
Interesting towers at the back of the church. 
I walked out of the village and came to these signs. Oh dear, I want to walk down there. I hope it only applies to vehicles, and people on foot are allowed to go past the obstruction. I'll take a chance because the diversion is going to be busy with cars avoiding the blockage. 
Big wide flat open spaces in these parts. The fields are massive. This is a quiet road that leads into Scunthorpe. I suppose it was inevitable to see some fly tipping, but I was dismayed about just how much there was. Several skips would have been needed to clear it all up. 

I saw on the map that there was a fishing lake. I fancied a look around to take some photo's. There is an intercom to gain access. I decided not to bother, the gates remind me of a prison. Checking out their web site it seems that it is a very exclusive place. They have holiday cabins to let, and a very swish club room with lounge area and big TV screen. Groups can book a weeks holiday at around £300 per person. The M181 motorway is not very far away and the drone of traffic can be heard.  
And here I am crossing the M181. This is the cause of the road closure. They have set up a compound to take in deliveries for this project. A new junction is being added to take some of the pressure off the roundabout at the Tesco end of it. 
Just over the bridge, more fly tipping. It seems that the production of cannabis is big business in these parts. I wish they had never invented black bin bags. 
From here I headed towards Scunthorpe and hit a busy arterial road. Nothing for it but to walk along it. Thank goodness there was a service road alongside, and a cycle track, so I had a bit of distance between me and the traffic. I found a low brick wall to sit on for ten minutes, outside a petrol filling station and opposite Asda. A piece of quiche and a strawberry yogurt was very nice. 
A bit further along the road leaving Scunthorpe behind, I turned right along a track back into the countryside. Oh, here we go again. Cannabis roots. 
Over the motorway, skirting round a farm, now onto a long straight track. It was a bit windy here. 
Needed to wear the sun visor, put the hat on top to keep it in place. Although windy, it was warm. No jacket needed, I wish I had put my shorts on. 
Over the rickety bridge and into another field. 
Along the edge of a rough field, called Butterwick Common. In the bottom corner a group of sheep were lounging in the sun. I tried to creep very slowly past them so as not to disturb them. Lots of bleating as they warned each other of an alien approaching. 

I crept closer to this lamb to check it was still breathing. It was. Mum was munching grass nearby. 
I came across another fishing pond. There was a fence around it, to keep the sheep out I think. I could see all I wanted to see without entering. 
A very tranquil setting, but traffic noise was still humming in the background.  

Arriving in East Butterwick, on the banks of the Trent, I was ready for another sit down. The owner of the Dog and Gun had very kindly left his chairs out on the front. There is a big grassy patch opposite on the river bank and he was going up and down it on his ride on mower machine. Probably getting it ready for some outdoor customers once he is allowed to open. He gave me a cheery wave as I took the photo. 

Then it was a case of following the river back to the car at Burringham. 
A row of willow trees wafting in the breeze. 

Underneath the M180 motorway. Getting fed up of this camera now. You can see how the scratch on the lens catches the light here and makes a hazy patch. 
Bye bye motorway. 

I was pleased to see that they have put a concrete pavement here. Makes for much easier walking. 

And there you go. Nine miles walked and I'm happy. A quick dinner when I got home. Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Hello, I popped over from Eileen's blog (maybe via a 2nd blog as I am ambling online today). I enjoyed seeing your walk, and that sign struck me. We see the last 2/3 of that posted around here all the time, but I had not seen the "kill nothing but time." I am choosing to believe that we don't need to be reminded. Glad I ambled by.

  2. Very interesting photos of a lovely day.Also love the sheep photos..I think I would have crept nearer too,to check that the baby was still breathing!.It is such a shame,with the scutters that do the fly tipping.Just scum bags in my opinion.I had a lovely day yesterday because we were able to go to Hubbys sisters garden and sit and have a cup of tea,then come home and sit in the sun.We havent seen her for nearly a year,so it was a really nice change.Just the simple things seem so nice these days!How nice of the pub owner to have left some chairs out as well.xx

  3. I have just popped in and reread and saw that you still have the sun visor that you up cycled quite a few years ago!.It is still going strong!,xx


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.