Thursday, 29 July 2021

Walk and talk.

Yesterday I went for a walk. Blue skies up ahead, looks promising. 
Dark clouds building up behind. Don't like the look of that. 
Really dark clouds heading my way. Mother used to say, it's black over Bill's mothers. Never knew who Bill was. I am getting a feeling there may be trouble ahead.
Best turn round and go back. Brolly came out of the backpack, big spots of rain started coming down, a clap of thunder not far away. Oh dear. I think I'm going to get wet. 

I've been to the 20 21 Art Gallery in town this afternoon. Nice to chat to the ladies in there. They have to wear masks as instructed by North Lincs Council, their employers. One of the ladies is leaving next month, she is happy about that. She has bought a campervan and will be off on some adventures. Good for her. 
I took loads of photo's, will get them sorted out soon. A fascinating exhibition. 
Now I have some veg to use up so I will make a stew. Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. That is just how it was yesterday here in Leicester.Beautiful sunshine and then the heavens opened.Down it came with thunder and lightning.I was lucky because I was in home and didnt get caught in it.Although I dont mind the rain ...if I am dressed for is the thunder that I dont like.You did an amazing job doing that video!.Thanks for sharing it with us,xx

    1. I tried not to wobble too much. It looks like I am in an Amazon Rain Forest.

  2. Hope you got home safe and sound Ilona x

    1. Yep, wet all the way through to the underpants.

  3. Sorry your walk got rained out, but I loved hearing the rain.

    1. It won't be the first time and it won't be the last. I remember one day on a long walk where it rained all day. It did rather dampen my spirits somewhat.

  4. Black clouds can be depressing sometimes. I hope you enjoy your stew.

    1. I find any clouds intriguing. I am not one to get depressed about anything.

  5. You made me laugh Ilona, we've had rain and storms for the last week or so, so I know about getting soaked!

    1. It's no bother to leave all the wet stuff inside the front door and get into some dry clothes.

  6. I love thunderstorms. I feel quite envious of the lady who has bought a campervan. Ideally, I would like to live off grid.

    1. So would I, but maybe just for the summer months. I lived in a small caravan in the winter, it was not nice. Condensation built up which made things damp. Had to keep lifting the mattress up to get air all around it.

      I have a friend here in the village. Ken has just bought a campervan and is off to the Lakes in a few days time. He said maybe he'll be back for Christmas. His van cost £35,000 and it's not new. He is 70 and decided that he doesn't need to hold on to his money, spend it while he can still enjoy life.

    2. How I envy Ken. I had a small caravan, which I stayed in quite often (not the same as having to live in I know). I insulated the lower walls behind the bed, in the cupboards, etc with very thin polystyrene. It worked a treat. No more climing into a damp bed. I also lived in my Ford Corina estate for a while before upgrading (!!) to an old Ford Transit. It was luxury compared to the car, but not particularly pleasant really.

  7. 💧☔🌂💥💖💖
    Good video meanqueen ms-#ilona.. hope you dryed off at home with a nice HOT mug of coffee ☕
    BEST wishes Levi xx


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