Thursday, 16 December 2021


I found one of them covid testing kit thingys on a grass verge near a bus stop, a couple of days ago. No idea how it got there, did somebody chuck it or had it fallen out of someone's pocket or bag. Strange thing to find. The box had been opened, and was soggy wet as it has been raining here on and off. I removed the instruction leaflet and tossed the rest in a litter bin. I was curious to know how it works. 

The booklet had several pages. Crikey, it looked complicated. I am not normally one for reading instructions. If I buy anything new I get it out of the box and play around with it, twiddle with a few things and hopefully it will do what it is supposed to do. 

I can't see me coping with one of these kits. It looks like a right palaver with all the bits and pieces involved. I think I will pass on that one. 

This new wave of fear which is spreading like wildfire is getting me down a bit. Is there no end to it? Daft thing to say, I can answer my own question there. No there isn't. I will just shut my eyes and ears and get on with my life. 

I will just add here, that the lies coming out from the Government and Main Stream Media show no signs of slowing down. In fact they are ramping them up. I now don't believe anything they say. Thankfully I am not alone and there are others who are waking up. This Government should be taken down. I only hope that I am alive when they are prosecuted for crimes against humanity. 

Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. It really isn't that complicated at all. Dead easy, in fact.

  2. I hate to say this, but this is the last time I'll visit your blog. You have fallen victim to nutty conspiracy theories and seem very willing to spread them. I find it it perplexing to say the least.


    1. You are entitled to your opinion, I am entitled to mine. Goodbye.

    2. I'm with you ilona
      Look at the party the government had last Christmas when we we're in full lockdown one rule 4 them and another rule for us..

      Good wishes Levi xx

    3. In short, I was appalled, disgusted and horrified by the MPs votes on Tuesday with the restrictions and rules applied - my MP voted for all of them so he won't be getting my vote again. Amanda

    4. Amanda, I emailed my MP. Got nowhere. He voted for it. A big let down.

    5. Mary, you would do well to look further than the nose on your face.

  3. I regularly do the lateral flow tests, they are straight forward and simple to do.
    Blow your nose, stick the cotton bud like thing up your nose, round and round, then in other nostril. Pop it into the liquid,swirl it, put a few drops of the liquid on the tester, wait, get the result.

    I can understand why you wouldn't need to do them as you are able to stay away from crowds and enclosed spaces. I dont believe you are doing anything to put yourself or others at risk.

    From my point of view, I go to work and mix with a number of people. I also have parents and in laws in their late 80s that I care for. It gives me peace of mind to know I'm not taking the virus into their homes.

    We have had three cases at work this week, plus a lot of positive tests on family members of colleagues, thankfully all mild symptoms so far.

    1. How do you know you are not taking a virus into their homes? The tests are known to be flawed, they are not conclusive. Would you be willing to do one every hour, every day, forever? Jabbed people can still catch it and transmit it. I am as much at risk from catching something from you, as you are from me.

    2. No 100% certainty
      but doing one before I visit to me is the right thing to do, I am jabbed and boosted so I could have it.

      We use them at work, I'm really not making this up when I say every positive LFT has returned a positive PCR result.

      That gives me some degree of reliability.

  4. My MRI Scan has been cancelled because the hospital is busy with Covid patients. It will be rebooked again in January, but who knows on what date. On the news 96% of pregnant women in hospital with Covid have not been vaccinated. I cannot have a MRI scan on my pancreas. Pancreatic cancer is very often lethal. I hope that the problem I have with my pancreas is not cancer. I do understand the saying "Lies, damm lies and statistics. Gillian

    1. Have you heard the news that there has been a significant increase in still births and death soon after birth, among women in Scotland who have been jabbed?

      I am sorry that your MRI scan has been cancelled.

    2. Where is the evidence for the supposed significant increase in stillbirths and neonatal deaths? I can’t find that anywhere. I much prefer evidence-based facts to ‘have you heard’ comments.
      All stillbirths and neonatal deaths in this country are fully investigated and so I would expect this would come out if it was the case.

    3. Fiona. Learn how to use your search engine. Put in, 'stillbirths in vaccinated women'. Search for an hour pulling up several pages from different sources. Then draw your own conclusions. I am not here to do your work for you.
      Here's one to get you started.

  5. Maybe you should ask someone who is on the frontline and has no reason to lie. My daughter’s a RN who honestly was not wanting the vaccine but last summer she had to as her hospital mandated it . She did have some side effects short term. She was working home care. The past two months she took a travel nurse job working on a Covid Minnesota one of the worst states now. They had to set up 4new units and she works with a 170 travel nurses just to cover the need. She cries often as she states it’s so sad and most are the unvaccinated ( statistics also say this). But this is her personal truth. She and I aren’t lying. This has totally changed her mind.

    1. How do you know your daughters side effects are short term? There is no data available which indicates long term side effects.

      I dispute your statistics of 'most are unvaccinated' There are many more vaxxed being struck down with it.

      I have been researching this for two years. I have been down every rabbit hole there is. I have spent hours every day on the computer. Front line people are reluctant to speak out because they would lose their job. But things are getting better. Medical staff are now realising that their first priority should be with their patients and telling the truth. First do no harm. You may get the picture about what is happening in your daughters hospital, but this is only a sliver of information compared to the bigger picture.

    2. Shows the soundness of your "research" when you can't even understand how the testing kit works!!

    3. Yes my daughter’s side effects may not be gone, but after what she’s been working with she’ll still take that. but wouldn’t it be weird that just that hospital unit she’s at would have majority of unvaccinated patients, it must just be a fluke. COVID sucks, not any of this is good but all I can say to the naysayers is my daughter walks onto that 50 bed unit (of 4) and works with a f….. miserable respirator on for twelve hour shifts overnight watching her patients struggling to breathe while the staff struggles with masks, cannula, nebs…., meds etc. trying to keep them alive and then on the bad nights her people crash and get pulled up to ICU and put on a vent. That is reality.

    4. Hello JRE, if you don't mind, can I ask why your daughter did not initially want the vaccine? as do a lot of staff in UK hospitals they don't want the vaccine, just wondering why that is, yet the rest of us are told / asked to have it? Jo

  6. I would just like to make this comment, as pointed out elsewhere on other sites there is an enormous difference between what people have died 'with' and 'from' the virus. This crucial and specific wording has been not muddled by the UK Health Minister and BOJO. In essence, if a person has died 'with' the virus e.g. an accident, murder, etc their death should not be be registered as dying with the virus but many have been; if the death was 'from' the virus of course it should be registered as such.
    I do not wish to get into any debates about this but I do want to highlight the crucial difference. Amanda

    1. The truth can so easily be fudged by those who wish to manipulate it.

    2. Amanda, I couldn't agree more. If I died, say in the next ten minutes, for sake of argument being struck down by a stroke, if they found I was also an (asymptomatic) Covid carrier, what do you know: I'd make it into the statistic of Covid death rates rather than mentioning the actual beeping stroke that struck me down.

      I am so incensed about it all I need to find some release valve lest I explode.


  7. I'll pass too, on all of it - Covid tests, jabs and boosters, "passports", party politics, government, the lot.
    All the furore about the Christmas parties was timed to be released to divert attention from the rest of what they were doing, eg the Police Crime Sentencing and Courts Bill 2021 - any media worth its salt would have/should be all over that, but not a peep. There is worse to come I fear. When BJ goes, who will replace him? Scary stuff. Keep on keeping on Ilona :)

    1. It doesn't matter who will replace Boris when he goes. They are all singing from the same song sheet where the Great Reset is concerned.

      The Online Harms Bill is going through Parliament at the moment. Our freedoms to say exactly what we think will be curbed even further. All to scare us into submission. People aren't picking up on this because they think it is part of the conspiracy theory, and it isn't in the main stream news. People are going to get a shock.

  8. Please do not be scared of lateral flow tests or worried about doing them, it's straightforward, the instructions are illustrated step-by-step, and are easy to follow, and after doing one or two times you don't even have to refer to the leaflet any more. Meeting up with family this weekend and we've all done the tests and we're all double/triple jabbed depending on our ages.....not much more we can do. It's not a matter of being controlled, it's for keeping our loved ones young and old safe from this sodding virus as best we can

    1. See below my comments about scared/frightened. They won't control a sodding virus, it is always going to be there. Old and vulnerable people with other ailments need to be protected. Most healthy people have an immune system which they have built up from birth.

    2. Like any vaccine you have had in your lifetime, as I assume you are covered against Polio, Diptheria, Smallpox and Tetanus, this vaccine is to prevent you getting a fatal infection/to mitigate the effect of catching it. The human immune system has never met anything like this before and simply cannot fight it as it doesn't know how. Hence the infection rates and deaths worldwide when it first struck. I truly hope you don't get it as I don't think Covid is playing the game by the rules you expect it to.

      The testing kits are straightforward, if you actually read the instructions properly. We will all check for possible infection before we meet together as a family this Christmas. My husband and I and eldest daughter have had boosters and with any luck the other two will very soon as they live and work in busy cities. We will have done all we can to stay safe and live normal lives. We haven't had to try and avoid people or situations, as you have had to do.

    3. The previous vacc1nes were true vacc1nes. They did not have mrna technology. The kits are fiddly but doable for most people. The leaflets make them seem more complicated than they are.
      Testing oneself frequently when one has zero symptoms is overkill in my opinion. These respiratory viruses spread through spray and mucus from coughing and sneezing. If I have a scratchy throat etc. I will wait before meeting people until I see how it develops. If it develops further and I need to go somewhere I will use the antigen test - the one Ilona found. I will not queue for hours for a PCR. They are the ones that are giving false positives. So far I have never had to take any of these measures. Common sense is what we need more of + a healthy dose of scepticism for the prevailing ideology.

  9. You say the new wave of fear......I think you are the one that's frightened, maybe because you haven't had any jabs, I think I would be scared then too. As for the complicated kits, school children are using these twice a week and don't seem to find them complicated at all. I think you are making more of this than you need.

    1. Just to be clear.
      I am not frightened of covid.
      I am not frightened of masks.
      I am not frightened of testing.
      I am not frightened of jabbing. They are not vaccines by the way.

      What I am frightened of is what is coming next.
      A passport to be able to move about freely.
      A passport to be able to buy food.
      A passport to leave my home.
      A passport to meet my friends.
      A passport to go out after dark.
      A passport to use public transport.
      A passport to control my own bank account.
      A passport to decide what I spend my money on.
      A passport to decide how much money I am allowed to spend.

      These fears won't all happen in my lifetime, but I fear for the children who will have to deal with all this.

    2. Absolutely Ilona. I'm far more worried about the repression and control that is fueling the current world agenda.
      But I will say this. Both sides are entrenched, nothing anybody says now will change minds. I'm just getting on
      With my life and ignoring media nonsense.
      It's the only way to remain sane and vaguely civil in a evaded world.
      Best wishes

  10. The lateral flow tests are simple and quick to use, I think it suits your narrative to say they are complicated. I use one every week before I take my daughter for chemo. It’s a useful tool to reassure her, me, other cancer patients and hospital staff.
    Pity some people are unable to use a rubbish bin.

  11. Yes, there seems to be no end indeed. Terrible. Same here in Norway. We have 1200 covid-related deaths in 2 years, but almost 4000 severe reactions and 150 deaths -and just a fraction of the real numbers reported- to the jab in 11 months or so. Yet, people all mask up again, beg for the booster and even more meassures against the un'vaccinated'. I can not believe it.
    Just like you I try to live my own life, do not comply and probably will take my children from school after the holiday. The masses are never right. Never.
    x Gerlinde

  12. Everyone has to weigh up their own risks vs benefits. As a 40 something year old with no underlying health conditions and a healthy BMI, my chance of catching and dying of covid is 0.0001% (QCovid Risk Calculator). Based on MHRA yellow card data (and yes, I know there’s arguments about the accuracy but that’s the only data source I know of), the possibility of an adverse reaction is somewhere between 0.2-0.9% and possibility of dying 0.001% - ten times higher than my chance of dying from Covid. Now if we took smallpox, my chance of dying from catching it would be about 30% and the chance of dying from the vaccine 1%. With odds like that, no-one would need to talk about mandates or passports. So what do I think we should do? Be grateful that we have a vaccine which people are able to make a personal decision on whether to take and which significantly reduces the chance of serious illness and death for the vulnerable and high risk. Be grateful that the virus poses very little threat to the young and healthy. Rather than trying to out vaccinate a respiratory virus, turn a whole country against one another in the process, and elbow our way into other people's business under the pretext of 'the greater good'.

    Personally, I don't mind taking lateral flows if need be it's relatively easy to do. If it means that ultimately my choice about the vaccine remains my own I am ok with doing that.

  13. Ilona this is your blog and you are free to say what you want so if people don't like it they can sod off. People's rights and freedoms are being removed they just cannot see what is happening or accept the truth about what is going on in this country. Please keep on bringing the truth to the table l have got your back �� xxx

  14. This government is stirring up fear, aided by the media. On the other side of the coin, various "anti-vax" narratives are stirring up fear, albeit fear of different things.

    It's all talk of what "might" happen. I don't think it's good to be dwelling on "what might happen". It is a sad thing when people live in fear.

    Life is too short to spend time being afraid of what may never happen.

    I ignore the lot of it, do what I think is right and enjoy my time in the real world, meeting my friends, taking part in seasonal events that I love and spending time with my family.

    I hope you all get to do the same and have a peaceful, happy and healthy festive season.

  15. Ilona you most definatley have a good point to make about the future and passports for everything and control over us and more control.this is just the start I hate to think what is to come.people can say what they like but it will all happen gradually and before you know it we will be right under the thumb for everx

  16. Ignore the haters. One thing's for sure, we won't be able to save everyone. Don't be disheartened, there are countless people throughout the world doing what we are doing. More people are waking up all the time. The opposition are not invincible, remember these regimes always fail in the end.


    A Brentnall Legal client today lodged Judicial Review proceedings in the High Court in Belfast against the Department of Health in respect of their policy regarding the vaccine Certification Scheme.

  18. A US federal appeals court panel has ruled President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate for larger private employers can take effect. Republican-led states and conservative groups are challenging the rule, which would apply to companies with at least 100 employees and affect some 84 million workers across the US.

  19. Modelling used to justify Sajid Javid’s claim that there were 200,000 omicron infections a day has been abandoned by health officials, who say it is "no longer valid" because of behavioural changes. It comes after a poll suggested that the public are tiring of restrictions. A YouGov survey for The Times newspaper found that a majority of people would not back pubs, restaurants or non-essential shops being shut or bans on meeting people from other households.

  20. Many people are struggling to reach their GPs via phone, never mind face-to-face. Ill people remain undiagnosed.

    This obsession with Covid means people with other serious illnesses are being neglected. The NHS backlog is growing as a result of protecting the NHS from Covid.

    My Dad was diagnosed over the phone as having back pain. It was actually terminal cancer.

    We will never get our community doctors back they can’t cope and find it easier behind a fire wall…we have a super surgery locked away now can’t even ring reception desk directed to 111

    My sister in law tried for days to get a doc app not even a telephone app. Felt generally unwell sleeping more, a few unusual symptoms. Finally got to see a nurse who had to run for a doc as thought SIL had had a stroke. Sent to hospital yes it was a stroke. This was yesterday

    Waited 6.5 hours for a GP call back via 111, got a call back from a clinician instead. Told a GP would call in another 6 hours, it's been 7 and still nothing.

    The first GP appt offered to me was 3 wks away & was a phone appt. I worry for all the elderly who are no doubt sitting at home 'putting up with it' not wanting to bother the GP as they are being told not to. It should never just be about one illness but that's where we are.

    Awful story this week of an elderly Lady in Cornwall who fell in a car park and lay there for four hours while she waited for an ambulance the car park was next to a doctor surgery who refused to get involved.

    Had personal experience of that this week. Never been so angry and frustrated. Receptionist told me we are in the ln middle of a pandemic so its justified.

    A few weeks ago my wife was offered 6 months worth of some of her medication. It has to be stored in a fridge so she can't. I think GP's knew this was coming and are clearing any other work.

  21. Right, I am wrapping this up now. Thank you to those who contributed to the discussion. Some didn't get published. I don't have time to add to the hours I already put into this topic.

    If you don't agree with me fine, you are entitled to your opinion. If you feel so strongly you could always start your own blog. All I ask is open your eyes, but don't wake up one day and say, how did that happen, I didn't see that coming.

    There is plenty of information out there, it's up to each and every one of you to educate yourself. If you have already made up your mind about which group you stand with, the majority or the minority, then it is you who will have to face the consequences of your decision. You can't blame anyone else.

  22. Another “conspiracy theory” has been proved to be correct with the possibility that a microchip with details of a vaccination certificate can be placed under the skin. A company from Sweden called Epicenter “The House of Digital Innovations” is to showcase a new subdermal implant for COVID-19 vaccination certificates. The Chief Distribution Officer of Epicenter, Hannes Sjoblad said on Wednesday “Implants are very versatile technology that can be used for many different things, and right now it is very convenient to have COVID passport always accessible on your implant.” According to Sjoblad, “this is handy in case your phone runs out of battery, it’s always accessible to you. So of course, that’s how we use this technology today, next year we are going to use it for something else,”

  23. Hi iona, just a quick comment, as far as I can see, most people are tired of the restrictions and sick of being told what to do. Omicron is a mild form of covid, one which hopefully will soon become the dominant strain, according to the doctors and scientists in South Africa where they've had more time to study it. They are celebrating the fact that it's so mild. As usual our government is ramping up the fear factor with no justification. I'm in my 60's, my husband will be 70 next year and neither of us has spent one single day in fear of covid - we could have hidden away and missed out on two years of our lives but there's no way we we're going to do that. Omicron hopefully will be the end of all this crap and be no more serious than the common cold. I have nothing against those who want the 'vaccines' or those who want to stay indoors, but I do feel dreadfully sorry for them.
    (Liz from Wales)

    1. Well said, Liz. And thanks to Ilona for her courage in airing this topic.

  24. Thank you, Ilona, for allowing spare on your blog for this debate, and also for the work you do on your research page. Also, the comments by Karen and Beyond the Matrix are very sensible. Living in fear is worse than anything. Actually living in fear and needing to have a passport to go about our daily business is worse.

    Amanda, Sussex

    1. Amanda, those who are with the majority group have plenty of other places they can go to swap stories on how many jabs they have had. This blog is for those who are in the minority group and feel that no one is listening to them.

  25. Mayor of London Sadiq Khan has declared a “major incident” in the capital due to the rapid spread of the Omicron variant.

    Here we go, ramp up the fear.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. I removed my last comment as I didn't explain it very well.

      I dont believe the situation in London is scaremongering.
      The new strain spreads very quickly and more easily, so front line workers that includes doctors, nurses, police, shopworkers, transport workers are all catching it and even if it is mild have to isolate.
      Hospitals will have more inpatients with less staff.

      The majority of the vulnerable people (the over 40s) have been vaccinated with AstraZeneca, which isn't protecting against the new strain, hence the big rush to get the boosters done.

  26. It's hard not to want to have a big rant about how far removed most people are from reality. Governments do not have our best interests at heart. That started long before COVID-19 appeared on the scene. Massive numbers of people die needlessly each year, and the government takes insufficient action. You only need to Google something like, "fuel poverty excess winter deaths", to see the truth. The Office for National Statistics reports such data to Parliament, so no MP has any excuse for not being aware.
    Like you ilona, I'm not frightened of anything to do with COVID-19. I'm aware of it, and I've taken what action I feel I personally need to. That means I don't even think about it most of the time. It is what it is.
    Please don't ever give up on account of the naysayers.

  27. Hi, this has been interesting to read, i have been vaccinated and boosted but its my choice, i think everyone should have this choice and not made as its not 100% safe, thank goodness i dont have little ones or being pregnant to have to consider what to do for my children, they are grown and made their own choice. Im stuck at home, i think every day i have checked worldometer for the death rates, as it gives me an indication of how bad it is at any given time, normally around the 7k deaths daily around the world. I am fed up now of working from home, but also thankful i can, family are working out of the home, but so far we have been lucky not to get it. Life seems to have been put on hold, and i seem more down this time as there seems to no end to it all. Thank you for the conversation and the strong views as its means i get to hear other views other than the news.

  28. Hi Ilona, I don’t engage in debates, as I feel everyone has their own choices to make. It’s up to us to take care of ourselves as WE see fit. But in a discussion with hubby we were discussing people being mandated and forced into vaccinations. I work in healthcare and it was “strongly suggested “ we have the vaccine as it has been “strongly suggested “ we take the flu vaccine for many years.
    Vaccines are not “cures”. This is a virus, like flu, will be here for years to come. It will mutate and variants will change and we will be vaxxed every year.
    I am sure when polio and smallpox vaccines came about many folks said HEY I DON’T want that! But no news media was there to hype the issue 24/7. This is nothing new… we are just constantly hit with the news.
    The BIGGEST issue is one should not be FORCED to do anything by the government. Businesses that use government funds to operate will yes follow what the government says. As a child doing their chores says thank you mom and dad and takes the payout. Which we are seeing all the mandates being called off as the courts try and figure it out.
    The BIGGEST battle in this fight is FREEDOM.
    Yes I took my flu shot and I got vaccinated because my employer a hospital “mom and dad lol” did “highly suggest it”.
    I have seen up close what COVID can do to elderly and young men and women otherwise thought to be healthy, they die.
    Yes our family has been vaccinated, but we are very much behind those who choose not to be. We are in the midst of active cases daily. Not to say we will not get it because of the vaccine, but hoping the illness will not take as heavy a toll on our bodies.

    We also feel it’s important for people to be tested for antibodies. You should not be giving vaccines to someone who has antibodies. We have family and friends who did not want the vaccine got tested and they had antibodies!!!! No need for a vaccine. They will be tested periodically to make sure their antibodies are still high.

    And let’s not forget media gets paid by “mom and dad too”

    FREEDOM is very important. It is more a battle of freedom. This is a pandemic we shall be dealing with for many years to come.
    Thanks for your always educated and informative blog.

    So just some thoughts from a country girl living and working in healthcare in the US.


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