Monday, 2 August 2021

Free bedding

 When I was out walking on Saturday I saw this pile of junk dumped on a farm track which is also a public footpath. I have passed this place before several times and the pile gets bigger as more stuff is dumped on it. Someone is probably saving it up and will set fire to it eventually. It's on private land next to the track so it will be the responsibility of the farmer to move it. 

I noticed some carrier bags, they weren't there last time. I couldn't resist looking in them. I found some bedding, duvet covers and pillow cases. A bit wet because it has been raining. I gathered a few items up and inspected them. Some of them were salvageable. I put them in the orange bag you see there. I carried them with me on the rest of the walk. A bit heavy I have to say. 

Now they are washed and ironed. No I don't iron my own bedding, but I am going to give these away. The red flowery set is lovely. The purple pillow cases are satin and embroidered. The blue and red stripey set is good quality cotton and a little bit more manly than the others. 
I will find a new home for them. 
Now I am going to take Billy out. Thanks to the Walking Group for checking in. The numbers are looking good. I'm proud of you for keeping it going. 
You may have noticed that some of my videos on yooohoootooob have now got adverts on them. This is not my doing. They contacted me some time ago saying that all videos will be having adverts, it's their new policy. You have my permission to skip them.  
Catch ya later. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Good find ilona..meanqueen 👍why throw out good bedding which can be used ! Bet it GOT heavy carrying it back home. But worth it saves a couple of Bob there
    But what AN horrible sight to see in the countryside! Easier to go to your local tip instead of flytipping some folk do not give a single toss 😠,,

  2. Hi Ilona. That was nice of you to go to the trouble of carrying, washing and ironing the bedding. Someone will make good use of it, rather than it going to waste. I hate the way some people litter the countryside like this. The landowner will now have to pay to get this lot cleared or, in the case of public land, the local ratepayers will foot the bill.

  3. Good sheets and pillowcases u found. Maybe remodeling house and finding new things to buy for house. I donate items I no longer use. That way people can buy cheaper items. Starting a fire in Oregon is illegal 🚫 🔥 for now as land is dehydrated since we've not had rain in months. Fire truck had to go put an illegal fire out on Friday. Not much water in rivers. Wells are dry in southern OR. Looks like rain is coming later this week. Thankfully. Have a good week.

  4. Agree with everything your readers have said above. I think fly tipping is carried out by commercial contractors who would have to pay to dump this at the tip. It is a hideous sight and has become an epidemic during the pandemic, if you'll excuse the pun.

    Amanda in Sussex

  5. I really cant understand why people have to throw good quality stuff away.Why dont they do what you have done and wash,iron it and give it a new home or to a charity shop.xx

    1. I sorted out a large bag of good quality clothes (mainly M&S and Next) and took them to a charity shop on one of my rare days in town. The young lady behind the counter said I would have to come back the next day because they only took items in on two days a week. I politely told her that I was there now and I wasn't coming back. She finally took them. I certainly wasn't going to beg!! It put me off trying again to be honest. I now see if anyone I know would like the things I am getting rid of.

  6. Im a bugger for stopping and picking stuff up that i can find a use for from the side of the road , a friend is just as bad . She received a fine and summons for dumping rubbish she had been rooting through , the council had put up a hidden camera and got her registration number . She actually had to attend the magistrates and the council had to produce the whole film taken instead of just the photos of her with rubbish bags next to her car , it got thrown out straight away . That was Scunthorpe Council .

    1. I try and report fly tipping on the Council web site, but it's hopeless. Can see the map on the screen to pinpoint the exact location. Can't add a photograph to the form, have to email it. I give up.

  7. Haha I like the Tesco thing lol .I went into a Tesco in my area yesterday.lots of sections like customer service cigarette sales returns have all been shut off.they say they have all been pinged by the dreaded app and must stay at home so barley any staff around and ones that are allowed to stay running round like headless chickens because of a phone app! Have lovley day I think I'll shop at Aldi lolx

    1. They are supposed to be making changes to the app, or so they say, so not everybody has to isolate. I don't believe them.

  8. It annoys me why people can't take decent things to Charity shops/collections.
    I am always hauling things home to take to Charity shops from my relatives and neighbors. Instead of them just binning it. So wasteful, I'm training my friends and relations to keep old quilts and curtains for me as I convert them into quilts/beds for the local cat charity

    1. It's just a piss in the ocean, but at least we are trying.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.