Thursday, 10 June 2021

It was hot

I've had a really nice day. this morning I started on a new project, this is it so far. I have an idea, something I saw in a magazine, don't know if it will work out. I have a picture in my mind of what I want to achieve. It will take some time, there is a lot of stitching to be done. 
I had a soak in the bath, and dozed off it was so relaxing. It's really strange to wake up in water. My toe nails were really long so that was a job needed to be done. 
After the bath, and after lunch, I was a bit late getting off for a walk this afternoon. 
This is a very pretty cottage garden. It is full of nicknacks and ornaments. Jam packed full of plants and flowers. 
A stack of new pallets waiting to be loaded up with turf. I could build a house with these. 
And due to the lack of anything else to photograph, here is a selfie from yours truly. It was hot, short sleeves and a skirt on. This stretch of tarmac road is the access to a farm so I am not going to get run over standing in the middle of it. 
I was rather hopping that we would get some rain, but we haven't, so I must go out now and water up the flower beds and pots, before it gets dark. 
Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon.  Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Speaking of hot days….116 degrees expected here in sunny Arizona this upcoming week! Everyone mentions the low humidity but this is still hot ;). I take my walks early in the morning, otherwise my poor dog and I would burst into flames ;).

  2. It has been sunny but not too hot here in Leicester these last few days,which is just how I like it!The cottage garden looks very pretty.Someone who lives there must be a keen gardener..where as mine seems to be a bit hit and miss!.My Mam gave me 2 growing lettuce.Fully grown ones but with soil still on the that cheating,lol.But anyway I am going to plant them and see what happens.I can imagine how you felt looking at those pallets...and I dont doubt for one second that you could built a house out of them,lol.They are so useful for in the garden.Many times on my walks,I see them discarded in skips and I wonder why people dont keep them!xx


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