Friday, 6 August 2021


 Desperation is a word that comes to mind when I see adverts that encourage folks to get their jab. Their jab, as if it has their name on it, as if there is one set aside especially for them. 

Bullying, coercion, blackmailing, bribe, compel, intimidate, demand, and hold to ransom, are all words to describe the campaign by the Government to get everybody jabbed. The onslaught is relentless, and you have to question why. If you believe that they have your best interests at heart, you are deluded. They have a Government department which works on the psychology of manipulation. 

They have had a run of  bullying the whole adult population, they have not stopped yet, and now they are aiming for the children. Are there are no such depths they will stoop to. Promises of rewards, freebee's, and freedoms if you get a prick in the arm. 

The Times Newspaper, which I always thought of as being a cut above the red tops, has now given in to accepting advertisements to bully children into getting a jab. It's all about the money, and control. No one knows what the consequences will be in the long term of getting this. These young people will one day want to become parents. 

This picture appears on billboards and social media. The Times article is here. Get the jab or miss the fun. 

 This whole thing is turning into a sickening nightmare. Did you get the answer to the question? Why are they doing this? It's blindingly obvious now. Money. Which part of the camp are you in? Divide and fall, or divide and prosper? There is only one direction it is going in, and every step is a step too far. I'm pleased that I didn't have any children, I can't imagine the turmoil that some parents, and grandparents, must be going through. 

I'll be back later. Toodle pip.   ilona 


  1. Yes, it is. Someone should tell politicians that their toy (vaccines) might get them into big trouble in the not so distant future when vaccinated people will sue them for vain promises of health.

  2. It's sad. I think people are going to turn on each other and are starting to do that now. In New York they will be mandating that people show proof of vaccine before going into restaurants etc.

    1. Turning on each other was always part of the plan.

  3. Ilona i think very like you! About this covid thing!,, it's all to control us joe bloggs AND its no longer about a virus.. we are all being pushed towards the same thing the new world they call it too bewitching us too think exactly the same,, reminds me of robots 💔.. take care ilona💖 . Love Levi xX 💙

    1. Glad to see you are awake.

    2. Yes ilona i-couldn't sleeper.. I'm just reading the comments below.
      Drinking my coffee I need it, LOL 😀
      Have a nice DAY /weekend meanqueen you going out today FOR a walk!

      BEST wishes Levi-xXx

  4. It's creepy fanatical. This notion that everyone just absolutely must have it or you're a hysterical, uneducated moron that wants to murder little old grannies and disabled kids. It's almost cultish and it worries me.

    1. Yes, why are they pushing so hard for the jaberwocky when a large section of people have a perfectly adequate natural immunity.

    2. Exactly. Naturally gained immunity contributes to herd immunity and has being doing so even before vaccines were on the scene yet it is conveniently ignored. This is because it's not about the virus! There is plenty of research that shows that natural immunity is reliable and long lasting.

  5. Hi Ilona, this video about mass psychosis explains a lot:

    1. Thank you Helen. I started watching this last night but had to give up half way through it, I was so tired. I have just finished watching, and I have to say it sheds a lot of light on what is going on right now.

      Excerpt taken from the description box.

      In this video we are going to explore the most dangerous of all psychic epidemics, the mass psychosis. A mass psychosis is an epidemic of madness and it occurs when a large portion of a society loses touch with reality and descends into delusions.

      I have learnt a new word, menticide.
      Menticide the process of systematically altering beliefs and attitudes, especially through the use of drugs, torture, or psychological stress techniques; brainwashing.

      This leads me to believe that there is something in the jaberwocky which is pickling people's brains. How can any sane person allow their child to roll up their sleeve for an experimental dose of goodness knows what. There are already damaged children who's parents sent them down this route.

    2. Helen. I have found the book which this video is based on. The Rape of the Mind by A M Meerloo MD. Scanning through it I think it's going to be a must read.

      The Rape of the Mind explores the Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and
      Brainwashing. Published in 1956 and written by Joost A. M. Meerloo, M.D., Instructor in
      Psychiatry, Columbia University Lecturer in Social Psychology, New School for Social
      Research, Former Chief, Psychological Department, Netherlands Forces.

    3. Thanks, I'll have a look.

  6. I would respectfully ask people this question: 'I have never known a UK government to offer 'rewards' for a medical procedure before i.e. taxi vouchers, a free takeaway meal etc, so why is this being done now for this vaccination?' I have never known my surgery to offer me these 'treats' for a smear test or a mammogram. This makes me very suspicious. Of course, this is purely my view.

    1. Your view and a lot of other people's. Question everything.

  7. I had both my vaccinations. For my own health and wellbeing. People make their own decisions. And that's how it should be. I don't agree with trying to persuade people one way or another. I think people are overthinking and getting paranoid.

    1. Over thinking my arse. Thousands of people have died after getting jabbed. You can't over think when you are messing with people's lives.

  8. Ilona, exactly right! The world has gone mad…in my opinion. Here in the US folks are beyond crazy. I had my vaccination but believe to my toes that everyone has the right to their own decision. There is something very evil about the behavior now, people get fired for not getting the vaccination. Even though now it turns out that getting the vaccine doesn’t protect you from getting or giving it. Sigh. Madness.

  9. I kept having friends contact me to tell me that they had got their jab and always ended with 'have you had yours yet?. Best not to answer such a stupid, impertinent question. I am sure you know all this is about a whole lot more than money. They want us body, mind and soul.

  10. Always follow the money in cases like this. I've noticed too that the MailOnLine over the last few days has consistently run stories of "anti-vaxxers" who have died allegedly of Covid and in their dying breath have uttered that they wished they had had the jab! Not only is it fear mongering it is totally disrespectful and cruel to their families. However more and more are getting wise to this and more will before we are finished.

    1. Yes, I have noticed those kind of stories appearing everywhere. Regrets of not getting jabbed. Nothing about their possible underlying health issues. And nothing about the stories of those who have been jabbed and who now face a lifetime of disabilities, or loved ones left behind in the case of death.

    2. There are also stories of 'celebs' who say they have dumped their not jabbed friends. Then there are the polls that come to the conclusion that the majority of the population agree that (insert whatever it is they are pushing). Polls are simply there to shape public opinion. I agree with crystalMoonCat in that people are waking up to their underhand tactics.

    3. You are right about the polls. I don't believe any of them.

  11. Why are the government promoting the jab? Because our seriously underfunded NHS can't cope with a huge influx of seriously ill patient and running out of oxygen ventilators and beds like what's happening in India. It would make them look inadequate. The jab is said to lessen symptoms and the need for hospital treatment. Whether that's true or not is anyone's guess. India is a very poor country with a lot of people eating an inadequate diet so bound to be affected worse.
    I've had both jabs as I have a lung condition as have all my extended family. 4 family members caught Covid, 1 died but they had cancer so underlying condition. The others described it as trying to breath and cough with someone sitting on your chest. All recovered in 3 weeks without hospital intervention.
    Children spread most viruses colds, flu, measles, chicken pox etc so perhaps that's why they are encouraging them to have the vaccine. But it doesn't stop you catching Covid anyway.

    1. You ask a valid question. Ask yourself why this is happening all over the world? Forget about the virus, forget about the NHS, it's about control. The next stages are crucial. I'm not going to turn the whole blog over to this, that's why I started the Research page. People can read it, or not.

  12. Ilona, I watched that brilliant video on mass psychosis and it struck me towards the end where they suggest a parallel culture within totalitarianism is a way to fight back, that you are living that parallel life, you don't fall for MSM crap, you are not dependent on anyone and you do what you want to do and when you want to. I think that the more of us that can lead our own parallel lives within this controlling society will eventually defeat it because there will eventually be nobody left that is impressed by celebs, empty promises etc., we'll be looking after ourselves. Vive la revolution!

  13. If the vaccination means you can still get the virus albeit with mild symptoms, how would the vaccinated person know they have it?
    In all seriousness, would that not leave the unvaccinated most at risk?

    Can I also ask Ilona, do you personally know anyone who has had the virus?

    1. Gill I am not going to keep on going over the same ground. There is plenty of information out there, I have spent many hours studying it, you can do the same. FWIW many unjabbed people have a perfectly good immune system, built up over a lifetime. No need to top it up with drugs.

      Yes, my nephew (45) has had the virus. He got over it and he had asthma as a child.

      People could do themselves a favour and not get stuck in a time warp. Stressing about the virus causes anxiety, not good for mental health. People should be looking ahead at what is coming next. I am more concerned about the totalitarian regime that we are sleepwalking into.

    2. If you really want to know what it's about, watch this 22 minute video to the end. Listen to every word. Covid is seen as an opportunity by Klaus Schwab and his followers of the World Economic Forum, to build back better. They know another crisis is coming along, because they are creating it. They will continue to push for lockdowns by scaring people into believing the world is doomed due to climate change. Expect to see more videos and news reports about adverse weather conditions. More wild fires, more hurricanes, more flooding.

  14. Have you seen this, Ilona? :

    1. Thank you Helen. I have put it on the Research page.

  15. I am a UK resident but I am stuck abroad at the moment andI am happy with that as the UK government has ran a fear campaign, this campaign has frightened its citizens against the vaccine. I look at the daily stats published by the WHO and they show a decrease in deaths where the vaccine uptake is high. I have lost friends to this virus and was one of the first to get my vaccine. I agree it was developed very fast this was due to money being thrown at it also as it was a pandemic there were lots of people to test it on. I am in favour of high school pupils getting the vaccine but not younger children. I do not eat processed foods etc and Inwas very delayed my daughter whooping cough vaccine due to my allergies, so I am not a sheep. You like me are entitled to our opinions only history well tell.

    1. History will indeed tell. You just watch what happens next.

  16. I sent a post earlier Ilona. I can see a lot of people on here are frightened. But why is it that I'm not? You can read allsorts into news articles. I keep going each day. Life is what you believe and make it.

    1. Because you are confident in the decisions you have made for yourself, as I am confident with my decision to rely on my natural immunity rather than get jabbed.

  17. Reply to your question Gill. No. They receive funds from Facebook and Google, both of which censor anything which goes against the official narrative. This blog aims to strike a balance for all those people who can see beyond what is peddled by the main stream media. I think your comments would be best suited to either Cro or Puddings blogs, because you are clearly more in tune with their thinking.

  18. Thank you for creating the Research Page, very informative.

    1. Thank you. Doing my bit to try and address the imbalance between the sensationalist headlines, and the stories you won't find in the main stream media. It's like trying to hold back the tide.

  19. Covid19 Assembly are taking MHRA/ Javid to court to try to halt giving the injections to children:

    £60,000 already crowdfunded to help them.

  20. Great post and comments. The govt. here in Ireland has lost all its marbles and pushing the v all day long on radio and tv. You cannot eat in a restaurant or drink in a pub if no v passport. You have to stay outside. We are not pubgoers so don't care about that but they are eroding our freedoms all the time. Nurse at surgery asked had I got "my" v when I went for my regular blood test last week. I said no. I don't apologise and I don't explain. No means no.They are starting on the 12 -16 yr olds next week. Plenty of work for the cardiologists into the future.


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