Monday, 27 December 2021

Naughty girl

Good morning. This is what I came down to this morning. I drape a fleecy cover over the sofa to try and keep it clean and free of cat hairs. This does not suit Mayze and I have to constantly re arrange it and tuck it over the top of the cushions. Now look what she has done. Determined to make a nest. Naughty girl, but she is a sweetheart. 
Oscar is generally out all night, he has shelters in the garden and can get into the summer house. If it is freezing cold or raining, he will stay inside, but it's up to him what he wants to do. He is always waiting to come in for breakfast. This is his favourite chair, or he has a bed upstairs in the spare room. 

Breakfast is served outside the backdoor if the weather is dry, or inside if it is wet. On the menu is Whiskas, Felix, Sheba, and Felix As Good As It Looks. Sometimes I get the posh Aldi version. All in pouches. There is also a selection of dry nibbles available throughout the day on a grazing tray. Whiskas, Purina One, or IAMS. The treats are an occasional tin of tuna fish, or half a slice of cooked ham. 
After that they go out and play. They come mooching back about lunchtime, looking for some more food. Sometimes I give them half a pouch if I am around, or they can nibble from the dry bowls. The evening meal is served anytime between 5 and 7, depending on what I am doing. 
Mayze doesn't like the fact that she was here first and Oscar is a latecomer. She hisses and grumbles when he is around. Oscar is a little bit shy but knows that I don't stand for any of that nonsense and I make sure he can walk around freely where ever he likes. I am a slave to my cats. 
It's a bit miserable today but not as bad as it has been. I have a Billy walk this afternoon, then a coffee chat with my friend. 
We'll catch up soon. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. I always love to hear about mayze and oscar.they have a great life with you and a wonderfull menu you provide for them.i have Rodney and Suzie sister and brother I got to be honest I do spoil them lolx

    1. That's what we do, Jo, and look at all the love we get back from them in return.

  2. That's a five star cat hotel you're running there Ilona. ๐Ÿ˜‚

    1. I know, and it's costing me a fortune, ha ha.

  3. Sorry Ilona to go off topic, I see that Chris Whitty is being awarded a knighthood - what a disgrace.
    I haven't agreed with the awards system since the 'twirly celebrities' received the gongs; the honours should go to military, voluntary charity workers, and people who do heroic acts etc. Amanda

    1. That's ok. Now I am not updating the Research page I expect a bit of 'off topic' to find it's way here.

      Don't worry about Twitty. He will get his comeuppance. He is named in this document.

    2. True Amanda
      But I'm glad SIR Ken Dodd GOT knighted and DAME Patricia Routedge received her damehood both the same day infact
      They have given the public fun and laughter๐Ÿ˜Š people like that i don't mind ,๐ŸŒŸ✨๐Ÿ‘‘❤❤

      All the very Best for the New year -
      Levi xxx

  4. Very sweet girl-cat,the most important - she is happy,greetings

  5. Sounds like my girl Amy, I give her a lovely comfy chair with cosy bedding. Oh no dont want that. She prefers the window sill so when it gets light she can view the neighbourhood cats roaming around. Ben the older male cat just is a cool cat, loves his Whiskas, and adores his sleepy times. Amy and Benny love each other sometimes, but if food is on offer they do have a disagreement and fur flies. Lovely post Ilona, we both love our fur babies. Christmas is over, my husband is in hospital, and they are my sole company at present. Love to you and your sweet fur babies. Liz, Amy and Benny.xxxx

  6. Oh to live the life of your cats. lol They seem to have it made. Of course our 2 kitties don’t have it too bad either. They have the run of our 2 acre yard, we make sure both are in at night. They stay in the mud room that is insulated, heated and they also have a heated house as well. Seems our cats run the households lol

    1. I don't think we've got much choice, Tammy. We either go along with pampering them, or they bugger off somewhere else.


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