Thursday, 27 May 2021

Sad news from Sweden

I have been following Stefan for a while, a kind and gentle man who has a lot of compassion for his fellow human beings. This morning he shared the sad news about his brother. 
When people were dying of the virus it was splashed all over the main stream media because it served a purpose. It helped to bolster the fear projected onto everyone, which ultimately made people desperate to get a needle in their arm.
The Government is keeping a record of adverse reactions after being jabbed, it is the information taken from the yellow card system. People are talking about their reactions on social media but they are being dismissed as just one of those things. Every reaction should be reported, no matter how small. 
The page on the Government web site is difficult to read, so UK Colum News have transferred all that data onto a simpler version which makes it easier to understand.
Now that numbers are being collated about the serious side effects and even death from the jab, they are not being given the same prominence in the media as those who died from Covid. Maybe those numbers are being hidden for a reason. 
Catch ya later. ilona 


  1. So sad. Many people I know here in the states have gotten the vaccine. I have not that met yet and now people are not required to wear masks if they've had the vaccine so everyone is getting it to be free of the masks. I'm still leery of it and have not gotten it yet. I'm going to wait a while and do more research about deaths from the shot. It's really a hard decision cuz I don't want to get covid-19 either and now so many people are not wearing masks who could be carriers and not know it.

    1. Do the best for yourself, Sharon. Follow your instincts. I did my shopping at 9pm last night again. That's how it's got to be for me. Keeping myself safe.

  2. The first man to receive the covid jab in this country whose name was William Shakespeare has died aged 81. My first thought was this will give certain people ammunition to say “I told you so” . Had he died of covid the same people would no doubt have said “he was 81 he would have died anyway”

    1. barb m: How strange that this was your first though on hearing of this chap's death! My first thought was that it was sad that he died and of the grief that his family must be feeling. I suppose we are all different though.

    2. Do I detect a bit of sarcasm there Indigo? Of course it’s sad to hear of anyone dying at any age. I didn’t feel the need to state an obvious human reaction.

  3. This is so sad. As for the yellow card system, I have no idea why, with unlimited funds, the Govt could not have produced something that was easy to get to and navigate. I would like to think it is incompetence!!

    1. Who knows, Indigo. Incompetence or sweep it under the carpet and it will go away.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.