Wednesday, 31 March 2021

Get the bike out

Hello. I was up early this morning, 5am to be precise. After coffee I did a bit on the computer, then did my three mile village walk. A bit of weeding in the garden when I got back. Then lunch. I fancied going a bike ride. The tyres were flat and I had to hunt for the pump. After I set off I realised I had forgotten to put my helmet on. Oh well never mind, the roads are quiet and I will have to make sure I don't fall off. 
I took a few photo's.

And I made a little video.
My friend June was in so we sat out in her garden enjoying a natter, and a nice cool drink of lemon juice. A lovely afternoon, apart from the sore bum. Even with a gel saddle it is still not very comfortable. 
I think it's going to be a bit cooler tomorrow, but I think the sun will be back on Friday.
Don't forget, it's check in day tomorrow for the International Walking Group. Lets see how we are all doing with the walking challenge. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. I recognise where you biked to, I grew up there and lived there until the age of 18 when my parents moved south/I went off to uni. Went back a few years ago (i.e. 40+ years later), such a pretty little village but wasn't much fun as a teenager, nothing to do, only two other girls my age to be friends with. I used to go to Girl Guides at the village you live in and biked over there each week past the "scary" woods

    1. It's a nice village, but as you say, very quiet, people have to make their own entertainment.

  2. I always bang on about wearing a helmet but love it when I choose not to! It gives you a certain sense of freedom.

    1. I bought the helmet because I thought I ought to do the right thing. It's at the back of the cupboard. I made the decision to go out on the spur of the moment, and forgot it. Yes, the freedom without a helmet is very nice. I put some gloves on though, in case I toppled over and had to put my hands out as I hit the ground. It didn't happen thankfully, although there were a few wobbles.

  3. About 10 years ago,I thought about getting a bike,but then changed my mind because the roads are too busy where I live.I dont think I have ridden one since I was a kid and used to think it clever to ride along no handed with my mates,clapping our hands in the air singing Beatles songs,lol.Your bike ride took you to some lovely places and I love sitting in the cemetery.Thank you for the video,xx

    1. I see the kids whizzing around our village, doing wheelies and no hands. We have ramps for bikes, scooters, and skateboards, on the playing field. Perhaps I should give that a go.

  4. Nice to see you out on your bike, has it got a name?

    1. Errrrrr, yes, it's called Red. It used to be Green but I didn't like that so I painted it. I won't be having a conversation with it ;o)


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.