Thursday, 10 June 2021

Think of the children.

 I walk across the village green to pick up Billy dog. Yesterday I stopped briefly to chat to two ladies who were sitting on a bench next to the war memorial. They had just finished their pilates class which takes place in the Village Hall. We have spoke before in passing so we know a little about each other. They asked me about my art projects and how they were going. I said I am just about to start a new one. They have seen some of what I do at the Christmas Fair. I talked about using junk which people throw out, to make new art. I said I like to inspire people to think about what they could do with their own rubbish. 

The ladies said they could never do anything like that, wouldn't know where to start. This is the standard answer I get whenever I mention the subject. People seem limited by their own perception of  what is possible or not possible. Whereas I think anything is possible if you really want to do it. Maybe some people say they couldn't, when they really mean they don't want to. I think it's best to be honest. 

A young boy has been passing my window in the last few days, going backwards and forwards on his new bike. He is about 8 or 9 ish, and he practices doing wheelies. At first he wasn't very good, then he did a really long one, lifting the handlebars and riding on his back wheel. I went out to him and told him I had been watching and how good he was becoming. I told him to keep practicing. 

He was smiling, pleased with his achievement. Wanting to encourage him to keep trying, I told him a little story. I said I didn't know if I could walk a long way, across the country, 140 miles, but I gave it a try. I wanted to do it and so I did. 

I saw him a couple of days later, on his bike, and his wheelies were getting better and longer. He was starting to master the technique. I went out to him to say well done. He was pleased with himself. I handed him a small choc bar and said he had won first prize. A big beam across his face from ear to ear. He was chuffed. 

So where is this leading? The two ladies have already found their way in life, they are already a good way along their path to fulfilment. But the young boy is only just beginning his life. He has a lot to learn. 

The two ladies use the internet, as do a lot of people of retirement age. It is there and I like to think that we use it wisely, for information, and keeping in touch with friends and family. Young people however are obsessed with their hand held smart phones. They want to keep in touch, be part of the gang, and are frightened of missing out on anything their mates are doing. 

Big Tech giants know that people are sitting ducks where keeping in touch is concerned. They have pushed us into this new virtual world and now people don't know how they can survive without it. Smart phone addiction is polluting our children's brains, they are not learning through the face to face channels like we did. They have us where they want us. Too frightened to think for ourselves, always waiting for instructions. 

And now comes the plan. The G7 Summit this weekend will be pushing for health passports. People have been coerced into taking the jab because their freedom will be limited if they don't. It is creating a two tier system, turning people against each other. Another tool to be used for control. The virus has almost gone but still the threats continue. The new threat will be climate change. Expect to see a lot more about that. 

We have to get our lives back, if we don't our children will suffer. Already their brains are being pickled. Big Tech are stealing the minds of our children, and they will carry on doing that. There is one way to stop that. Remove apps, better still remove their mobile phones. There will be withdrawal symptoms they will scream and shout, but isn't it a parents duty to do the best for their children, well that's what I thought. 

I had no aspirations to be a parent so maybe I am not the best placed person to say these things, but I have eyes and ears and I can understand what is happening. Money is power. Big Tech and Big Pharma are destroying people's lives, and now they are on a mission of total dominance. Don't give it to them, take your life back, for the sake of your kids. 

Now for breakfast. Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon. 

Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. I don't have the same view as you, Ilona, although I'm not going to argue - each to their own. I haven't been coerced into having the jab, I chose to have it not so much for freedom purposes, but because I don't want to get Covid. With my underlying health conditions, I would be very seriously ill, or even die, if I got Covid. Now I feel much safer, and that's priceless as far as I'm concerned.

    1. Agree with you. I had the covid jab for the same reason that I have the flu jab. I may not get either virus without them but why risk it...better safe than sorry in my book.

    2. Add me to the list of those who got the vaccine to protect myself from not getting Covid - and to protect my close neighbor who has leukemia. I was not coerced to get the vaccine. I was right there as soon as it was available in my area. I feel so good that my life is mostly back to normal apart from my vet still doing curbside appointments.

    3. The jab does not stop you from catching Covid. If you do, the symptoms will be milder and you shouldn't need to get hospital treatment.

    4. Precisely. The jab doesn’t prevent us getting covid but it gives us some peace of mind if we were to catch it..hence giving us more confidence to get out & about again!

    5. I agree. Where I live (Canada) there are VERY few, very rare recorded cases of someone getting Covid after their second shot. I got my shots to protect myself, and also to protect those I come in contact with. We eliminated (or virtually eliminated) polio, tetanus, measles, whooping cough, hepatitis, etc. etc. through the use of vaccines. I'm sure there were naysayers for those vaccines, too. I trust science and medicine, I have no advanced education in those areas so I trust those that DO have the experience and the education.

  2. You must have made that little boy feel so good about himself. We all need a bit of encouragement sometimes.

  3. I bet that you made that young boys day!.Its always great to give kids encouragement in what they do.A simple act of kindness goes along way these days!As far as the jabs are concerned,yes every one of my family are fully jabbed up now but only because we were scared in to doing so.And yes it is control.I feel like we have been micro chipped.I have noticed that when people talk these days,one of the first things they say is..Have you had your jabs yet.Who would have thought,all those months ago that it would come to this.xx

    1. Children are precious. I make a point of talking to them when I see them . They like a bit of attention from a waffy old woman.

      I have been asked a few times if I have had my jab. The look of disbelief when I say no. I feel like I should lie and say yes, for a quiet life.

    2. If you think it will stop people looking at you in disbelief then why not say you’ve had the jab. I’ve had both jabs, I don’t necessarily believe everyone I know who tells me they’ve had there’s. They know they wouldn’t be allowed inside my home otherwise...tee hee..

    3. Because I am not a liar. I am true to myself and my beliefs. So you would rather a friend lied to you. You are exactly the kind of person I wouldn't want as a friend. Someone who does not tolerate others who may have a different opinion.

    4. I couldn't agree more Ilona. If someone does not want to be friends with me because of that, they were never a friend anyway. I am always amazed how easily the masses are used by those in power to suppress each other. Black and white against each other, young and old against each other, rich/poor, abled/disabled, on and on it goes. Divide and rule - it works every time. In the not too distant future, parents will be demonised for not allowing their small children to be jabbed.

    5. Well said Ilona! True friendship is a blessing, truth and being true to yourself and those around you is key for friendship.
      I, a bit like yourself are sometimes ridiculed for how I live and my beliefs I'm often referred to as being"weird" by those that don't truly know me. Hobby I'm also called, but if being "weird and Hobby" is a title I've been given I smile and wear that badge with pride.
      I love this comment you made. Maybe if everyone were true to themselves in all aspects of life maybe just maybe there wouldn't be so many "sheep" and we would all have a better understanding of the world and where we are at. Well done you xxx

    6. Any death within 28 days where the person had come up positive with a dodgy test was put down as a covid death. Any death following a jab is just one of those things and nothing to do with the jab. I find it really hard to believe that people can't see that there is something odd about this.

  4. Great post Ilona, on point as usual.
    I keep my opinions to myself, you know what they are.

    1. Sometimes I think I should keep my mouth shut, but the more I think about it the more I see how wrong this all is.

  5. Totally off I do every now and again,lol..I just want to say a big Thank you to you Ilona.My parcel has just come through the post and I love what you have sent me.You have really made my day!Hubby says that I looked like a child on Christmas day as I was carefully opening it.I love the packaging too!Thank You!xx

    1. I'm glad you like your surprise. Clever use of re using dry cat food bags.

  6. I have gone memories of my childhood back in the fifties. However, change is the law of life. Technology has brought huge advances in many ways. Only last month when I attended for my mammogram, I noticeable much more sophisticated the machine was, invaluable to catch cancer at its earliest stage. Many of the children of today will be using technology in their adult lives, in medicine, science and other fields, for the good of the human race in the future. Mobile phones are a stepping stone for many children today, computers are widely used in schools, libraries and museums. However difficult, we should embrace change and the benefits it brings.

    1. I am all for moving forward but not all change is for the better. Technology can also work against us.

  7. Just because you choose to not have children doesn't mean you can't see a problem and voice a concern. Had one and adopted three, my kids were sent outside if the weather was decent, and told to stay out of trouble and find something to do. As a result they can resist peer pressure and creatively problem solve. Keep thinking for yourself and expressing your thoughts on what you are thinking about.

    As for people injecting stuff in my body, the answer is not only, no, but hell no. I have enough chronic health problems, I don't need to compound them.

    1. I remember we used to make up our own games. we spent a lot of time outside entertaining ourselves. We used to play shops, mum saved all empty boxes and bottles and tins, and we made up a pretend shop in the shed. These days kids are sat in front of a screen from an early age, then given a mobile phone. That's when normal play ceases and they become robots.

    2. We used to play shops as well when we were kids.I did the same with my Daughter and grandkids when they were young.I would cut up paper for the pound notes and round bits of cardboard for the coins.I also used to walk for miles around the streets with my mates,taking car numbers in a little book.xx

  8. Yes your right there Ilona about children doing normal activity away from phones etc.i asked my neighbours two young teenagers would they paint my hallway for me.i told them they would be great at this and they did a wonderfull job of it.the look on their faces when they had finished it with great success was worth so much.they were proud of giving it a good try and it was good experience for them x

    1. A great idea to get kids involved in doing normal tasks. Remember the Bob a Job days. Get them to do a bit of weeding or wash the car. You don't see any of that now.

  9. I was first in line for my vaccination because I don't want to get Covid. I'm 75 and my husband is 76 with underlying health conditions (diabetes). That said, I agree with so much of what you wrote, both about control and about encouraging young people.

    1. You can still catch Covid. Just keep up with the masks, hand washing, and distancing if you feel vulnerable.

    2. At what rate does a vaccinated person catch covid vs. a non-vaccinated?

  10. Sorry I meant to say your Butterfly is lovely you are so talented.
    Hazel 🌈🌈

  11. Just to say "Thank you" ilona for the thoughtful gift i received today. It's exactly what i
    need, in fact they are so useful that i used one today!....
    P.S It's a rare thing to find someone as generous and kind as you.
    Sandra. Xx

    1. Glad you like it Sandra. Now you are making me blush :-)

  12. No-one's actually asked me if I've had the jab, they're too busy proclaiming their self-perceived virtue to the world. I just keep quiet because my medical record is my business. I was in a charity shop yesterday and two women were discussing the dates for their second jab and parroting the line 'No-one's safe until everyone's safe' honestly, it makes me cringe. One lady I know had her first jab a while ago and she's lost her sense of balance since. She constantly feels as though she's going to topple over, yet, because of pressure from her boss, she's going to go ahead with the second jab. I wish people could grasp the fact that they are taking part in an experiment, one which is ongoing until 2023. Have the jab or don't have the jab, but at least understand what it is, and stop calling it a vaccine, which it most certainly isn't! How do I know this when I'm not a virologist or an immunologist? Well, I know that the sun's shining today, there's some cloud around and it's warmer than it was yesterday. How do I know this when I'm not a meteorologist? Well, I got up off my arse and looked out of the door, and found out for myself.

    1. I've heard about the balance thing. I know an elderly lady who is having problems with balance. It is getting to the stage where she has to hold onto things, and is considering getting one of those wheelie walking aids. She puts it down to having a bad case of shingles a couple of years ago. She had an unpleasant reaction to the first jab but still went ahead with the second. She hasn't made the connection with loss of balance to the jab, but one has to wonder.

  13. In Israel 5.5 million people have vaccinated with the Phizer vaccine. Only 4 people have Covid 19. Now life is returning to normal, we don't have to wear masks outside & from the 1st July we won't have to wear masks inside. I think it is better to be vaccinated than getting Covid


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