Sunday, 23 May 2021

Village boot sale.

We managed to get four hours of dry weather this morning for the village boot sale. At 1pm it went dark and chucked it down. By lunch time visitors had already started dropping off. Most prefer to come early. Some were walking, some came in cars. There were 40+ stalls so to get round them all a car would have been the best option. 
I sold the pet beds, some shopping bags, and other items. I also gave things away from my de cluttering sessions. A bit of cash made for Goodheart Animal Sanctuary. I had an hour in the garden after my dinner tonight. Trying to keep on top of the weeding and hedge trimming. 
I've just been for a late walk but it's raining again so I cut it short. 
Having a glass of wine before bed time. More Yorkshire pics tomorrow. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Well done on making some money for your charity!.It was lucky for you to get 4 hours of dry weather,because of the way its been just lately.Im pleased everything went well.Ive been told that our local car boot is finished for good now.Anyway,hope that you have enjoyed your wine and looking forward to seeing some more photos from your lovely little break!.xx

  2. Haven't been to a boot sale in ages. I love them. Really enjoying your Yorkshire pictures thanks for sharing.

  3. I'd love to go to a boot sale again but there still hasn't been any word of when ours are opening again. Organised outdoor events are still limited to 30 people here in Wales,even though the official virus figures are at an all-time low. We can go into a crowded supermarket but not into an open field. I'm sure it makes sense to somebody. Your stall looks lovely, glad you sold some of your items.
    Sounds as though the weather with you is pretty much the same as it is with us, I hope it warms up soon. We've lost quite a few plants on our allotment it's been so cold, so we've had to re-plant - fingers crossed that they'll be OK! Damn this global warming eh? haha. Xx


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.