Monday, 13 December 2021

Katie speaks

Yesterday was a sunny morning. I went to Central Park to meet up with the gang. There they are, over there by the fountain, which looks a sorry sight as it has been drained of water. A dozen or so of us enjoyed a natter, and some delicious home made cup cakes. They meet every Sunday morning at 10am. Just a small bunch of people from the minority group. I go occasionally if I have time. Mostly I am busy doing something else.  
Easy to find them, look for the yellow flag. A Stand in the Park
After an hour I walked a circuit of the whole park, it is pretty big. There were plenty of dog walkers, children playing on the swings and slides in the playground, youths playing footie on the pitches, kids kicking a ball about, and elderly people enjoying a stroll in the sunshine.  Just how a park should be on a Sunday morning. 
This tree is heavily laden with bright red berries. It really stands out next to all those which have lost their leaves. 
Can you see me mother, I am holding the line. 
On the way home I called in the Ford Dealer to see if they had some kind of plastic shield to put over my windows when I am car camping. If I crack a window open the rain gets in, a shield would stop me getting wet when lying in my bed. 
The salesman came out when he saw me mooching about. I like to see what stock they have in out of curiosity. I asked him about the shield. He said no they don't try Halfords. When I told him why I needed one his ears pricked up when I mentioned car camping. He said I have just the car for you. I followed him across the yard. 
Oh WOW, he had a very swish looking Mondeo. Almost the same colour as my Focus, almost the same age, with 5000 fewer miles on the clock. Mine is low mileage anyway. He got the keys so I could look inside. There is more room in a Mondeo than a Focus. 
We vaguely discussed money, what he was offering for mine was very fair I thought, but they make these promises to reel you in. His eyes lit up when I said I only buy with cash, and I could afford it. 
Now here's the down side. The car has a 2 litre diesel engine. These are best used for high mileage and motorway driving, and I don't do a lot of mileage. I have just spoken to the garage man who looks after my car to get his opinion. He said I would be better sticking with my petrol Focus. Diesels need to do motorway miles, and most of the time I try and keep off motorways. We don't have many in North Lincolnshire. 
I was pleased to get his advice. The car I have is suitable for what I do, the types of journeys I make. No point in going for bigger and flashier. 
This post is supported by Katie. Have a listen. 
It's a bit dull outside. I have a dog walk to do this afternoon. Thanks for popping in. 
Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Hello Ilona,
    A dear friend of mine who's also a member of the "minority group" sent me Katie's message just a couple of days ago. So, you see the message is spreading rapidly.....(like the virus(?)), which I think is great and important :>)

    1. Katie was seen as a loudmouth gobby person when she first came on the scene. Basically she says what she thinks and that didn't go down well with a lot of people. She has mellowed a lot since then, and now is seen as a voice of reason with her common sense views.

  2. I bought wind deflectors online and they let us crack the windows open an inch. There's a You Tube video that shows how to fit them.
    Our car is a Citroen C4 so not very big but plenty big enough for Tony and I to car camp.

    1. Thanks for that. I have watched the video. Not impressed with the level of service after fitting. They don't come back and answer all questions. Some customers have experience problems with them falling out afterwards. Mick's do not address that problem in the comments.

    2. We've had no bother with ours and Tony drives like a bat out of hell.

  3. I've never heard anyone say that diesels need to do motorway miles before - how odd. We have diesels forever and never go on a motorway

    1. I always used to have diesels which was fine at the time because I did do a lot of miles, many on motorways. When I looked for a new car I had to downsize to something smaller and more affordable, I went for a Meriva. I was reluctant to get it because it was petrol. The salesman pointed out to me that as I wasn't doing the miles a petrol engine would be better. Other people have told me the same thing. Diesel engines get clogged up with gunge and need a good blow through now and again.

      The speed limit on single carriageway roads is 60mph, on dual carriage ways is 70mph. Driving up to these limits would be sufficient to give it a blow through.

  4. It's the only thing I've ever agreed with Katie Hopkins on. But she's absolutely right. Looks a beautiful day for a Stand in the Park. I might start one in my town too.

    1. I don't know how you would go about that. You could visit one and ask a few questions. It only takes a few people to get it started.

  5. Replies
    1. Some of her earlier opinions were a bit abrasive, but since her speaking engagements in the USA she has gained a lot of followers.

  6. I wont comment on Katie or covid. We wont change each others minds.

    Also agree with you on diesel engines need to go on motorways. Been advised this many times from different mechanics.

    I noticed the Leicester car camper on YouTube has got some curtains on the inside of his windows. Would it be something you could make? Curtain wire, through the various hooks and handles around the car inside, with a curtain skirt?

    1. You can always ignore the bits of my blog that you don't like.

      I made a curtain to go across the car behind the front seats. All the back windows have privacy glass in them. Can't see through it unless you put your nose up close to it. I might make some curtains one day.

    2. I think that's a good compromise, I wouldn't fall out with anyone over their choices, that's up to them. However I love your photos and travel and your love of animals. Things that interest me.

      I thought about your travels last night watching The Misadventures of Romesh Ranganathan. He was travelling the Scottish isles. Chatting to the locals. On and off the various ferries to get there.

  7. Here in the Pacific NW & California, diesel engines are going out, since it is hard to meet EPA (emission standards) rules with them. They tend to foul up the platinum catalytic system, which are NOT CHEAP to replace!!

    1. That was another reason why I decided not to get the car. Diesel has been seen as a dirty fuel for a long time.

  8. I am testing my commenting. 😊 I had told you on YouTube I was unable to comment on your blog from my iPad. My husband did some research and I changed some settings. So let’s see if it works 😊😊

    1. Receiving loud and clear. Hubby is a clever chappie.


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