Friday, 17 December 2021

I haven't the foggiest ;o)

It wasn't the best of days to go out for a walk today. It started off foggy, and remained foggy for the whole day. I drove for about an hour to the village of Elsham. I was going to go to Barnetby but the place I have parked before at the Station now charges. So I plumped for the Village Hall at Elsham. No charge. 
Elsham has some seriously big posh houses. I walked up the road to find the church. There was a lane to the left so I went to explore, and found a fishing pond. As you can see it was shrouded in mist. It was very quiet and eerie. Love the reflections in the water. 

I found All Saints Church. It sits quite high up at a road junction and is surrounded by woodland on one side and trees at the front. Only one decent spot to get a picture. Sadly the door was locked. 

I left the village along a quiet road. This is where the A15 trunk road goes over the top. It took me several shots to get a whole lorry in the frame. This one is heading towards Barton and the Humber Bridge.  
As you can see, the views are lost in the mist.

You often see s sign on the grass verge saying Road liable to flooding, and it is very rare to see a flood. Well this one is flooded. Luckily there is a raised pavement on each side. Several cars went through it very carefully.

No, it isn't the Blackpool Tower. It's the radio and telephone mast at the corner of what used to be Elsham Airfield. More information here. 

It was getting dark as I was coming back to the village. Loss of daylight plus fog brought visibility down to a few yards. I have a new torch which I can attach to my clothing. Better to be seen than to be knocked down. 

Seven miles walked today, and no one to talk to. I didn't see anyone. I made a video which I will upload tomorrow. Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon. Enjoy your weekend. 

Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Foggy winter pictures can look very atmospheric. Have a great weekend

  2. Hi Ilona, funny enough I don't have the foggiest most days ;-). Love the first picture of the Willow and its reflection, very atmospheric m'dear.

    1. I sometimes want to sharpen a picture if it is too fuzzy. I like clean well defined edges. I remind myself that these are meant to be fuzzy. I'm the same when making textile art. Some people love frayed edges, I want to make a hem and tuck the loose bits underneath.

  3. I just love the pictures of the churches you visit. So beautiful!! I loved all the pictures. You have a great eye for beautiful pictures. Did today’s walk put you at the 1,000 miles? I know you have to be so so close. πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

    1. Only ten miles left to do to reach the target. I don't suddenly stop when I arrive at the magical number. I carry on until the end of the year, I just don't record it. Takes the pressure off a bit. Then I start again at zero on January the 1st.

  4. I left Elsham 5 years ago, after 20 years there, but it's still very much as it was. I did plenty of walking, and cycling, around the area, and always enjoyed it, no matter what the weather was like.

    1. It's a lovely village. Compact in it's layout, with all kinds of houses, from mansions to cottages. So interesting to walk around.

  5. Some very atmospheric photos. Glad you have that night light on your jacket now.

    Churches always seem to be locked now, which is a shame as normally the interesting bits are inside, after all!

    1. If you ever come to Kent the church in Leeds village is open from around 9.30am till 5

  6. The pictures of the pond are beautiful Ilona. The first one in particular is stunning. Thank you for sharing them.

  7. Another great walk ilonaπŸ’πŸŒΉ❤ I think the fog adds abit of beauty meanqueen
    Best wishes Levi xx -'ps have a great weekend

  8. The top picture of the tree, fog & reflection is amazing. You have a great eye. I would love to have a print of it for my home.


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