Sunday, 1 August 2021

Check in time once again

 Good morning. Here we are again, the first of the month. Seven months gone, let's all stride forward into August. It's time for the International Walking Group to share their news, how many miles have you done this month, and what is your total now. 

My miles on the 1st of July were 518, my miles now are 608, so I am chuffed with that. I can have a day or two off if I have other things to do. I have stuff to do in the garden this week, the garage is scheduled to be  taken down on Wednesday. Now it's your turn, how are you doing. Please leave a comment so we can cheer each other on. 

My walk yesterday, from my front door, 8 miles done, thankfully it didn't rain. 

I'll get off now, time for breakfast. Bran flakes, seeds and nuts, and a banana today. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Hello Ilona and fellow walkers, though I haven't walked of any importance in July I am happy to tell I have cycled even so more, 368 kilometres in total.
    Still struggling with pelvic and hip troubles, echo and MRI following on August 12th. to hopefully find out detailed cause and cure.
    In the meantime I'll keep up my daily cycling tours.
    Happy walking to you and the walking group.


    1. Hello Jeanneke. I am amazed when anybody cycles a long way. I hope you get some answers when your results come through.

  2. Hello Ilona and fellow walkers, my total is only 42 miles this month, I´ve been otherwise engaged with birth of grandson number 10.

    1. Hello Sansthing. How lovely to have a new family member. Family comes first, with exercise a close second. You will catch up.

  3. Enjoying your blog and your journies! I hope I can post this, have had a lot of trouble in the past trying to post comments. Will try again !

  4. Will try commenting one more time have been having trouble doing that in the past. Enjoying your blog and journies! Your photos are a mmm swing also! Take care all 🙋

    1. Hello Rebecca. Two of your comments have appeared, so just carry on doing what you are doing. I moderate the comments so they won't appear immediately.

  5. HI Ilona and fellow walkers. I have done 78 miles this month making a total of 576. will try and up my effort next month. Enjoy the walking, also your blog Ilona. Best wishes all.

    1. Hello Irene. You are doing just fine. Your mileage is very close to the targets. Almost five months left, you will do it.

  6. Replies
    1. Hello Sally. Thank you for your good wishes.

  7. Well done to all fellow walkers.
    My total so far is 554 miles.
    It would be more but I totally lost enthusiasm last week!
    Never mind today is the beginning of a new month.
    Enjoy August everyone.

    1. Hello Sue. It happens. We all have our ups and downs. Like falling off a bike, just get up, dust yourself down, and get back on again.

  8. Hello again Ilona and fellow walkers. I don't know what happened to me last month but I was very late reporting my mileage and also lost 100 miles in the process too! So my total to date is actually a respectable 762 miles with just over 113 miles completed in July. Good luck for August everyone!

    1. Hello Vicks. You are a busy lady who lives life to the full. You always find time for walking. Great miles.

  9. When you post photos of your walks, I feel like I am walking along with you.
    July was a nice month for walking although some days it was a big hot. I logged 138 miles for July which bring my year to date 648.

    1. Hello Kay. You did really well in July. There's no stopping you now.

  10. Hello Ilona, your neighbourhood looks quite pretty.
    My amount for July is 99 miles. Total this year is 639. Enjoy your walking in August. Greetings from the Netherlands.

    1. Hello guusje. I am surrounded by countryside, which makes the walking challenge a lot more pleasurable. Your mileage is fantastic. Well done.

  11. Heat, smoke, humidity, but we walk on. My YTD total is 850 miles.

    1. Hello Sheila. That's amazing, fantastic miles.

  12. Hello. I'm a bit disappointed at myself this month - I thought i had hit an unbelievable amount of miles (for me!)..fifty miles!?!? BUT NO I have added up and my total for July is 47.2miles... what?! So a little bit sad that i did not hit the 50 mark but at the same time, amazed that I walked well over my norm.. and I am enjoying it. Thx so so much to this group for keeping me encouraged to keep going, gillian

    1. Hello Gillian. Don't be too hard on yourself, that's a good effort. As long as you are enjoying it. You will catch up in August.

  13. July was my worst month so far with 63 miles. Not really sure what happened as I have no excuse but I will try to do better this month. Happy walking everyone.

    1. Hello Nick. Kick up the arse for you. Do not despair, I have a feeling that August is going to be a stupendous month for you.

  14. 145 miles in July for a total of 980 so far. Still aiming for 1500. Optimistic I will make it as that's just over 100 miles/month now for the next 5 months. Thank you for the great photos as always, Ilona!

    1. Hello Allison. I like your optimism, that's the way to be. YOU CAN DO IT

  15. We had family visiting for a week, they both love to walk, so I managed 68 kilometers in this week only! Together with my regular walks I am now at 745 km, maybe I could aim for 1000 miles, not only kilometers?

    1. Hello Hilde. You are doing so well. Aim for the sky.

  16. Hello all! I walked 77 miles this past month, putting my total at 485. I'm ok with the 77 miles considering I didn't walk every walking companion injured her leg and needed to take some days off. I just don't feel inspired to walk without my beautiful pit bull Indigo!

    1. Hello Leslie. I am sorry you are missing your dog. It is strange walking alone, when you have had your best pall beside you. Give it time. It will come back.

  17. From an email.
    I have a Google account for comments (the traveling Oltmans) and I added a comment to your blog, but I don’t see it, so I may be having problems again. Sigh. Here is my update:

    Here in the hot and sunny Arizona desert, the lows at night are high 80’s to low 90’s, so my early morning walking is limited to 2 miles. Hopefully in August the temps will drop and I can add a mile in the evening. For July, put me down for 62 miles…I changed the way I track and July was only partial, so this is an estimate. Ilona, thanks for doing the walking group. Hilogene in Az.


    Hi Hilo. I don't know why you can comment some of the time, then you say you can't.

    1. Hello Hilogene Good to see you are still walking. Thanks for the update.

  18. Time gets away doesn't it, seems to me like the end of July was just yesterday, but it's now the 9th Aug!! Anyways, 165 klms for the month bringing me up to 1353 klms, and loving every klm walked!! Joy, Central Vic Australia.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.